. * */ namespace Friendica\Profile\ProfileField\Repository; use Friendica\BaseRepository; use Friendica\Database\Database; use Friendica\Profile\ProfileField\Exception\ProfileFieldNotFoundException; use Friendica\Profile\ProfileField\Exception\ProfileFieldPersistenceException; use Friendica\Profile\ProfileField\Exception\UnexpectedPermissionSetException; use Friendica\Profile\ProfileField\Factory; use Friendica\Profile\ProfileField\Entity; use Friendica\Profile\ProfileField\Collection; use Friendica\Security\PermissionSet\Repository\PermissionSet as PermissionSetRepository; use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class ProfileField extends BaseRepository { /** @var Factory\ProfileField */ protected $factory; protected static $table_name = 'profile_field'; protected static $view_name = 'profile_field-view'; /** @var PermissionSetRepository */ protected $permissionSetRepository; public function __construct(Database $database, LoggerInterface $logger, Factory\ProfileField $factory, PermissionSetRepository $permissionSetRepository) { parent::__construct($database, $logger, $factory); $this->permissionSetRepository = $permissionSetRepository; } /** * @param array $condition * @param array $params * * @return Entity\ProfileField * * @throws ProfileFieldNotFoundException * @throws UnexpectedPermissionSetException */ private function selectOne(array $condition, array $params = []): Entity\ProfileField { $fields = $this->db->selectFirst(static::$view_name, [], $condition, $params); if (!$this->db->isResult($fields)) { throw new ProfileFieldNotFoundException(); } return $this->factory->createFromTableRow($fields); } /** * @param array $condition * @param array $params * * @return Collection\ProfileFields * * @throws ProfileFieldPersistenceException In case of underlying persistence exceptions * @throws UnexpectedPermissionSetException */ private function select(array $condition, array $params = []): Collection\ProfileFields { $rows = $this->db->selectToArray(static::$view_name, [], $condition, $params); $Entities = new Collection\ProfileFields(); foreach ($rows as $fields) { $Entities[] = $this->factory->createFromTableRow($fields); } return $Entities; } /** * Converts a given ProfileField into a DB compatible row array * * @param Entity\ProfileField $profileField * * @return array */ protected function convertToTableRow(Entity\ProfileField $profileField): array { return [ 'uid' => $profileField->uid, 'label' => $profileField->label, 'value' => $profileField->value, 'order' => $profileField->order, 'created' => $profileField->created->format(DateTimeFormat::MYSQL), 'edited' => $profileField->edited->format(DateTimeFormat::MYSQL), 'psid' => $profileField->permissionSet->id ]; } /** * Returns all public available ProfileFields for a specific user * * @param int $uid the user id * * @return Collection\ProfileFields * * @throws ProfileFieldPersistenceException In case of underlying persistence exceptions */ public function selectPublicFieldsByUserId(int $uid): Collection\ProfileFields { try { $publicPermissionSet = $this->permissionSetRepository->selectPublicForUser($uid); return $this->select([ 'uid' => $uid, 'psid' => $publicPermissionSet->id ]); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new ProfileFieldPersistenceException(sprintf('Cannot select public ProfileField for user "%d"', $uid), $exception); } } /** * @param int $uid Field owner user Id * * @throws ProfileFieldPersistenceException In case of underlying persistence exceptions */ public function selectByUserId(int $uid): Collection\ProfileFields { try { return $this->select( ['uid' => $uid], ['order' => ['order']] ); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new ProfileFieldPersistenceException(sprintf('Cannot select ProfileField for user "%d"', $uid), $exception); } } /** * Retrieve all custom profile field a given contact is able to access to, including public profile fields. * * @param int $cid Private contact id, must be owned by $uid * @param int $uid Field owner user id * * @throws \Exception */ public function selectByContactId(int $cid, int $uid): Collection\ProfileFields { $permissionSets = $this->permissionSetRepository->selectByContactId($cid, $uid); $permissionSetIds = $permissionSets->column('id'); // Includes public custom fields $permissionSetIds[] = $this->permissionSetRepository->selectPublicForUser($uid)->id; return $this->select( ['uid' => $uid, 'psid' => $permissionSetIds], ['order' => ['order']] ); } /** * @param int $id * * @return Entity\ProfileField * * @ProfileFieldNotFoundException In case there is no ProfileField found */ public function selectOneById(int $id): Entity\ProfileField { try { return $this->selectOne(['id' => $id]); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new ProfileFieldNotFoundException(sprintf('Cannot find Profile "%s"', $id), $exception); } } /** * Delets a whole collection of ProfileFields * * @param Collection\ProfileFields $profileFields * * @return bool * @throws ProfileFieldPersistenceException in case the persistence layer cannot delete the ProfileFields */ public function deleteCollection(Collection\ProfileFields $profileFields): bool { try { return $this->db->delete(self::$table_name, ['id' => $profileFields->column('id')]); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new ProfileFieldPersistenceException('Cannot delete ProfileFields', $exception); } } /** * @param Entity\ProfileField $profileField * * @return Entity\ProfileField * @throws ProfileFieldPersistenceException in case the persistence layer cannot save the ProfileField */ public function save(Entity\ProfileField $profileField): Entity\ProfileField { if ($profileField->permissionSet->id === null) { throw new ProfileFieldPersistenceException('PermissionSet needs to be saved first.'); } $fields = $this->convertToTableRow($profileField); try { if ($profileField->id) { $this->db->update(self::$table_name, $fields, ['id' => $profileField->id]); } else { $this->db->insert(self::$table_name, $fields); $profileField = $this->selectOneById($this->db->lastInsertId()); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new ProfileFieldPersistenceException(sprintf('Cannot save ProfileField with id "%d" and label "%s"', $profileField->id, $profileField->label), $exception); } return $profileField; } public function saveCollectionForUser(int $uid, Collection\ProfileFields $profileFields): Collection\ProfileFields { $savedProfileFields = new Collection\ProfileFields(); $profileFieldsOld = $this->selectByUserId($uid); // Prunes profile field whose label has been emptied $labels = $profileFields->column('label'); $prunedProfileFieldsOld = $profileFieldsOld->filter(function (Entity\ProfileField $profileFieldOld) use ($labels) { return array_search($profileFieldOld->label, $labels) === false; }); $this->deleteCollection($prunedProfileFieldsOld); // Update the order based on the new Profile Field Collection $order = 0; $labelProfileFieldsOld = array_flip($profileFieldsOld->column('label')); foreach ($profileFields as $profileField) { // Update existing field (preserve if (array_key_exists($profileField->label, $labelProfileFieldsOld)) { $profileFieldOldId = $labelProfileFieldsOld[$profileField->label]; /** @var Entity\ProfileField $foundProfileFieldOld */ $foundProfileFieldOld = $profileFieldsOld[$profileFieldOldId]; $foundProfileFieldOld->update( $profileField->value, $order, $profileField->permissionSet ); $savedProfileFields->append($this->save($foundProfileFieldOld)); } else { $profileField->setOrder($order); $savedProfileFields->append($this->save($profileField)); } $order++; } return $savedProfileFields; } }