. * */ namespace Friendica\Console; /** * Description of CreateDoxygen */ class CreateDoxygen extends \Asika\SimpleConsole\Console { protected $helpOptions = ['h', 'help', '?']; protected function getHelp() { $help = << [-h|--help|-?] [-v] Description Outputs the provided file with added Doxygen headers to functions Options -h|--help|-? Show help information -v Show more debug information. HELP; return $help; } protected function doExecute() { if ($this->getOption('v')) { $this->out('Class: ' . __CLASS__); $this->out('Arguments: ' . var_export($this->args, true)); $this->out('Options: ' . var_export($this->options, true)); } if (count($this->args) == 0) { $this->out($this->getHelp()); return 0; } if (count($this->args) > 1) { throw new \Asika\SimpleConsole\CommandArgsException('Too many arguments'); } $file = $this->getArgument(0); if (!file_exists($file)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to find specified file.'); } $data = file_get_contents($file); $lines = explode("\n", $data); $previous = ""; foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = rtrim(trim($line, "\r")); if (strstr(strtolower($line), "function")) { $detect = strtolower(trim($line)); $detect = implode(" ", explode(" ", $detect)); $found = false; if (substr($detect, 0, 9) == "function ") { $found = true; } if (substr($detect, 0, 19) == "protected function ") { $found = true; } if (substr($detect, 0, 17) == "private function ") { $found = true; } if (substr($detect, 0, 23) == "public static function ") { $found = true; } if (substr($detect, 0, 24) == "private static function ") { $found = true; } if (substr($detect, 0, 10) == "function (") { $found = false; } if ($found && ( trim($previous) == "*/")) { $found = false; } if ($found) { $this->out($this->addDocumentation($line)); } } $this->out($line); $previous = $line; } return 0; } /** * Adds a doxygen header * * @param string $line The current line of the document * * @return string added doxygen header */ private function addDocumentation($line) { $trimmed = ltrim($line); $length = strlen($line) - strlen($trimmed); $space = substr($line, 0, $length); $block = $space . "/**\n" . $space . " * \n" . $space . " *\n"; /**/ $left = strpos($line, "("); $line = substr($line, $left + 1); $right = strpos($line, ")"); $line = trim(substr($line, 0, $right)); if ($line != "") { $parameters = explode(",", $line); foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { $parameter = trim($parameter); $splitted = explode("=", $parameter); $block .= $space . " * @param " . trim($splitted[0], "& ") . "\n"; } if (count($parameters) > 0) $block .= $space . " *\n"; } $block .= $space . " * @return \n" . $space . " */\n"; return $block; } }