#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This script will collect the contributors to friendica and its translations from * the git log of the friendica core and addons repositories * the translated messages.po from core and the addons. The collected names will be saved in CREDITS.txt which is also parsed from yourfriendica.tld/credits. The output is not perfect, so remember to open a fresh (re)created credits.txt file in your fav editor to check for obvious mistakes and doubled entries. Initially written by Tobias Diekershoff for the Friendica Project. Released under the terms of the AGPL version 3 or later, same as Friendica. """ from sys import argv import os, glob, subprocess # a list of names to not include, those people get into the list by other names # but they use different names on different systems and automatical mapping does # not work in some cases. dontinclude = ['root', 'friendica', 'bavatar', 'tony baldwin', 'Taek', 'silke m', 'leberwurscht', 'abinoam', 'fabrixxm', 'FULL NAME', 'Hauke Zuehl', 'Michal Supler', 'michal_s', 'Manuel Pérez', 'rabuzarus', 'Alberto Díaz'] # this script is in the /bin/dev directory of the friendica installation # so the friendica path is the 0th argument of calling this script but we # need to remove the name of the file and the name of the directory path = os.path.abspath(argv[0].split('bin/dev/make_credits.py')[0]) print('> base directory is assumed to be: '+path) # a place to store contributors contributors = ["Andi Stadler", "Ratten", "Vít Šesták 'v6ak'"] # get the contributors print('> getting contributors to the friendica core repository') p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'shortlog', '--no-merges', '-s'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) c = iter(p.stdout.readline, b'') for i in c: name = i.decode().split('\t')[1].split('\n')[0] if not name in contributors and name not in dontinclude: contributors.append(name) n1 = len(contributors) print(' > found %d contributors' % n1) # get the contributors to the addons try: os.chdir(path+'/addon') # get the contributors print('> getting contributors to the addons') p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'shortlog', '--no-merges', '-s'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) c = iter(p.stdout.readline, b'') for i in c: name = i.decode().split('\t')[1].split('\n')[0] if not name in contributors and name not in dontinclude: contributors.append(name) except FileNotFoundError: print(' > no addon directory found ( THE LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS WILL BE INCOMPLETE )') n2 = len(contributors) print(' > found %d new contributors' % (n2-n1)) print('> total of %d contributors to the repositories of friendica' % n2) os.chdir(path) # get the translators print('> getting translators') intrans = False for f in glob.glob(path+'/view/lang/*/messages.po'): i = open(f, 'r') l = i.readlines() i.close() for ll in l: if intrans and ll.strip()=='': intrans = False; if intrans and ll[0]=='#': name = ll.split('# ')[1].split(',')[0].split(' <')[0] if not name in contributors and name not in dontinclude: contributors.append(name) if "# Translators:" in ll: intrans = True # get the translators from the addons for f in glob.glob(path+'/addon/*/lang/*/messages.po'): i = open(f, 'r') l = i.readlines() i.close() for ll in l: if intrans and ll.strip()=='': intrans = False; if intrans and ll[0]=='#': name = ll.split('# ')[1].split(',')[0].split(' <')[0] if not name in contributors and name not in dontinclude: contributors.append(name) if "# Translators:" in ll: intrans = True # done with the translators n3 = len(contributors) print(' > found %d translators' % (n3-n2)) print('> found a total of %d contributors and translators' % n3) contributors.sort(key=str.lower) f = open(path+'/CREDITS.txt', 'w') f.write("\n".join(contributors)) f.close() print('> list saved to CREDITS.txt')