* @author Roland Haeder */ class RedisCacheDriver extends AbstractCacheDriver implements IMemoryCacheDriver { /** * @var \Redis */ private $redis; public function __construct($redis_host, $redis_port) { if (!class_exists('Redis', false)) { throw new \Exception('Redis class isn\'t available'); } $this->redis = new \Redis(); if (!$this->redis->connect($redis_host, $redis_port)) { throw new \Exception('Expected Redis server at ' . $redis_host . ':' . $redis_port . ' isn\'t available'); } } public function get($key) { $return = null; $cachekey = $this->getCacheKey($key); $cached = $this->redis->get($cachekey); if ($cached === false && !$this->redis->exists($cachekey)) { return null; } $value = json_decode($cached); // Only return a value if the serialized value is valid. // We also check if the db entry is a serialized // boolean 'false' value (which we want to return). if ($cached === serialize(false) || $value !== false) { $return = $value; } return $return; } public function set($key, $value, $ttl = Cache::FIVE_MINUTES) { $cachekey = $this->getCacheKey($key); $cached = json_encode($value); if ($ttl > 0) { return $this->redis->setex( $cachekey, $ttl, $cached ); } else { return $this->redis->set( $cachekey, $cached ); } } public function delete($key) { $cachekey = $this->getCacheKey($key); return ($this->redis->delete($cachekey) > 0); } public function clear($outdated = true) { if ($outdated) { return true; } else { return $this->redis->flushAll(); } } /** * (@inheritdoc) */ public function add($key, $value, $ttl = Cache::FIVE_MINUTES) { $cachekey = $this->getCacheKey($key); $cached = json_encode($value); return $this->redis->setnx($cachekey, $cached); } /** * (@inheritdoc) */ public function compareSet($key, $oldValue, $newValue, $ttl = Cache::FIVE_MINUTES) { $cachekey = $this->getCacheKey($key); $newCached = json_encode($newValue); $this->redis->watch($cachekey); // If the old value isn't what we expected, somebody else changed the key meanwhile if ($this->get($key) === $oldValue) { if ($ttl > 0) { $result = $this->redis->multi() ->setex($cachekey, $ttl, $newCached) ->exec(); } else { $result = $this->redis->multi() ->set($cachekey, $newValue) ->exec(); } return $result !== false; } $this->redis->unwatch(); return false; } /** * (@inheritdoc) */ public function compareDelete($key, $value) { $cachekey = $this->getCacheKey($key); $this->redis->watch($cachekey); // If the old value isn't what we expected, somebody else changed the key meanwhile if ($this->get($key) === $value) { $result = $this->redis->multi() ->del($cachekey) ->exec(); return $result !== false; } $this->redis->unwatch(); return false; } }