. * */ namespace Friendica\Core\Config\Util; /** * Serialize utils * * Retrieved from https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-develop/blob/6.1/src/wp-includes/functions.php */ class SerializeUtil { public static function maybeUnserialize($value) { if (static::isSerialized($value)) { return @unserialize(trim($value)); } return $value; } /** * Checks value to find if it was serialized. * * If $data is not a string, then returned value will always be false. * Serialized data is always a string. * * @param mixed $data Value to check to see if was serialized. * @param bool $strict Optional. Whether to be strict about the end of the string. Default true. * * @return bool False if not serialized and true if it was. * @since 6.1.0 Added Enum support. * * @since 2.0.5 */ public static function isSerialized($data, bool $strict = true): bool { // If it isn't a string, it isn't serialized. if (!is_string($data)) { return false; } $data = trim($data); if ('N;' === $data) { return true; } if (strlen($data) < 4) { return false; } if (':' !== $data[1]) { return false; } if ($strict) { $lastc = substr($data, -1); if (';' !== $lastc && '}' !== $lastc) { return false; } } else { $semicolon = strpos($data, ';'); $brace = strpos($data, '}'); // Either ; or } must exist. if (false === $semicolon && false === $brace) { return false; } // But neither must be in the first X characters. if (false !== $semicolon && $semicolon < 3) { return false; } if (false !== $brace && $brace < 4) { return false; } } $token = $data[0]; switch ($token) { case 's': if ($strict) { if ('"' !== substr($data, -2, 1)) { return false; } } elseif (false === strpos($data, '"')) { return false; } // Or else fall through. // no break case 'a': case 'O': case 'E': return (bool)preg_match("/^{$token}:[0-9]+:/s", $data); case 'b': case 'i': case 'd': $end = $strict ? '$' : ''; return (bool)preg_match("/^{$token}:[0-9.E+-]+;$end/", $data); } return false; } }