. * */ namespace Friendica\Console; use Friendica\Core\Config\Capability\IManageConfigValues; /** * Tired of chasing typos and finding them after a commit. * Run this and quickly see if we've got any parse errors in our application files. */ class Typo extends \Asika\SimpleConsole\Console { protected $helpOptions = ['h', 'help', '?']; /** * @var IManageConfigValues */ private $config; protected function getHelp() { $help = <<config = $config; } protected function doExecute(): int { if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Class: ' . __CLASS__); $this->out('Arguments: ' . var_export($this->args, true)); $this->out('Options: ' . var_export($this->options, true)); } if (count($this->args) > 0) { throw new \Asika\SimpleConsole\CommandArgsException('Too many arguments'); } $php_path = $this->config->get('config', 'php_path', 'php'); if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Directory: src'); } $Iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator('src'); foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($Iterator) as $file) { if (substr($file, -4) === '.php') { $this->checkFile($php_path, $file); } } if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Directory: tests'); } $Iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator('tests'); foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($Iterator) as $file) { if (substr($file, -4) === '.php') { $this->checkFile($php_path, $file); } } if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Directory: mod'); } $files = glob('mod/*.php'); $this->checkFiles($php_path, $files); if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Directory: include'); } $files = glob('include/*.php'); $this->checkFiles($php_path, $files); if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Directory: addon'); } $dirs = glob('addon/*'); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $addon = basename($dir); $files = glob($dir . '/' . $addon . '.php'); $this->checkFiles($php_path, $files); } if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('String files'); } $files = glob('view/lang/*/strings.php'); $this->checkFiles($php_path, $files); $this->out('No errors.'); return 0; } private function checkFiles($php_path, array $files) { foreach ($files as $file) { $this->checkFile($php_path, $file); } } private function checkFile($php_path, $file) { if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Checking ' . $file); } $output = []; $ret = 0; exec("$php_path -l $file", $output, $ret); if ($ret !== 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('Parse error found in ' . $file . ', scan stopped.'); } } }