Table post-counts =========== Original remote activity Fields ------ | Field | Description | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ---- | --- | ------- | ----- | | uri-id | Id of the item-uri table entry that contains the item uri | int unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | | | vid | Id of the verb table entry that contains the activity verbs | smallint unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | | | reaction | Emoji Reaction | varchar(1) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | parent-uri-id | Id of the item-uri table that contains the parent uri | int unsigned | YES | | NULL | | | count | Number of activities | int unsigned | YES | | 0 | | Indexes ------------ | Name | Fields | | ------------- | --------------------- | | PRIMARY | uri-id, vid, reaction | | vid | vid | | parent-uri-id | parent-uri-id | Foreign Keys ------------ | Field | Target Table | Target Field | |-------|--------------|--------------| | uri-id | [item-uri](help/database/db_item-uri) | id | | vid | [verb](help/database/db_verb) | id | | parent-uri-id | [item-uri](help/database/db_item-uri) | id | Return to [database documentation](help/database)