/* * @brief The file contains functions for text editing and commenting */ function insertFormatting(comment,BBcode,id) { var tmpStr = $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).val(); if(tmpStr == comment) { tmpStr = ""; $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).addClass("comment-edit-text-full"); $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty"); openMenu("comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id); $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).val(tmpStr); } textarea = document.getElementById("comment-edit-text-" +id); if (document.selection) { textarea.focus(); selected = document.selection.createRange(); if (BBcode == "url"){ selected.text = "["+BBcode+"]" + "http://" + selected.text + "[/"+BBcode+"]"; } else selected.text = "["+BBcode+"]" + selected.text + "[/"+BBcode+"]"; } else if (textarea.selectionStart || textarea.selectionStart == "0") { var start = textarea.selectionStart; var end = textarea.selectionEnd; if (BBcode == "url"){ textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, start) + "["+BBcode+"]" + "http://" + textarea.value.substring(start, end) + "[/"+BBcode+"]" + textarea.value.substring(end, textarea.value.length); } else textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, start) + "["+BBcode+"]" + textarea.value.substring(start, end) + "[/"+BBcode+"]" + textarea.value.substring(end, textarea.value.length); } return true; } function showThread(id) { $("#collapsed-comments-" + id).show() $("#collapsed-comments-" + id + " .collapsed-comments").show() } function hideThread(id) { $("#collapsed-comments-" + id).hide() $("#collapsed-comments-" + id + " .collapsed-comments").hide() } function cmtBbOpen(id) { $("#comment-edit-bb-" + id).show(); } function cmtBbClose(id) { $("#comment-edit-bb-" + id).hide(); } function commentExpand(id) { $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).value = ''; $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).addClass("comment-edit-text-full"); $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeClass("comment-edit-text-empty"); $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).focus(); $("#mod-cmnt-wrap-" + id).show(); openMenu("comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id); return true; } function commentClose(obj,id) { if(obj.value == '') { obj.value = '{{$comment}}'; $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).removeClass("comment-edit-text-full"); $("#comment-edit-text-" + id).addClass("comment-edit-text-empty"); $("#mod-cmnt-wrap-" + id).hide(); closeMenu("comment-edit-submit-wrapper-" + id); return true; } return false; } function showHideCommentBox(id) { if( $('#comment-edit-form-' + id).is(':visible')) { $('#comment-edit-form-' + id).hide(); } else { $('#comment-edit-form-' + id).show(); } }