. * */ namespace Friendica\Core\Worker; use Friendica\App\Mode; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\DI; /** * Contains the class for the worker background job processing */ class Daemon { private static $mode = null; /** * Checks if the worker is running in the daemon mode. * * @return boolean */ public static function isMode() { if (!is_null(self::$mode)) { return self::$mode; } if (DI::mode()->getExecutor() == Mode::DAEMON) { return true; } $daemon_mode = DI::config()->get('system', 'worker_daemon_mode', false, true); if ($daemon_mode) { return $daemon_mode; } if (!function_exists('pcntl_fork')) { self::$mode = false; return false; } $pidfile = DI::config()->get('system', 'pidfile'); if (empty($pidfile)) { // No pid file, no daemon self::$mode = false; return false; } if (!is_readable($pidfile)) { // No pid file. We assume that the daemon had been intentionally stopped. self::$mode = false; return false; } $pid = intval(file_get_contents($pidfile)); $running = posix_kill($pid, 0); self::$mode = $running; return $running; } /** * Test if the daemon is running. If not, it will be started * * @return void */ public static function checkState() { if (!DI::config()->get('system', 'daemon_watchdog', false)) { return; } if (!DI::mode()->isNormal()) { return; } // Check every minute if the daemon is running if (DI::config()->get('system', 'last_daemon_check', 0) + 60 > time()) { return; } DI::config()->set('system', 'last_daemon_check', time()); $pidfile = DI::config()->get('system', 'pidfile'); if (empty($pidfile)) { // No pid file, no daemon return; } if (!is_readable($pidfile)) { // No pid file. We assume that the daemon had been intentionally stopped. return; } $pid = intval(file_get_contents($pidfile)); if (posix_kill($pid, 0)) { Logger::info('Daemon process is running', ['pid' => $pid]); return; } Logger::warning('Daemon process is not running', ['pid' => $pid]); self::spawn(); } /** * Spawn a new daemon process * * @return void */ private static function spawn() { Logger::notice('Starting new daemon process'); DI::system()->run('bin/daemon.php', ['start']); Logger::notice('New daemon process started'); } }