true], ['SUBSTR(password, 1, 4) != "$2y$"']); // All legacy hashes are re-hashed using the new secure hashing function $stmt = dba::select('user', ['uid', 'password'], ['legacy_password' => true]); while($user = dba::fetch($stmt)) { dba::update('user', ['password' => User::hashPassword($user['password'])], ['uid' => $user['uid']]); } // Logged in users are forcibly logged out dba::delete('session', ['1 = 1']); return UPDATE_SUCCESS; } function update_1245() { $rino = Config::get('system', 'rino_encrypt'); if (!$rino) { return UPDATE_SUCCESS; } Config::set('system', 'rino_encrypt', 1); return UPDATE_SUCCESS; } function update_1247() { // Removing hooks with the old name dba::e("DELETE FROM `hook` WHERE `hook` LIKE 'plugin_%'"); // Make sure we install the new renamed ones Addon::reload(); }