Dear $username, I've got good news and bad news... first the good news. '$fn' at '$dfrn_url' has accepted your connection request at '$sitename'. The bad news is that '$fn' did not make you a "full friend", but rather accepted you as a "fan". [Maybe you were expecting this, maybe not.] What this means is that '$fn' can communicate with you at any time and comment on your activities, but your communications to '$fn' may be restricted. In particular, you do NOT have the ability to exchange private mail. You are only able to communicate with '$fn' via your own status updates. In the future, '$fn' MAY decide to seek a full connection and make a reciprocal request. If you approve such a request, you will then be considered mutual friends with full communication ability. The network at $sitename allows many types of relationships - as opposed to older social networks where friendship is either "yes" or "no" - with nothing in between. $siteurl Sincerely, $sitename Administrator