. * */ namespace Friendica\Console; use Asika\SimpleConsole\Console; use Friendica\App; use Friendica\App\BaseURL; use Friendica\Core\Config\Capability\IManageConfigValues; use Friendica\Core\Config\ValueObject\Cache; use Friendica\Core\Installer; use Friendica\Core\Theme; use Friendica\Database\Database; use Friendica\Util\BasePath; use RuntimeException; class AutomaticInstallation extends Console { /** @var App\Mode */ private $appMode; /** @var \Friendica\Core\Config\ValueObject\Cache */ private $configCache; /** @var IManageConfigValues */ private $config; /** @var Database */ private $dba; protected function getHelp() { return << prepared config file (e.g. "config/local.config.php" itself) which will override every other config option - except the environment variables) -s|--savedb Save the DB credentials to the file (if environment variables is used) -H|--dbhost The host of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_HOST) -p|--dbport The port of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_PORT) -s|--dbsocket The socket of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_SOCKET) -d|--dbdata The name of the mysql/mariadb database (env MYSQL_DATABASE) -u|--dbuser The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (env MYSQL_USER or MYSQL_USERNAME) -P|--dbpass The password of the mysql/mariadb database login (env MYSQL_PASSWORD) -U|--url The full base URL of Friendica - f.e. 'https://friendica.local/sub' (env FRIENDICA_URL) -B|--phppath The path of the PHP binary (env FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH) -b|--basepath The basepath of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_BASE_PATH) -t|--tz The timezone of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_TZ) -L|--lang The language of Friendica (env FRIENDICA_LANG) Environment variables MYSQL_HOST The host of the mysql/mariadb database (mandatory if mysql and environment is used) MYSQL_PORT The port of the mysql/mariadb database MYSQL_SOCKET The socket of the mysql/mariadb database MYSQL_USERNAME|MYSQL_USER The username of the mysql/mariadb database login (MYSQL_USERNAME is for mysql, MYSQL_USER for mariadb) MYSQL_PASSWORD The password of the mysql/mariadb database login MYSQL_DATABASE The name of the mysql/mariadb database FRIENDICA_URL The full base URL of Friendica - f.e. 'https://friendica.local/sub' FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH The path of the PHP binary - leave empty for auto detection FRIENDICA_BASE_PATH The basepath of Friendica - leave empty for auto detection FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL The admin email address of Friendica (this email will be used for admin access) FRIENDICA_TZ The timezone of Friendica FRIENDICA_LANG The langauge of Friendica Examples bin/console autoinstall -f 'input.config.php Installs Friendica with the prepared 'input.config.php' file bin/console autoinstall --savedb Installs Friendica with environment variables and saves them to the 'config/local.config.php' file bin/console autoinstall -H localhost -p 3365 -u user -P passwort1234 -d friendica -U https://friendica.fqdn Installs Friendica with a local mysql database with credentials HELP; } public function __construct(App\Mode $appMode, Cache $configCache, IManageConfigValues $config, Database $dba, array $argv = null) { parent::__construct($argv); $this->appMode = $appMode; $this->configCache = $configCache; $this->config = $config; $this->dba = $dba; } protected function doExecute() { // Initialise the app $this->out("Initializing setup..."); $installer = new Installer(); $configCache = $this->configCache; $basePathConf = $configCache->get('system', 'basepath'); $basepath = new BasePath($basePathConf); $installer->setUpCache($configCache, $basepath->getPath()); $this->out(" Complete!\n"); // Check Environment $this->out("Checking environment..."); $installer->resetChecks(); if (!$this->runBasicChecks($installer, $configCache)) { $errorMessage = $this->extractErrors($installer->getChecks()); throw new RuntimeException($errorMessage); } $this->out(" Complete!\n"); // if a config file is set, $config_file = $this->getOption(['f', 'file']); if (!empty($config_file)) { $this->out("Loading config file '$config_file'..."); if (!file_exists($config_file)) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Config file does not exist."); } //append config file to the config cache $config = include($config_file); if (!is_array($config)) { throw new Exception('Error loading config file ' . $config_file); } $configCache->load($config, Cache::SOURCE_FILE); } else { // Creating config file $this->out("Creating config file..."); $save_db = $this->getOption(['s', 'savedb'], false); $db_host = $this->getOption(['H', 'dbhost'], ($save_db) ? (getenv('MYSQL_HOST')) : Installer::DEFAULT_HOST); $db_port = $this->getOption(['p', 'dbport'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_PORT') : null); $db_socket = $this->getOption(['s', 'dbsocket'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_SOCKET') : null); $configCache->set('database', 'hostname', $db_host . (!empty($db_port) ? ':' . $db_port : '')); $configCache->set('database', 'database', $this->getOption(['d', 'dbdata'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE') : '')); $configCache->set('database', 'username', $this->getOption(['u', 'dbuser'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_USER') . getenv('MYSQL_USERNAME') : '')); $configCache->set('database', 'password', $this->getOption(['P', 'dbpass'], ($save_db) ? getenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD') : '')); $php_path = $this->getOption(['b', 'phppath'], !empty('FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH') ? getenv('FRIENDICA_PHP_PATH') : null); if (!empty($php_path)) { $configCache->set('config', 'php_path', $php_path); } else { $configCache->set('config', 'php_path', $installer->getPHPPath()); } $configCache->set('config', 'admin_email', $this->getOption(['A', 'admin'], !empty(getenv('FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_ADMIN_MAIL') : '')); $configCache->set('system', 'default_timezone', $this->getOption(['T', 'tz'], !empty(getenv('FRIENDICA_TZ')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_TZ') : Installer::DEFAULT_TZ)); $configCache->set('system', 'language', $this->getOption(['L', 'lang'], !empty(getenv('FRIENDICA_LANG')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_LANG') : Installer::DEFAULT_LANG)); $basepath = $this->getOption(['b', 'basepath'], !empty(getenv('FRIENDICA_BASE_PATH')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_BASE_PATH') : null); if (!empty($basepath)) { $configCache->set('system', 'basepath', $basepath); } $url = $this->getOption(['U', 'url'], !empty(getenv('FRIENDICA_URL')) ? getenv('FRIENDICA_URL') : null); if (empty($url)) { $this->out('The Friendica URL has to be set during CLI installation.'); return 1; } else { $baseUrl = new BaseURL($this->config, []); $baseUrl->saveByURL($url); } $installer->createConfig($configCache); } $this->out(" Complete!\n"); // Check database connection $this->out("Checking database..."); $installer->resetChecks(); if (!$installer->checkDB($this->dba)) { $errorMessage = $this->extractErrors($installer->getChecks()); throw new RuntimeException($errorMessage); } $this->out(" Complete!\n"); // Install database $this->out("Inserting data into database...\n"); $installer->resetChecks(); if (!$installer->installDatabase()) { $errorMessage = $this->extractErrors($installer->getChecks()); throw new RuntimeException($errorMessage); } if (!empty($config_file) && $config_file != 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.config.php') { // Copy config file $this->out("Copying config file..."); if (!copy($config_file, $basePathConf . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'local.config.php')) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Saving config file failed. Please copy '$config_file' to '" . $basePathConf . "'" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "local.config.php' manually.\n"); } } $this->out(" Complete!\n"); // Install theme $this->out("Installing theme"); if (!empty($this->config->get('system', 'theme'))) { Theme::install($this->config->get('system', 'theme')); $this->out(" Complete\n"); } else { $this->out(" Theme setting is empty. Please check the file 'config/local.config.php'\n"); } $this->out("\nInstallation is finished"); return 0; } /** * @param Installer $installer The Installer instance * @param \Friendica\Core\Config\ValueObject\Cache $configCache The config cache * * @return bool true if checks were successfully, otherwise false * @throws \Friendica\Network\HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException */ private function runBasicChecks(Installer $installer, Cache $configCache) { $checked = true; $installer->resetChecks(); if (!$installer->checkFunctions()) { $checked = false; } if (!$installer->checkImagick()) { $checked = false; } if (!$installer->checkLocalIni()) { $checked = false; } if (!$installer->checkSmarty3()) { $checked = false; } if (!$installer->checkKeys()) { $checked = false; } $php_path = $configCache->get('config', 'php_path'); if (!$installer->checkPHP($php_path, true)) { $checked = false; } $this->out(" NOTICE: Not checking .htaccess/URL-Rewrite during CLI installation.\n"); return $checked; } /** * @param array $results * * @return string */ private function extractErrors($results) { $errorMessage = ''; $allChecksRequired = $this->getOption('a') !== null; foreach ($results as $result) { if (($allChecksRequired || $result['required'] === true) && $result['status'] === false) { $errorMessage .= "--------\n"; $errorMessage .= $result['title'] . ': ' . $result['help'] . "\n"; } } return $errorMessage; } }