getQueryString() */ public $query_string; /** * @var Page The current page environment */ public $page; public $profile; public $profile_uid; public $user; public $cid; public $contact; public $contacts; public $page_contact; public $content; public $data = []; /** @deprecated 2019.09 - use App\Arguments->getCommand() */ public $cmd = ''; /** @deprecated 2019.09 - use App\Arguments->getArgv() or Arguments->get() */ public $argv; /** @deprecated 2019.09 - use App\Arguments->getArgc() */ public $argc; /** @deprecated 2019.09 - Use App\Module->getName() instead */ public $module; public $timezone; public $interactive = true; public $identities; public $is_mobile; public $is_tablet; public $theme_info = []; public $category; // Allow themes to control internal parameters // by changing App values in theme.php public $sourcename = ''; public $videowidth = 425; public $videoheight = 350; public $force_max_items = 0; public $theme_events_in_profile = true; public $queue; /** * @var App\Mode The Mode of the Application */ private $mode; /** * @var App\Router */ private $router; /** * @var BaseURL */ private $baseURL; /** * @var string The name of the current theme */ private $currentTheme; /** * @var bool check if request was an AJAX (xmlhttprequest) request */ private $isAjax; /** * @var MobileDetect */ public $mobileDetect; /** * @var Configuration The config */ private $config; /** * @var LoggerInterface The logger */ private $logger; /** * @var Profiler The profiler of this app */ private $profiler; /** * @var Database The Friendica database connection */ private $database; /** * @var L10n The translator */ private $l10n; /** * @var App\Arguments */ private $args; /** * Returns the current config cache of this node * * @return ConfigCache */ public function getConfigCache() { return $this->config->getCache(); } /** * Returns the current config of this node * * @return Configuration */ public function getConfig() { return $this->config; } /** * The basepath of this app * * @return string */ public function getBasePath() { // Don't use the basepath of the config table for basepath (it should always be the config-file one) return $this->config->getCache()->get('system', 'basepath'); } /** * The Logger of this app * * @return LoggerInterface */ public function getLogger() { return $this->logger; } /** * The profiler of this app * * @return Profiler */ public function getProfiler() { return $this->profiler; } /** * Returns the Mode of the Application * * @return App\Mode The Application Mode */ public function getMode() { return $this->mode; } /** * Returns the Database of the Application * * @return Database */ public function getDBA() { return $this->database; } /** * @deprecated 2019.09 - use Page->registerStylesheet instead * @see Page::registerStylesheet() */ public function registerStylesheet($path) { $this->page->registerStylesheet($path); } /** * @deprecated 2019.09 - use Page->registerFooterScript instead * @see Page::registerFooterScript() */ public function registerFooterScript($path) { $this->page->registerFooterScript($path); } /** * @param Database $database The Friendica Database * @param Configuration $config The Configuration * @param App\Mode $mode The mode of this Friendica app * @param App\Router $router The router of this Friendica app * @param BaseURL $baseURL The full base URL of this Friendica app * @param LoggerInterface $logger The current app logger * @param Profiler $profiler The profiler of this application * @param L10n $l10n The translator instance * @param App\Arguments $args The Friendica Arguments of the call * @param MobileDetect $mobileDetect A mobile detection class */ public function __construct(Database $database, Configuration $config, App\Mode $mode, App\Router $router, BaseURL $baseURL, LoggerInterface $logger, Profiler $profiler, L10n $l10n, Arguments $args, App\Module $module, App\Page $page, MobileDetect $mobileDetect) { $this->database = $database; $this->config = $config; $this->mode = $mode; $this->router = $router; $this->baseURL = $baseURL; $this->profiler = $profiler; $this->logger = $logger; $this->l10n = $l10n; $this->args = $args; $this->mobileDetect = $mobileDetect; $this->cmd = $args->getCommand(); $this->argv = $args->getArgv(); $this->argc = $args->getArgc(); $this->query_string = $args->getQueryString(); $this->module = $module->getName(); $this->page = $page; $this->is_mobile = $mobileDetect->isMobile(); $this->is_tablet = $mobileDetect->isTablet(); $this->isAjax = strtolower(defaults($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', '')) == 'xmlhttprequest'; $this->load(); } /** * Load the whole app instance */ public function load() { set_time_limit(0); // This has to be quite large to deal with embedded private photos ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 500000); set_include_path( get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'include' . PATH_SEPARATOR . $this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'library' . PATH_SEPARATOR . $this->getBasePath()); $this->profiler->reset(); if ($this->mode->has(App\Mode::DBAVAILABLE)) { $this->profiler->update($this->config); Core\Hook::loadHooks(); $loader = new ConfigFileLoader($this->getBasePath()); Core\Hook::callAll('load_config', $loader); } $this->loadDefaultTimezone(); // Register template engines Core\Renderer::registerTemplateEngine('Friendica\Render\FriendicaSmartyEngine'); } /** * Loads the default timezone * * Include support for legacy $default_timezone * * @global string $default_timezone */ private function loadDefaultTimezone() { if ($this->config->get('system', 'default_timezone')) { $this->timezone = $this->config->get('system', 'default_timezone'); } else { global $default_timezone; $this->timezone = !empty($default_timezone) ? $default_timezone : 'UTC'; } if ($this->timezone) { date_default_timezone_set($this->timezone); } } /** * Returns the scheme of the current call * * @return string * * @deprecated 2019.06 - use BaseURL->getScheme() instead */ public function getScheme() { return $this->baseURL->getScheme(); } /** * Retrieves the Friendica instance base URL * * @param bool $ssl Whether to append http or https under BaseURL::SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN * * @return string Friendica server base URL * * @deprecated 2019.09 - use BaseUrl->get($ssl) instead */ public function getBaseURL($ssl = false) { return $this->baseURL->get($ssl); } /** * @brief Initializes the baseurl components * * Clears the baseurl cache to prevent inconsistencies * * @param string $url * * @deprecated 2019.06 - use BaseURL->saveByURL($url) instead */ public function setBaseURL($url) { $this->baseURL->saveByURL($url); } /** * Returns the current hostname * * @return string * * @deprecated 2019.06 - use BaseURL->getHostname() instead */ public function getHostName() { return $this->baseURL->getHostname(); } /** * Returns the sub-path of the full URL * * @return string * * @deprecated 2019.06 - use BaseURL->getUrlPath() instead */ public function getURLPath() { return $this->baseURL->getUrlPath(); } /** * @brief Removes the base url from an url. This avoids some mixed content problems. * * @param string $origURL * * @return string The cleaned url * * @deprecated 2019.09 - Use BaseURL->remove() instead * @see BaseURL::remove() */ public function removeBaseURL($origURL) { return $this->baseURL->remove($origURL); } /** * Returns the current UserAgent as a String * * @return string the UserAgent as a String * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public function getUserAgent() { return FRIENDICA_PLATFORM . " '" . FRIENDICA_CODENAME . "' " . FRIENDICA_VERSION . '-' . DB_UPDATE_VERSION . '; ' . $this->getBaseURL(); } /** * Returns true, if the call is from a backend node (f.e. from a worker) * * @return bool Is it a known backend? * * @deprecated 2019.09 - use App\Mode->isBackend() instead * @see App\Mode::isBackend() * Use BaseObject::getClass(App\Mode::class) to get the global instance of Mode */ public function isBackend() { return $this->mode->isBackend(); } /** * @brief Checks if the maximum number of database processes is reached * * @return bool Is the limit reached? */ public function isMaxProcessesReached() { // Deactivated, needs more investigating if this check really makes sense return false; /* * Commented out to suppress static analyzer issues * if ($this->is_backend()) { $process = 'backend'; $max_processes = $this->config->get('system', 'max_processes_backend'); if (intval($max_processes) == 0) { $max_processes = 5; } } else { $process = 'frontend'; $max_processes = $this->config->get('system', 'max_processes_frontend'); if (intval($max_processes) == 0) { $max_processes = 20; } } $processlist = DBA::processlist(); if ($processlist['list'] != '') { $this->logger->debug('Processcheck: Processes: ' . $processlist['amount'] . ' - Processlist: ' . $processlist['list']); if ($processlist['amount'] > $max_processes) { $this->logger->debug('Processcheck: Maximum number of processes for ' . $process . ' tasks (' . $max_processes . ') reached.'); return true; } } return false; */ } /** * @brief Checks if the minimal memory is reached * * @return bool Is the memory limit reached? * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public function isMinMemoryReached() { $min_memory = $this->config->get('system', 'min_memory', 0); if ($min_memory == 0) { return false; } if (!is_readable('/proc/meminfo')) { return false; } $memdata = explode("\n", file_get_contents('/proc/meminfo')); $meminfo = []; foreach ($memdata as $line) { $data = explode(':', $line); if (count($data) != 2) { continue; } list($key, $val) = $data; $meminfo[$key] = (int)trim(str_replace('kB', '', $val)); $meminfo[$key] = (int)($meminfo[$key] / 1024); } if (!isset($meminfo['MemFree'])) { return false; } $free = $meminfo['MemFree']; $reached = ($free < $min_memory); if ($reached) { $this->logger->debug('Minimal memory reached.', ['free' => $free, 'memtotal' => $meminfo['MemTotal'], 'limit' => $min_memory]); } return $reached; } /** * @brief Checks if the maximum load is reached * * @return bool Is the load reached? * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public function isMaxLoadReached() { if ($this->mode->isBackend()) { $process = 'backend'; $maxsysload = intval($this->config->get('system', 'maxloadavg')); if ($maxsysload < 1) { $maxsysload = 50; } } else { $process = 'frontend'; $maxsysload = intval($this->config->get('system', 'maxloadavg_frontend')); if ($maxsysload < 1) { $maxsysload = 50; } } $load = Core\System::currentLoad(); if ($load) { if (intval($load) > $maxsysload) { $this->logger->info('system load for process too high.', ['load' => $load, 'process' => $process, 'maxsysload' => $maxsysload]); return true; } } return false; } /** * Executes a child process with 'proc_open' * * @param string $command The command to execute * @param array $args Arguments to pass to the command ( [ 'key' => value, 'key2' => value2, ... ] * * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public function proc_run($command, $args) { if (!function_exists('proc_open')) { return; } $cmdline = $this->config->get('config', 'php_path', 'php') . ' ' . escapeshellarg($command); foreach ($args as $key => $value) { if (!is_null($value) && is_bool($value) && !$value) { continue; } $cmdline .= ' --' . $key; if (!is_null($value) && !is_bool($value)) { $cmdline .= ' ' . $value; } } if ($this->isMinMemoryReached()) { return; } if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $resource = proc_open('cmd /c start /b ' . $cmdline, [], $foo, $this->getBasePath()); } else { $resource = proc_open($cmdline . ' &', [], $foo, $this->getBasePath()); } if (!is_resource($resource)) { $this->logger->debug('We got no resource for command.', ['cmd' => $cmdline]); return; } proc_close($resource); } /** * Generates the site's default sender email address * * @return string * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public function getSenderEmailAddress() { $sender_email = $this->config->get('config', 'sender_email'); if (empty($sender_email)) { $hostname = $this->baseURL->getHostname(); if (strpos($hostname, ':')) { $hostname = substr($hostname, 0, strpos($hostname, ':')); } $sender_email = 'noreply@' . $hostname; } return $sender_email; } /** * Returns the current theme name. * * @return string the name of the current theme * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public function getCurrentTheme() { if ($this->mode->isInstall()) { return ''; } if (!$this->currentTheme) { $this->computeCurrentTheme(); } return $this->currentTheme; } public function setCurrentTheme($theme) { $this->currentTheme = $theme; } /** * Computes the current theme name based on the node settings, the user settings and the device type * * @throws Exception */ private function computeCurrentTheme() { $system_theme = $this->config->get('system', 'theme'); if (!$system_theme) { throw new Exception($this->l10n->t('No system theme config value set.')); } // Sane default $this->currentTheme = $system_theme; $page_theme = null; // Find the theme that belongs to the user whose stuff we are looking at if ($this->profile_uid && ($this->profile_uid != local_user())) { // Allow folks to override user themes and always use their own on their own site. // This works only if the user is on the same server $user = $this->database->selectFirst('user', ['theme'], ['uid' => $this->profile_uid]); if ($this->database->isResult($user) && !Core\PConfig::get(local_user(), 'system', 'always_my_theme')) { $page_theme = $user['theme']; } } $user_theme = Core\Session::get('theme', $system_theme); // Specific mobile theme override if (($this->is_mobile || $this->is_tablet) && Core\Session::get('show-mobile', true)) { $system_mobile_theme = $this->config->get('system', 'mobile-theme'); $user_mobile_theme = Core\Session::get('mobile-theme', $system_mobile_theme); // --- means same mobile theme as desktop if (!empty($user_mobile_theme) && $user_mobile_theme !== '---') { $user_theme = $user_mobile_theme; } } if ($page_theme) { $theme_name = $page_theme; } else { $theme_name = $user_theme; } $theme_name = Strings::sanitizeFilePathItem($theme_name); if ($theme_name && in_array($theme_name, Theme::getAllowedList()) && (file_exists('view/theme/' . $theme_name . '/style.css') || file_exists('view/theme/' . $theme_name . '/style.php')) ) { $this->currentTheme = $theme_name; } } /** * @brief Return full URL to theme which is currently in effect. * * Provide a sane default if nothing is chosen or the specified theme does not exist. * * @return string * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public function getCurrentThemeStylesheetPath() { return Core\Theme::getStylesheetPath($this->getCurrentTheme()); } /** * Check if request was an AJAX (xmlhttprequest) request. * * @return boolean true if it was an AJAX request */ public function isAjax() { return $this->isAjax; } /** * @deprecated use Arguments->get() instead * * @see App\Arguments */ public function getArgumentValue($position, $default = '') { return $this->args->get($position, $default); } /** * Sets the base url for use in cmdline programs which don't have * $_SERVER variables */ public function checkURL() { $url = $this->config->get('system', 'url'); // if the url isn't set or the stored url is radically different // than the currently visited url, store the current value accordingly. // "Radically different" ignores common variations such as http vs https // and vs // We will only change the url to an ip address if there is no existing setting if (empty($url) || (!Util\Strings::compareLink($url, $this->getBaseURL())) && (!preg_match("/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/", $this->baseURL->getHostname()))) { $this->config->set('system', 'url', $this->getBaseURL()); } } /** * Frontend App script * * The App object behaves like a container and a dispatcher at the same time, including a representation of the * request and a representation of the response. * * This probably should change to limit the size of this monster method. * * @param App\Module $module The determined module */ public function runFrontend(App\Module $module, App\Router $router, PConfiguration $pconfig) { $moduleName = $module->getName(); try { // Missing DB connection: ERROR if ($this->mode->has(App\Mode::LOCALCONFIGPRESENT) && !$this->mode->has(App\Mode::DBAVAILABLE)) { throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException('Apologies but the website is unavailable at the moment.'); } // Max Load Average reached: ERROR if ($this->isMaxProcessesReached() || $this->isMaxLoadReached()) { header('Retry-After: 120'); header('Refresh: 120; url=' . $this->baseURL->get() . "/" . $this->args->getQueryString()); throw new HTTPException\ServiceUnavailableException('The node is currently overloaded. Please try again later.'); } if (!$this->mode->isInstall()) { // Force SSL redirection if ($this->baseURL->checkRedirectHttps()) { System::externalRedirect($this->baseURL->get() . '/' . $this->args->getQueryString()); } Core\Session::init(); Core\Hook::callAll('init_1'); } // Exclude the backend processes from the session management if (!$this->mode->isBackend()) { $stamp1 = microtime(true); session_start(); $this->profiler->saveTimestamp($stamp1, 'parser', Core\System::callstack()); $this->l10n->setSessionVariable(); $this->l10n->setLangFromSession(); } else { $_SESSION = []; Core\Worker::executeIfIdle(); } if ($this->mode->isNormal()) { $requester = HTTPSignature::getSigner('', $_SERVER); if (!empty($requester)) { Profile::addVisitorCookieForHandle($requester); } } // ZRL if (!empty($_GET['zrl']) && $this->mode->isNormal()) { if (!local_user()) { // Only continue when the given profile link seems valid // Valid profile links contain a path with "/profile/" and no query parameters if ((parse_url($_GET['zrl'], PHP_URL_QUERY) == "") && strstr(parse_url($_GET['zrl'], PHP_URL_PATH), "/profile/")) { if (Core\Session::get('visitor_home') != $_GET["zrl"]) { Core\Session::set('my_url', $_GET['zrl']); Core\Session::set('authenticated', 0); } Model\Profile::zrlInit($this); } else { // Someone came with an invalid parameter, maybe as a DDoS attempt // We simply stop processing here $this->logger->debug('Invalid ZRL parameter.', ['zrl' => $_GET['zrl']]); throw new HTTPException\ForbiddenException(); } } } if (!empty($_GET['owt']) && $this->mode->isNormal()) { $token = $_GET['owt']; Model\Profile::openWebAuthInit($token); } Login::sessionAuth(); if (empty($_SESSION['authenticated'])) { header('X-Account-Management-Status: none'); } $_SESSION['sysmsg'] = Core\Session::get('sysmsg', []); $_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] = Core\Session::get('sysmsg_info', []); $_SESSION['last_updated'] = Core\Session::get('last_updated', []); /* * check_config() is responsible for running update scripts. These automatically * update the DB schema whenever we push a new one out. It also checks to see if * any addons have been added or removed and reacts accordingly. */ // in install mode, any url loads install module // but we need "view" module for stylesheet if ($this->mode->isInstall() && $moduleName !== 'install') { $this->internalRedirect('install'); } elseif (!$this->mode->isInstall() && !$this->mode->has(App\Mode::MAINTENANCEDISABLED) && $moduleName !== 'maintenance') { $this->internalRedirect('maintenance'); } else { $this->checkURL(); Core\Update::check($this->getBasePath(), false, $this->mode); Core\Addon::loadAddons(); Core\Hook::loadHooks(); } // Compatibility with the Android Diaspora client if ($moduleName == 'stream') { $this->internalRedirect('network?order=post'); } if ($moduleName == 'conversations') { $this->internalRedirect('message'); } if ($moduleName == 'commented') { $this->internalRedirect('network?order=comment'); } if ($moduleName == 'liked') { $this->internalRedirect('network?order=comment'); } if ($moduleName == 'activity') { $this->internalRedirect('network?conv=1'); } if (($moduleName == 'status_messages') && ($this->args->getCommand() == 'status_messages/new')) { $this->internalRedirect('bookmarklet'); } if (($moduleName == 'user') && ($this->args->getCommand() == 'user/edit')) { $this->internalRedirect('settings'); } if (($moduleName == 'tag_followings') && ($this->args->getCommand() == 'tag_followings/manage')) { $this->internalRedirect('search'); } // determine the module class and save it to the module instance // @todo there's an implicit dependency due SESSION::start(), so it has to be called here (yet) $module = $module->determineClass($this->args, $router, $this->config); // Let the module run it's internal process (init, get, post, ...) $module->run($this->l10n, $this, $this->logger, $this->getCurrentTheme(), $_SERVER, $_POST); } catch (HTTPException $e) { ModuleHTTPException::rawContent($e); } $this->page->run($this, $this->baseURL, $this->mode, $module, $this->l10n, $this->config, $pconfig); } /** * Redirects to another module relative to the current Friendica base. * If you want to redirect to a external URL, use System::externalRedirectTo() * * @param string $toUrl The destination URL (Default is empty, which is the default page of the Friendica node) * @param bool $ssl if true, base URL will try to get called with https:// (works just for relative paths) * * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException In Case the given URL is not relative to the Friendica node */ public function internalRedirect($toUrl = '', $ssl = false) { if (!empty(parse_url($toUrl, PHP_URL_SCHEME))) { throw new HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException("'$toUrl is not a relative path, please use System::externalRedirectTo"); } $redirectTo = $this->baseURL->get($ssl) . '/' . ltrim($toUrl, '/'); Core\System::externalRedirect($redirectTo); } /** * Automatically redirects to relative or absolute URL * Should only be used if it isn't clear if the URL is either internal or external * * @param string $toUrl The target URL * * @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ public function redirect($toUrl) { if (!empty(parse_url($toUrl, PHP_URL_SCHEME))) { Core\System::externalRedirect($toUrl); } else { $this->internalRedirect($toUrl); } } }