config = $config; $path = $this->config->get('storage', 'filesystem_path', self::DEFAULT_BASE_FOLDER); $this->basePath = rtrim($path, '/'); } /** * @brief Split data ref and return file path * * @param string $reference Data reference * * @return string */ private function pathForRef(string $reference) { $fold1 = substr($reference, 0, 2); $fold2 = substr($reference, 2, 2); $file = substr($reference, 4); return implode('/', [$this->basePath, $fold1, $fold2, $file]); } /** * @brief Create dirctory tree to store file, with .htaccess and index.html files * * @param string $file Path and filename * * @throws StorageException */ private function createFoldersForFile(string $file) { $path = dirname($file); if (!is_dir($path)) { if (!mkdir($path, 0770, true)) { $this->logger->warning('Failed to create dir.', ['path' => $path]); throw new StorageException($this->l10n->t('Filesystem storage failed to create "%s". Check you write permissions.', $path)); } } while ($path !== $this->basePath) { if (!is_file($path . '/index.html')) { file_put_contents($path . '/index.html', ''); } chmod($path . '/index.html', 0660); chmod($path, 0770); $path = dirname($path); } if (!is_file($path . '/index.html')) { file_put_contents($path . '/index.html', ''); chmod($path . '/index.html', 0660); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function get(string $reference) { $file = $this->pathForRef($reference); if (!is_file($file)) { return ''; } return file_get_contents($file); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function put(string $data, string $reference = '') { if ($reference === '') { $reference = Strings::getRandomHex(); } $file = $this->pathForRef($reference); $this->createFoldersForFile($file); if (!file_put_contents($file, $data)) { $this->logger->warning('Failed to write data.', ['file' => $file]); throw new StorageException($this->l10n->t('Filesystem storage failed to save data to "%s". Check your write permissions', $file)); } chmod($file, 0660); return $reference; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function delete(string $reference) { $file = $this->pathForRef($reference); // return true if file doesn't exists. we want to delete it: success with zero work! if (!is_file($file)) { return true; } return unlink($file); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getOptions() { return [ 'storagepath' => [ 'input', $this->l10n->t('Storage base path'), $this->basePath, $this->l10n->t('Folder where uploaded files are saved. For maximum security, This should be a path outside web server folder tree') ] ]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function saveOptions(array $data) { $storagePath = $data['storagepath'] ?? ''; if ($storagePath === '' || !is_dir($storagePath)) { return [ 'storagepath' => $this->l10n->t('Enter a valid existing folder') ]; }; $this->config->set('storage', 'filesystem_path', $storagePath); $this->basePath = $storagePath; return []; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public static function getName() { return self::NAME; } }