*/ class PreloadConfigAdapter extends BaseObject implements IConfigAdapter { private $config_loaded = false; public function __construct() { $this->load(); } public function load($family = 'config') { if ($this->config_loaded) { return; } $a = self::getApp(); $configs = dba::select('config', ['cat', 'v', 'k']); while ($config = dba::fetch($configs)) { $cat = $config['cat']; $k = $config['k']; $value = (preg_match("|^a:[0-9]+:{.*}$|s", $config['v']) ? unserialize($config['v']) : $config['v']); if ($cat === 'config') { $a->config[$k] = $value; } else { $a->config[$cat][$k] = $value; } } dba::close($configs); $this->config_loaded = true; } public function get($cat, $k, $default_value = null, $refresh = false) { $a = self::getApp(); $return = $default_value; if ($cat === 'config') { if (isset($a->config[$k])) { $return = $a->config[$k]; } } else { if (isset($a->config[$cat][$k])) { $return = $a->config[$cat][$k]; } } return $return; } public function set($cat, $k, $value) { $a = self::getApp(); // We store our setting values as strings. // So we have to do the conversion here so that the compare below works. // The exception are array values. $compare_value = !is_array($value) ? (string)$value : $value; if ($this->get($cat, $k) === $compare_value) { return true; } if ($cat === 'config') { $a->config[$k] = $value; } else { $a->config[$cat][$k] = $value; } // manage array value $dbvalue = is_array($value) ? serialize($value) : $value; $result = dba::update('config', ['v' => $dbvalue], ['cat' => $cat, 'k' => $k], true); if (!$result) { throw new Exception('Unable to store config value in [' . $cat . '][' . $k . ']'); } return true; } public function delete($cat, $k) { $a = self::getApp(); if ($cat === 'config') { if (isset($a->config[$k])) { unset($a->config[$k]); } } else { if (isset($a->config[$cat][$k])) { unset($a->config[$cat][$k]); } } $result = dba::delete('config', ['cat' => $cat, 'k' => $k]); return $result; } }