config = \Mockery::mock(Configuration::class); } public function testInstance() { $this->config->shouldReceive('get')->with('system', 'ssl_policy')->andReturn(1)->once(); $this->config->shouldReceive('get')->with('system', 'site_prvkey')->andReturn('1235')->once(); $this->config->shouldReceive('get')->with('system', 'auth_cookie_lifetime', Cookie::DEFAULT_EXPIRE)->andReturn('7')->once(); $cookie = new Cookie($this->config, []); $this->assertInstanceOf(Cookie::class, $cookie); } public function dataGet() { return [ 'default' => [ 'cookieData' => [ Cookie::NAME => json_encode([ 'uid' => -1, 'hash' => 12345, 'ip' => '', ]) ], 'hasValues' => true, 'uid' => -1, 'hash' => 12345, 'ip' => '', ], 'missing' => [ 'cookieData' => [ ], 'hasValues' => false, 'uid' => null, 'hash' => null, 'ip' => null, ], 'invalid' => [ 'cookieData' => [ Cookie::NAME => 'test', ], 'hasValues' => false, 'uid' => null, 'hash' => null, 'ip' => null, ], 'incomplete' => [ 'cookieData' => [ Cookie::NAME => json_encode([ 'uid' => -1, 'hash' => 12345, ]) ], 'hasValues' => true, 'uid' => -1, 'hash' => 12345, 'ip' => null, ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataGet */ public function testGet(array $cookieData, bool $hasValues, $uid, $hash, $ip) { $this->config->shouldReceive('get')->with('system', 'ssl_policy')->andReturn(1)->once(); $this->config->shouldReceive('get')->with('system', 'site_prvkey')->andReturn('1235')->once(); $this->config->shouldReceive('get')->with('system', 'auth_cookie_lifetime', Cookie::DEFAULT_EXPIRE)->andReturn('7')->once(); $cookie = new Cookie($this->config, [], $cookieData); $this->assertInstanceOf(Cookie::class, $cookie); $assertData = $cookie->getData(); if (!$hasValues) { $this->assertEmpty($assertData); } else { $this->assertNotEmpty($assertData); if (isset($uid)) { $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('uid', $assertData); $this->assertEquals($uid, $assertData->uid); } else { $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute('uid', $assertData); } if (isset($hash)) { $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('hash', $assertData); $this->assertEquals($hash, $assertData->hash); } else { $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute('hash', $assertData); } if (isset($ip)) { $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('ip', $assertData); $this->assertEquals($ip, $assertData->ip); } else { $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute('ip', $assertData); } } } public function dataCheck() { return [ 'default' => [ 'serverPrivateKey' => 'serverkey', 'userPrivateKey' => 'userkey', 'password' => 'test', 'assertHash' => 'e9b4eb16275a2907b5659d22905b248221d0517dde4a9d5c320b8fe051b1267b', 'assertTrue' => true, ], 'emptyUser' => [ 'serverPrivateKey' => 'serverkey', 'userPrivateKey' => '', 'password' => '', 'assertHash' => '', 'assertTrue' => false, ], 'invalid' => [ 'serverPrivateKey' => 'serverkey', 'userPrivateKey' => 'bla', 'password' => 'nope', 'assertHash' => 'real wrong!', 'assertTrue' => false, ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataCheck */ public function testCheck(string $serverPrivateKey, string $userPrivateKey, string $password, string $assertHash, bool $assertTrue) { $this->config->shouldReceive('get')->with('system', 'ssl_policy')->andReturn(1)->once(); $this->config->shouldReceive('get')->with('system', 'site_prvkey')->andReturn($serverPrivateKey)->once(); $this->config->shouldReceive('get')->with('system', 'auth_cookie_lifetime', Cookie::DEFAULT_EXPIRE)->andReturn('7')->once(); $cookie = new Cookie($this->config, []); $this->assertInstanceOf(Cookie::class, $cookie); $this->assertEquals($assertTrue, $cookie->check($assertHash, $password, $userPrivateKey)); } public function testSet() { $this->markTestIncomplete('Needs mocking of setcookie() first.'); } public function testClear() { $this->markTestIncomplete('Needs mocking of setcookie() first.'); } }