. * */ namespace Friendica\Test\src\Util\Logger; use Friendica\Util\FileSystem; use Friendica\Test\Util\VFSTrait; use Friendica\Util\Logger\StreamLogger; use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream; use org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamFile; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; class StreamLoggerTest extends AbstractLoggerTest { use VFSTrait; /** * @var StreamLogger */ private $logger; /** * @var vfsStreamFile */ private $logfile; /** * @var Filesystem */ private $fileSystem; protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->setUpVfsDir(); $this->fileSystem = new Filesystem(); } /** * {@@inheritdoc} */ protected function getInstance($level = LogLevel::DEBUG) { $this->logfile = vfsStream::newFile('friendica.log') ->at($this->root); $this->logger = new StreamLogger('test', $this->logfile->url(), $this->introspection, $this->fileSystem, $level); return $this->logger; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getContent() { return $this->logfile->getContent(); } /** * Test if a stream is working */ public function testStream() { $logfile = vfsStream::newFile('friendica.log') ->at($this->root); $filehandler = fopen($logfile->url(), 'ab'); $logger = new StreamLogger('test', $filehandler, $this->introspection, $this->fileSystem); $logger->emergency('working'); $text = $logfile->getContent(); $this->assertLogline($text); } /** * Test if the close statement is working */ public function testClose() { $logfile = vfsStream::newFile('friendica.log') ->at($this->root); $logger = new StreamLogger('test', $logfile->url(), $this->introspection, $this->fileSystem); $logger->emergency('working'); $logger->close(); // close doesn't affect $logger->emergency('working too'); $text = $logfile->getContent(); $this->assertLoglineNums(2, $text); } /** * Test when a file isn't set * @expectedException \LogicException * @expectedExceptionMessage Missing stream URL. */ public function testNoUrl() { $logger = new StreamLogger('test', '', $this->introspection, $this->fileSystem); $logger->emergency('not working'); } /** * Test when a file cannot be opened * @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /The stream or file .* could not be opened: .* / */ public function testWrongUrl() { $logfile = vfsStream::newFile('friendica.log') ->at($this->root)->chmod(0); $logger = new StreamLogger('test', $logfile->url(), $this->introspection, $this->fileSystem); $logger->emergency('not working'); } /** * Test when the directory cannot get created * @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Directory .* cannot get created: .* / */ public function testWrongDir() { $this->markTestIncomplete('We need a platform independent way to set directory to readonly'); $logger = new StreamLogger('test', '/$%/wrong/directory/file.txt', $this->introspection, $this->fileSystem); $logger->emergency('not working'); } /** * Test when the minimum level is not valid * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /The level ".*" is not valid./ */ public function testWrongMinimumLevel() { $logger = new StreamLogger('test', 'file.text', $this->introspection, $this->fileSystem, 'NOPE'); } /** * Test when the minimum level is not valid * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /The level ".*" is not valid./ */ public function testWrongLogLevel() { $logfile = vfsStream::newFile('friendica.log') ->at($this->root); $logger = new StreamLogger('test', $logfile->url(), $this->introspection, $this->fileSystem); $logger->log('NOPE', 'a test'); } /** * Test when the file is null * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage A stream must either be a resource or a string. */ public function testWrongFile() { $logger = new StreamLogger('test', null, $this->introspection, $this->fileSystem); } /** * Test a relative path */ public function testRealPath() { $this->markTestSkipped('vfsStream isn\'t compatible with chdir, so not testable.'); $logfile = vfsStream::newFile('friendica.log') ->at($this->root); chdir($this->root->getChild('logs')->url()); $logger = new StreamLogger('test', '../friendica.log' , $this->introspection, $this->fileSystem); $logger->info('Test'); } }