Version 3.3.3 More separation between php and html in photo album (issue #1258) (rabuzarus) Enhanced community page shows public posts from public contacts of public profiles (annando) Support for IndieAuth/Web-sign-in (hauke) New hooks "emailer_send_prepare" and "emailer_send" (fabrixxm) New hook "oembed_fetch_url" (annando) Add un/ignore function to quattro theme (tobiasd) Enhanced POCO data (annando) Use HTML5 features to validate inputs in install wizard and in some settings fields (tobiasd) Option to receive text-only notification emails (fabrixxm) Better OStatus support (annando) Share-it button support (annando) More reliable reshare from Diaspora (annando) Load more images via proxy (annando) util/typo.php uses "php -l" insead of "eval()" to validate code (fabrixxm) Use $_SERVER array in cli script instead of $argv/$argc (issue #1218) (annando) Updated vagrant setup script (silke) API: support to star/unstar items (fabrixxm) API: attachments for better AndStatus support (annando) Fix missing spaces in photo URLs (issue #920) (annando) Fix avatar for "remote-self" items (annando) Fix encodings issues with scrape functionality (annando) Fix site info scraping when URL points to big file (annando) Fix tools for translations (ddorian1) Fix API login via LDAP (issue #1286) (fabrixxm) Fix to link URL in tabs, pager (issues #1341, #1190) (ddorian1) Better documentation for developers (silke) Version 3.3.2 Set default value for all not-null fields (fixes SQL warinigs) (annando) Fix item filters in network page (issue #1222) (fabrixxm) Remove reference to an ex Friendica hub from documentation (beardyunixer, tobiasd) API throttling (annando) Use a san-serif font in breathe style of vier theme (silke) Prevent BBCode parsing problems with URLs (annando) Add back tags to posts to Diaspora (annando) Better display of pictures in posts (annando) Fix out of control gprobe process (annando) Version 3.3.1 JSONP support for API (fabrixxm) Fixed small bug in direct messages API (fabrixxm) More filter for direct messages API (fabrixxm) New hooks "getsiteinfo", "page_info_data" (annando) Better loop post prevention (annando) Via API, replace data: uri images in plain text version with link to post. (issue #1134) (fabrixxm) Set default location to empty for new users. Suppress warning on user creation (issue #1193) (fabrixxm) Correctly build urls with queries (issue #1190) (fabrixxm) Optionally use keywords in feed as post tags with "remote self" (annando) A blacklist of keywords to not use can be defined (annando) "remote self" works also with Friendica and Diaspora contacts (annando) Show exact post time after 12 hours (FX7) Optionally redirect from non-SSL to SSL (annando) Translation updates Added CHANGELOG Version 3.3 API added support in the API to allow image uploads from Twidere support for the diaspora app in Firefox Themes Stopped support of unmaintained themes. They will continue to work if enabled but are no longer displayed in the list of themes. Merged all "zero" themes into a theme with variations. new default avatar by Andi Stadler Usability network page as default page after login sections on users' settings page are now collapsable automatic updating the network stream was improved Interaction ignoring of threads for selected contects one can now get notifications when they post something, useful e.g. for forums After a new friendica contact is added, the user is directed to the contact page of the new contact. (Instead of the remote profile) many improvement on all connectors, new connector the algorithm for shortening postings when posting to limited platforms was improved improvements for the remote_self functionality for RSS/Atom feeds were done System stuff no more apc support due problems with PHP 5.5 privacy image cache moved from an addon into the core updated the following libraries: smarty 3.1.19, fullcalendar 1.6.4, jquery 1.11, jgrowl 1.3.0 added modernizer 2.8.3, better browser support updates to the DB structure for better performance preperations to use PDO in a later release new notification system web interface translations updated, addon translations now also possible separately from the main UI and done for CS, IT, RO, DE vagrant support added for developers some bugs were fixed for the profile import function BBCode handling and reformatting to e.g. markdown was improved Internal PusH server for communication with OStatus contacts Addons translation now done at transifex as well "newmemberwidget" adds widget with help links + welcome message to sidebar of network tab for new members new statistics addon to take part in the Diaspora* survey new bidirectional connector for new relay connector for Diaspora* new connector for the buffer service improvements for the connectors with Twitter, StatusNet/GNU Social,, google+ and facebook improvements to the cal and jappix-mini addons Change in the structure of the git repo The "master" branch will now contain stable stuff and hotfixes. The new "develop" branch will contain the latest changes. Version 3.2 LICENSE change from Friendica uses now the AGPL Language updates: PT_BR, RU, NB_NO, DE, PL, CS, ZH-CN, IT, CA, FR, NL new languages: BG added a README.translate and updates to the translation utils addons are now translated separately Theme updates: vier, smoothly, diabook, decaf-mobile, dispy, frost, frost-mobile, quattro Bug fixes: #516, #517, #525, #476, #540, #546, #712, #728 sample nginx and lighttpd config new default templating engine: smarty3 new share element maintenance mode for longer running upgrade tasks small fixed edit profile photo link better caching of pictures threadening for outgoing emails mail import oembed thumbnails SN subscriptions & more SN like behaviour if snautofollow addon is used collect content of SN discussion threads communication with Diaspora* usage of the API search improvements MIME types for attachments support Open Graph and Dublin Core when showing single items better use of APC if present use https versions of videos from youtube and vimeo to make firefox happy fixes to the documentation if a home.html is there, home.css is used as well update included TinyMCE to version 3.5.8, fancybox made more options available in the admin panel that were hidden before show the admin information about when accounts expire in the admin panel improving the install.php script addons now can be members only item object now contains the "edited" information left for the theme designers to show this info in a pretty way improvments to the user-import from exported account files It's now possible to authenticate an ejabberd server against friendica. bugtracker moved to github improvements to MySQL queries Version 3.1 See