. * */ namespace Friendica\Module\Api\Twitter\Friendships; use Exception; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\DI; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Module\Api\Twitter\ContactEndpoint; use Friendica\Module\BaseApi; use Friendica\Network\HTTPException; /** * Unfollow Contact * * @see https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/follow-search-get-users/api-reference/post-friendships-destroy.html */ class Destroy extends ContactEndpoint { protected function rawContent(array $request = []) { BaseApi::checkAllowedScope(BaseApi::SCOPE_WRITE); $uid = BaseApi::getCurrentUserID(); $owner = User::getOwnerDataById($uid); if (!$owner) { Logger::notice(BaseApi::LOG_PREFIX . 'No owner {uid} found', ['module' => 'api', 'action' => 'friendships_destroy', 'uid' => $uid]); throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Error Processing Request'); } $contact_id = BaseApi::getContactIDForSearchterm($request['screen_name'] ?? '', $request['profileurl'] ?? '', $request['user_id'] ?? 0, 0); if (empty($contact_id)) { Logger::notice(BaseApi::LOG_PREFIX . 'No user_id specified', ['module' => 'api', 'action' => 'friendships_destroy']); throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException('no user_id specified'); } // Get Contact by given id $cdata = Contact::getPublicAndUserContactID($contact_id, $uid); if (!empty($cdata['user'])) { Logger::notice(BaseApi::LOG_PREFIX . 'Not following contact', ['module' => 'api', 'action' => 'friendships_destroy']); throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException('Not following Contact'); } $contact = Contact::getById($cdata['user']); $user = $this->twitterUser->createFromContactId($contact_id, $uid, true)->toArray(); try { $result = Contact::terminateFriendship($owner, $contact); if ($result === null) { Logger::notice(BaseApi::LOG_PREFIX . 'Not supported for {network}', ['module' => 'api', 'action' => 'friendships_destroy', 'network' => $contact['network']]); throw new HTTPException\ExpectationFailedException('Unfollowing is currently not supported by this contact\'s network.'); } if ($result === false) { throw new HTTPException\ServiceUnavailableException('Unable to unfollow this contact, please retry in a few minutes or contact your administrator.'); } } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::error(BaseApi::LOG_PREFIX . $e->getMessage(), ['owner' => $owner, 'contact' => $contact]); throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException('Unable to unfollow this contact, please contact your administrator'); } $this->response->exit('friendships', ['user' => $user], $this->parameters['extension'] ?? null); } }