get_baseurl(), strpos($a->get_baseurl(),'://') + 3); $padded_data = pkcs5_pad($msg,16); $inner_encrypted = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $inner_aes_key, $padded_data, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $inner_iv); $b64_data = base64_encode($inner_encrypted); $b64url_data = base64url_encode($b64_data); $b64url_stripped = str_replace(array("\n","\r"," ","\t"),array('','','',''),$b64url_data); $lines = str_split($b64url_stripped,60); $data = implode("\n",$lines); $data = $data . (($data[-1] != "\n") ? "\n" : '') ; $type = 'application/atom+xml'; $encoding = 'base64url'; $alg = 'RSA-SHA256'; $signable_data = $data . '.' . base64url_encode($type) . "\n" . '.' . base64url_encode($encoding) . "\n" . '.' . base64url_encode($alg) . "\n"; $signature = rsa_sign($signable_data,$prvkey); $sig = base64url_encode($signature); $decrypted_header = <<< EOT $b_inner_iv $b_inner_aes_key {$contact['name']} $handle EOT; $decrypted_header = pkcs5_pad($decrypted_header,16); $ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $outer_aes_key, $decrypted_header, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $outer_iv); $outer_json = json_encode(array('iv' => $b_outer_iv,'key' => $b_outer_aes_key)); $encrypted_outer_key_bundle = ''; openssl_public_encrypt($outer_json,$encrypted_outer_key_bundle,$pubkey); $b64_encrypted_outer_key_bundle = base64_encode($encrypted_outer_key_bundle); $encrypted_header_json_object = json_encode(array('aes_key' => base64_encode($encrypted_outer_key_bundle), 'ciphertext' => base64_encode($ciphertext))); $encrypted_header = '' . base64_encode($encrypted_header_json_object) . ''; $magic_env = <<< EOT $encrypted_header base64url RSA-SHA256 $data $sig EOT; return $magic_env; } function diaspora_decode($importer,$xml) { $basedom = parse_xml_string($xml); $atom = $basedom->children(NAMESPACE_ATOM1); $encrypted_header = json_decode(base64_decode($atom->encrypted_header)); $encrypted_aes_key_bundle = base64_decode($encrypted_header->aes_key); $ciphertext = base64_decode($encrypted_header->ciphertext); $outer_key_bundle = ''; openssl_private_decrypt($encrypted_aes_key_bundle,$outer_key_bundle,$importer['prvkey']); $j_outer_key_bundle = json_decode($outer_key_bundle); $outer_iv = base64_decode($j_outer_key_bundle->iv); $outer_key = base64_decode($j_outer_key_bundle->key); $decrypted = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $outer_key, $ciphertext, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $outer_iv); $decrypted = pkcs5_unpad($decrypted); /** * $decrypted now contains something like * * * 8e+G2+ET8l5BPuW0sVTnQw== * UvSMb4puPeB14STkcDWq+4QE302Edu15oaprAQSkLKU= * * Ryan Hughes * * * */ $idom = parse_xml_string($decrypted,false); $inner_iv = base64_decode($idom->iv); $inner_aes_key = base64_decode($idom->aes_key); $author_link = str_replace('acct:','',$idom->author->uri); $dom = $basedom->children(NAMESPACE_SALMON_ME); // figure out where in the DOM tree our data is hiding if($dom->provenance->data) $base = $dom->provenance; elseif($dom->env->data) $base = $dom->env; elseif($dom->data) $base = $dom; if(! $base) { logger('mod-diaspora: unable to locate salmon data in xml '); dt_return(400); } // Stash the signature away for now. We have to find their key or it won't be good for anything. $signature = base64url_decode($base->sig); // unpack the data // strip whitespace so our data element will return to one big base64 blob $data = str_replace(array(" ","\t","\r","\n"),array("","","",""),$base->data); // Add back the 60 char linefeeds $lines = str_split($data,60); $data = implode("\n",$lines); // stash away some other stuff for later $type = $base->data[0]->attributes()->type[0]; $keyhash = $base->sig[0]->attributes()->keyhash[0]; $encoding = $base->encoding; $alg = $base->alg; $signed_data = $data . (($data[-1] != "\n") ? "\n" : '') . '.' . base64url_encode($type) . "\n" . '.' . base64url_encode($encoding) . "\n" . '.' . base64url_encode($alg) . "\n"; // decode the data $data = base64url_decode($data); // Now pull out the inner encrypted blob $inner_encrypted = base64_decode($data); $inner_decrypted = $inner_decrypted = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $inner_aes_key, $inner_encrypted, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $inner_iv); $inner_decrypted = pkcs5_unpad($inner_decrypted); if(! $author_link) { logger('mod-diaspora: Could not retrieve author URI.'); http_status_exit(400); } // Once we have the author URI, go to the web and try to find their public key // *** or look it up locally *** logger('mod-diaspora: Fetching key for ' . $author_link ); // Get diaspora public key (pkcs#1) and convert to pkcs#8 $key = get_diaspora_key($author_link); if(! $key) { logger('mod-diaspora: Could not retrieve author key.'); http_status_exit(400); } $verify = rsa_verify($signed_data,$signature,$key); if(! $verify) { logger('mod-diaspora: Message did not verify. Discarding.'); http_status_exit(400); } logger('mod-diaspora: Message verified.'); return $inner_decrypted; } function diaspora_request($importer,$contact,$xml) { $sender_handle = $xml->sender_handle; $recipient_handle = $xml->recipient_handle; if(! $sender_handle || ! $recipient_handle) return; if($contact && ($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER || $contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FRIEND)) { q("UPDATE `contact` SET `rel` = %d WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval(CONTACT_IS_FRIEND), intval($contact['id']), intval($importer['uid']) ); // send notification return; } require_once('include/Scrape.php'); $ret = probe_url($sender_handle); if((! count($ret)) || ($ret['network'] != NETWORK_DIASPORA)) { logger('diaspora_request: Cannot resolve diaspora handle ' . $sender_handle . ' for ' . $recipient_handle); return; } $r = q("INSERT INTO `contact` (`uid`, `network`,`addr`,`created`,`url`,`name`,`nick`,`photo`,`pubkey`,`notify`,`poll`,`blocked`,`priority`) VALUES ( %d, '%s', '%s', '%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d,%d) ", intval($importer['uid']), dbesc($ret['network']), dbesc($ret['addr']), datetime_convert(), dbesc($ret['url']), dbesc($ret['name']), dbesc($ret['nick']), dbesc($ret['photo']), dbesc($ret['pubkey']), dbesc($ret['notify']), dbesc($ret['poll']), 1, 2 ); // find the contact record we just created $contact_record = null; if($r) { $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `addr` = '%s' AND `poll` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($importer['uid']), $ret['addr'], $ret['poll'] ); if(count($r)) $contact_record = $r[0]; } $hash = random_string() . (string) time(); // Generate a confirm_key if(is_array($contact_record)) { $ret = q("INSERT INTO `intro` ( `uid`, `contact-id`, `blocked`, `knowyou`, `note`, `hash`, `datetime`) VALUES ( %d, %d, 1, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s' )", intval($importer['uid']), intval($contact_record['id']), 0, dbesc( t('Sharing notification from Diaspora network')), dbesc($hash), dbesc(datetime_convert()) ); } return; } function diaspora_post($importer,$contact,$xml) { } function diaspora_comment($importer,$contact,$xml) { } function diaspora_like($importer,$contact,$xml) { } function diaspora_retraction($importer,$contact,$xml) { }