db = $database; $this->logger = $logger; $this->factory = $factory; } /** * Populates the collection according to the condition. Retrieves a limited subset of entities depending on the * boundaries and the limit. The total count of rows matching the condition is stored in the collection. * * Depends on the corresponding table featuring a numerical auto incremented column called `id`. * * max_id and min_id are susceptible to the query order: * - min_id alone only reliably works with ASC order * - max_id alone only reliably works with DESC order * If the wrong order is detected in either case, we reverse the query order and the entity list order after the query * * Chainable. * * @param array $condition * @param array $params * @param int|null $min_id Retrieve models with an id no fewer than this, as close to it as possible * @param int|null $max_id Retrieve models with an id no greater than this, as close to it as possible * @param int $limit * @return BaseCollection * @throws \Exception */ protected function _selectByBoundaries( array $condition = [], array $params = [], int $min_id = null, int $max_id = null, int $limit = self::LIMIT ): BaseCollection { $totalCount = $this->count($condition); $boundCondition = $condition; $reverseOrder = false; if (isset($min_id)) { $boundCondition = DBA::mergeConditions($boundCondition, ['`id` > ?', $min_id]); if (!isset($max_id) && isset($params['order']['id']) && ($params['order']['id'] === true || $params['order']['id'] === 'DESC')) { $reverseOrder = true; $params['order']['id'] = 'ASC'; } } if (isset($max_id) && $max_id > 0) { $boundCondition = DBA::mergeConditions($boundCondition, ['`id` < ?', $max_id]); if (!isset($min_id) && (!isset($params['order']['id']) || $params['order']['id'] === false || $params['order']['id'] === 'ASC')) { $reverseOrder = true; $params['order']['id'] = 'DESC'; } } $params['limit'] = $limit; $Entities = $this->_select($boundCondition, $params); if ($reverseOrder) { $Entities->reverse(); } return new BaseCollection($Entities->getArrayCopy(), $totalCount); } /** * @param array $condition * @param array $params * @return BaseCollection * @throws Exception */ protected function _select(array $condition, array $params = []): BaseCollection { $rows = $this->db->selectToArray(static::$table_name, [], $condition, $params); $Entities = new BaseCollection(); foreach ($rows as $fields) { $Entities[] = $this->factory->createFromTableRow($fields); } return $Entities; } /** * @param array $condition * @param array $params * @return BaseEntity * @throws NotFoundException */ protected function _selectOne(array $condition, array $params = []): BaseEntity { $fields = $this->db->selectFirst(static::$table_name, [], $condition, $params); if (!$this->db->isResult($fields)) { throw new NotFoundException(); } return $this->factory->createFromTableRow($fields); } /** * @param array $condition * @param array $params * @return int * @throws Exception */ public function count(array $condition, array $params = []): int { return $this->db->count(static::$table_name, $condition, $params); } /** * @param array $condition * @return bool * @throws Exception */ public function exists(array $condition): bool { return $this->db->exists(static::$table_name, $condition); } }