['frio_bg_image_option', L10n::t("Stretch"), "stretch", L10n::t("Resize image to the width of the screen and show background color below on long pages."), ($arr["bg_image_option"] == "stretch")], 'cover' => ['frio_bg_image_option', L10n::t("Resize, fill and clip"), "cover", L10n::t("Resize image to fill entire screen, clipping either the right or the bottom."), ($arr["bg_image_option"] == "cover")], 'repeat' => ['frio_bg_image_option', L10n::t("Repeat"), "repeat", L10n::t("Repeat image to fill the screen."), ($arr["bg_image_option"] == "repeat")], 'contain' => ['frio_bg_image_option', L10n::t("Repeat one row"), "contain", L10n::t("Resize image to repeat it on a single row, either vertical or horizontal."), ($arr["bg_image_option"] == "contain")], ]; return $bg_image_options; } }