$iid]); // Don't check for own posts if ($item['origin'] || empty($uid)) { return; } $fields = ['ignored', 'mention']; $thread = Item::selectFirstThreadForUser($uid, $fields, ['iid' => $item['parent'], 'deleted' => false]); if ($thread['ignored']) { return; } $notification_type = self::NOTIF_NONE; if (self::checkShared($item, $uid)) { $notification_type = $notification_type | self::NOTIF_SHARED; } $profiles = self::getProfileForUser($uid); if (self::checkImplicitMention($item, $uid, $profiles)) { $notification_type = $notification_type | self::NOTIF_IMPLICIT_TAGGED; } if (self::checkExplicitMention($item, $uid, $profiles)) { $notification_type = $notification_type | self::NOTIF_EXPLICIT_TAGGED; } $contacts = []; $ret = DBA::select('contact', ['id'], ['uid' => 0, 'nurl' => $profiles]); while ($contact = DBA::fetch($ret)) { $contacts[] = $contact['id']; } DBA::close($ret); if (self::checkCommentedThread($item, $uid, $contacts)) { $notification_type = $notification_type | self::NOTIF_THREAD_COMMENT; } if (self::checkDirectComment($item, $uid, $contacts, $thread)) { $notification_type = $notification_type | self::NOTIF_DIRECT_COMMENT; } if (self::checkCommentedParticipation($item, $uid, $contacts)) { $notification_type = $notification_type | self::NOTIF_COMMENT_PARTICIPATION; } if (self::checkActivityParticipation($item, $uid, $contacts)) { $notification_type = $notification_type | self::NOTIF_ACTIVITY_PARTICIPATION; } if (empty($notification_type)) { return; } Logger::info('Set notification', ['iid' => $item['id'], 'uid' => $uid, 'notification-type' => $notification_type]); DBA::update('user-item', ['notification-type' => $notification_type], ['iid' => $item['id'], 'uid' => $uid], true); } // Fetch all contacts for the given profiles private static function getProfileForUser($uid) { $notification_data = ['uid' => $uid, 'profiles' => []]; Hook::callAll('check_item_notification', $notification_data); $profiles = $notification_data['profiles']; $fields = ['nickname']; $user = DBA::selectFirst('user', $fields, ['uid' => $uid]); if (!DBA::isResult($user)) { return false; } $owner = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['url'], ['self' => true, 'uid' => $uid]); if (!DBA::isResult($owner)) { return false; } // This is our regular URL format $profiles[] = $owner['url']; // Notifications from Diaspora are often with an URL in the Diaspora format $profiles[] = DI::baseUrl().'/u/'.$user['nickname']; $profiles2 = []; foreach ($profiles AS $profile) { // Check for invalid profile urls. 13 should be the shortest possible profile length: // http://a.bc/d // Additionally check for invalid urls that would return the normalised value "http:" if ((strlen($profile) >= 13) && (Strings::normaliseLink($profile) != 'http:')) { if (!in_array($profile, $profiles2)) $profiles2[] = $profile; $profile = Strings::normaliseLink($profile); if (!in_array($profile, $profiles2)) $profiles2[] = $profile; $profile = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $profile); if (!in_array($profile, $profiles2)) $profiles2[] = $profile; } } return $profiles2; } private static function checkShared($item, $uid) { if ($item['gravity'] != GRAVITY_PARENT) { return false; } // Send a notification for every new post? // Either the contact had posted something directly if (DBA::exists('contact', ['id' => $item['contact-id'], 'notify_new_posts' => true])) { return true; } // Or the contact is a mentioned forum $tags = DBA::select('term', ['url'], ['otype' => TERM_OBJ_POST, 'oid' => $item['id'], 'type' => TERM_MENTION, 'uid' => $uid]); while ($tag = DBA::fetch($tags)) { $condition = ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($tag['url']), 'uid' => $uid, 'notify_new_posts' => true, 'contact-type' => Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY]; if (DBA::exists('contact', $condition)) { return true; } } return false; } // Is the user mentioned in this post? private static function checkImplicitMention($item, $uid, $profiles) { foreach ($profiles AS $profile) { if (strpos($item['tag'], '='.$profile.']') || strpos($item['body'], '='.$profile.']')) return true; } return false; } private static function checkExplicitMention($item, $uid, $profiles) { foreach ($profiles AS $profile) { if (strpos($item['tag'], '='.$profile.']') || strpos($item['body'], '='.$profile.']')) return !(strpos($item['body'], $profile) === false); } return false; } // Is it a post that the user had started? private static function checkCommentedThread($item, $uid, $contacts) { // Additional check for connector posts $condition = ['parent' => $item['parent'], 'author-id' => $contacts, 'deleted' => false, 'gravity' => GRAVITY_PARENT]; return Item::exists($condition); } private static function checkDirectComment($item, $uid, $contacts) { // Additional check for connector posts $condition = ['uri' => $item['thr-parent'], 'uid' => [0, $uid], 'author-id' => $contacts, 'deleted' => false, 'gravity' => GRAVITY_COMMENT]; return Item::exists($condition); } // Check for participation of one of our contacts in the thread private static function checkCommentedParticipation($item, $uid, $contacts) { $condition = ['parent' => $item['parent'], 'author-id' => $contacts, 'deleted' => false, 'gravity' => GRAVITY_COMMENT]; return Item::exists($condition); } private static function checkActivityParticipation($item, $uid, $contacts) { $condition = ['parent' => $item['parent'], 'author-id' => $contacts, 'deleted' => false, 'gravity' => GRAVITY_ACTIVITY]; return Item::exists($condition); } }