getCurrentTheme() !== 'frio') { throw new NotImplementedException(L10n::t('This feature is only available with the frio theme.')); } /// @TODO Retrieve parameter from router $posttype = $a->argv[1] ?? Item::PT_ARTICLE; if (!in_array($posttype, [Item::PT_ARTICLE, Item::PT_PERSONAL_NOTE])) { switch ($posttype) { case 'note': $posttype = Item::PT_PERSONAL_NOTE; break; default: $posttype = Item::PT_ARTICLE; break; } } $user = User::getById(local_user(), ['allow_cid', 'allow_gid', 'deny_cid', 'deny_gid', 'hidewall', 'default-location']); switch ($posttype) { case Item::PT_PERSONAL_NOTE: $compose_title = L10n::t('Compose new personal note'); $type = 'note'; $doesFederate = false; $contact_allow = $a->contact['id']; $group_allow = ''; break; default: $compose_title = L10n::t('Compose new post'); $type = 'post'; $doesFederate = true; $contact_allow = implode(',', expand_acl($user['allow_cid'])); $group_allow = implode(',', expand_acl($user['allow_gid'])) ?: Group::FOLLOWERS; break; } $title = $_REQUEST['title'] ?? ''; $category = $_REQUEST['category'] ?? ''; $body = $_REQUEST['body'] ?? ''; $location = $_REQUEST['location'] ?? $user['default-location']; $wall = $_REQUEST['wall'] ?? $type == 'post'; $contact_allow = $_REQUEST['contact_allow'] ?? $contact_allow; $group_allow = $_REQUEST['group_allow'] ?? $group_allow; $contact_deny = $_REQUEST['contact_deny'] ?? implode(',', expand_acl($user['deny_cid'])); $group_deny = $_REQUEST['group_deny'] ?? implode(',', expand_acl($user['deny_gid'])); $visibility = ($contact_allow . $user['allow_gid'] . $user['deny_cid'] . $user['deny_gid']) ? 'custom' : 'public'; $acl_contacts = Contact::select(['id', 'name', 'addr', 'micro'], ['uid' => local_user(), 'pending' => false, 'rel' => [Contact::FOLLOWER, Contact::FRIEND]]); array_walk($acl_contacts, function (&$value) { $value['type'] = 'contact'; }); $acl_groups = [ [ 'id' => Group::FOLLOWERS, 'name' => L10n::t('Followers'), 'addr' => '', 'micro' => 'images/twopeople.png', 'type' => 'group', ], [ 'id' => Group::MUTUALS, 'name' => L10n::t('Mutuals'), 'addr' => '', 'micro' => 'images/twopeople.png', 'type' => 'group', ] ]; foreach (Group::getByUserId(local_user()) as $group) { $acl_groups[] = [ 'id' => $group['id'], 'name' => $group['name'], 'addr' => '', 'micro' => 'images/twopeople.png', 'type' => 'group', ]; } $acl = array_merge($acl_groups, $acl_contacts); $jotnets_fields = []; $mail_enabled = false; $pubmail_enabled = false; if (function_exists('imap_open') && !Config::get('system', 'imap_disabled')) { $mailacct = DBA::selectFirst('mailacct', ['pubmail'], ['`uid` = ? AND `server` != ""', local_user()]); if (DBA::isResult($mailacct)) { $mail_enabled = true; $pubmail_enabled = !empty($mailacct['pubmail']); } } if (empty($user['hidewall'])) { if ($mail_enabled) { $jotnets_fields[] = [ 'type' => 'checkbox', 'field' => [ 'pubmail_enable', L10n::t('Post to Email'), $pubmail_enabled ] ]; } Hook::callAll('jot_networks', $jotnets_fields); } $jotplugins = ''; Hook::callAll('jot_tool', $jotplugins); // Output $a->registerFooterScript('view/js/ajaxupload.js'); $a->registerFooterScript('view/js/linkPreview.js'); $a->registerFooterScript('view/asset/typeahead.js/dist/typeahead.bundle.js'); $a->registerFooterScript('view/theme/frio/frameworks/friendica-tagsinput/friendica-tagsinput.js'); $a->registerStylesheet('view/theme/frio/frameworks/friendica-tagsinput/friendica-tagsinput.css'); $a->registerStylesheet('view/theme/frio/frameworks/friendica-tagsinput/friendica-tagsinput-typeahead.css'); $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('item/compose-footer.tpl'); $a->page['footer'] .= Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$acl_contacts' => $acl_contacts, '$acl_groups' => $acl_groups, '$acl' => $acl, ]); $tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('item/compose.tpl'); return Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [ '$compose_title'=> $compose_title, '$id' => 0, '$posttype' => $posttype, '$type' => $type, '$wall' => $wall, '$default' => L10n::t(''), '$mylink' => $a->removeBaseURL($a->contact['url']), '$mytitle' => L10n::t('This is you'), '$myphoto' => $a->removeBaseURL($a->contact['thumb']), '$submit' => L10n::t('Submit'), '$edbold' => L10n::t('Bold'), '$editalic' => L10n::t('Italic'), '$eduline' => L10n::t('Underline'), '$edquote' => L10n::t('Quote'), '$edcode' => L10n::t('Code'), '$edimg' => L10n::t('Image'), '$edurl' => L10n::t('Link'), '$edattach' => L10n::t('Link or Media'), '$prompttext' => L10n::t('Please enter a image/video/audio/webpage URL:'), '$preview' => L10n::t('Preview'), '$location_set' => L10n::t('Set your location'), '$location_clear' => L10n::t('Clear the location'), '$location_unavailable' => L10n::t('Location services are unavailable on your device'), '$location_disabled' => L10n::t('Location services are disabled. Please check the website\'s permissions on your device'), '$wait' => L10n::t('Please wait'), '$placeholdertitle' => L10n::t('Set title'), '$placeholdercategory' => (Feature::isEnabled(local_user(),'categories') ? L10n::t('Categories (comma-separated list)') : ''), '$public_title' => L10n::t('Public'), '$public_desc' => L10n::t('This post will be sent to all your followers and can be seen in the community pages and by anyone with its link.'), '$custom_title' => L10n::t('Limited/Private'), '$custom_desc' => L10n::t('This post will be sent only to the people in the first box, to the exception of the people mentioned in the second box. It won\'t appear anywhere public.'), '$emailcc' => L10n::t('CC: email addresses'), '$title' => $title, '$category' => $category, '$body' => $body, '$location' => $location, '$visibility' => $visibility, '$contact_allow'=> $contact_allow, '$group_allow' => $group_allow, '$contact_deny' => $contact_deny, '$group_deny' => $group_deny, '$jotplugins' => $jotplugins, '$doesFederate' => $doesFederate, '$jotnets_fields'=> $jotnets_fields, '$sourceapp' => L10n::t($a->sourcename), '$rand_num' => Crypto::randomDigits(12) ]); } }