. * */ namespace Friendica\Test\src\Core\Config\Cache; use Friendica\Core\Config\ValueObject\Cache; use Friendica\Test\MockedTest; use ParagonIE\HiddenString\HiddenString; use stdClass; class CacheTest extends MockedTest { public function dataTests() { return [ 'normal' => [ 'data' => [ 'system' => [ 'test' => 'it', 'boolTrue' => true, 'boolFalse' => false, 'int' => 235, 'dec' => 2.456, 'array' => ['1', 2, '3', true, false], ], 'config' => [ 'a' => 'value', ], ] ] ]; } private function assertConfigValues($data, Cache $configCache) { foreach ($data as $cat => $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { self::assertEquals($data[$cat][$key], $configCache->get($cat, $key)); } } } /** * Test the loadConfigArray() method without override * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testLoadConfigArray($data) { $configCache = new Cache(); $configCache->load($data); self::assertConfigValues($data, $configCache); } /** * Test the loadConfigArray() method with overrides * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testLoadConfigArrayOverride($data) { $override = [ 'system' => [ 'test' => 'not', 'boolTrue' => false, ] ]; $configCache = new Cache(); $configCache->load($data, Cache::SOURCE_DATA); // doesn't override - Low Priority due Config file $configCache->load($override, Cache::SOURCE_FILE); self::assertConfigValues($data, $configCache); // override the value - High Prio due Server Env $configCache->load($override, Cache::SOURCE_ENV); self::assertEquals($override['system']['test'], $configCache->get('system', 'test')); self::assertEquals($override['system']['boolTrue'], $configCache->get('system', 'boolTrue')); // Don't overwrite server ENV variables - even in load mode $configCache->load($data, Cache::SOURCE_DATA); self::assertEquals($override['system']['test'], $configCache->get('system', 'test')); self::assertEquals($override['system']['boolTrue'], $configCache->get('system', 'boolTrue')); // Overwrite ENV variables with ENV variables $configCache->load($data, Cache::SOURCE_ENV); self::assertConfigValues($data, $configCache); self::assertNotEquals($override['system']['test'], $configCache->get('system', 'test')); self::assertNotEquals($override['system']['boolTrue'], $configCache->get('system', 'boolTrue')); } /** * Test the loadConfigArray() method with only a category */ public function testLoadConfigArrayWithOnlyCategory() { $configCache = new Cache(); // empty dataset $configCache->load([]); self::assertEmpty($configCache->getAll()); // wrong dataset $configCache->load(['system' => 'not_array']); self::assertEquals([], $configCache->getAll()); // incomplete dataset (key is integer ID of the array) $configCache = new Cache(); $configCache->load(['system' => ['value']]); self::assertEquals('value', $configCache->get('system', 0)); } /** * Test the getAll() method * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testGetAll($data) { $configCache = new Cache(); $configCache->load($data); $all = $configCache->getAll(); self::assertContains($data['system'], $all); self::assertContains($data['config'], $all); } /** * Test the set() and get() method * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testSetGet($data) { $configCache = new Cache(); foreach ($data as $cat => $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $configCache->set($cat, $key, $value); } } self::assertConfigValues($data, $configCache); } /** * Test the get() method without a value */ public function testGetEmpty() { $configCache = new Cache(); self::assertNull($configCache->get('something', 'value')); } /** * Test the get() method with a category */ public function testGetCat() { $configCache = new Cache([ 'system' => [ 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', ], 'config' => [ 'key3' => 'value3', ], ]); self::assertEquals([ 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', ], $configCache->get('system')); // explicit null as key self::assertEquals([ 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', ], $configCache->get('system', null)); } /** * Test the delete() method * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testDelete($data) { $configCache = new Cache($data); foreach ($data as $cat => $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $configCache->delete($cat, $key); } } self::assertEmpty($configCache->getAll()); } /** * Test the keyDiff() method with result * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testKeyDiffWithResult($data) { $configCache = new Cache($data); $diffConfig = [ 'fakeCat' => [ 'fakeKey' => 'value', ] ]; self::assertEquals($diffConfig, $configCache->keyDiff($diffConfig)); } /** * Test the keyDiff() method without result * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testKeyDiffWithoutResult($data) { $configCache = new Cache($data); $diffConfig = $configCache->getAll(); self::assertEmpty($configCache->keyDiff($diffConfig)); } /** * Test the default hiding of passwords inside the cache */ public function testPasswordHide() { $configCache = new Cache([ 'database' => [ 'password' => 'supersecure', 'username' => 'notsecured', ], ]); self::assertEquals('supersecure', $configCache->get('database', 'password')); self::assertNotEquals('supersecure', print_r($configCache->get('database', 'password'), true)); self::assertEquals('notsecured', print_r($configCache->get('database', 'username'), true)); } /** * Test disabling the hiding of passwords inside the cache */ public function testPasswordShow() { $configCache = new Cache([ 'database' => [ 'password' => 'supersecure', 'username' => 'notsecured', ], ], false); self::assertEquals('supersecure', $configCache->get('database', 'password')); self::assertEquals('supersecure', print_r($configCache->get('database', 'password'), true)); self::assertEquals('notsecured', print_r($configCache->get('database', 'username'), true)); } /** * Test a empty password */ public function testEmptyPassword() { $configCache = new Cache([ 'database' => [ 'password' => '', 'username' => '', ] ]); self::assertNotEmpty($configCache->get('database', 'password')); self::assertInstanceOf(HiddenString::class, $configCache->get('database', 'password')); self::assertEmpty($configCache->get('database', 'username')); } public function testWrongTypePassword() { $configCache = new Cache([ 'database' => [ 'password' => new stdClass(), 'username' => '', ] ]); self::assertNotEmpty($configCache->get('database', 'password')); self::assertEmpty($configCache->get('database', 'username')); $configCache = new Cache([ 'database' => [ 'password' => 23, 'username' => '', ] ]); self::assertEquals(23, $configCache->get('database', 'password')); self::assertEmpty($configCache->get('database', 'username')); } /** * Test the set() method with overrides * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testSetOverrides($data) { $configCache = new Cache(); $configCache->load($data, Cache::SOURCE_DATA); // test with wrong override self::assertFalse($configCache->set('system', 'test', '1234567', Cache::SOURCE_FILE)); self::assertEquals($data['system']['test'], $configCache->get('system', 'test')); // test with override (equal) self::assertTrue($configCache->set('system', 'test', '8910', Cache::SOURCE_DATA)); self::assertEquals('8910', $configCache->get('system', 'test')); // test with override (over) self::assertTrue($configCache->set('system', 'test', '111213', Cache::SOURCE_ENV)); self::assertEquals('111213', $configCache->get('system', 'test')); } /** * @dataProvider dataTests * * @return void */ public function testSetData($data) { $configCache = new Cache(); $configCache->load($data, Cache::SOURCE_FILE); $configCache->set('system', 'test_2','with_data', Cache::SOURCE_DATA); $this->assertEquals(['system' => ['test_2' => 'with_data']], $configCache->getDataBySource(Cache::SOURCE_DATA)); $this->assertEquals($data, $configCache->getDataBySource(Cache::SOURCE_FILE)); } /** * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testMerge($data) { $configCache = new Cache(); $configCache->load($data, Cache::SOURCE_FILE); $configCache->set('system', 'test_2','with_data', Cache::SOURCE_DATA); $configCache->set('config', 'test_override','with_another_data', Cache::SOURCE_DATA); $configCache->set('old_category', 'test_45','given category', Cache::SOURCE_DATA); $newCache = new Cache(); $newCache->set('config', 'test_override','override it again', Cache::SOURCE_DATA); $newCache->set('system', 'test_3','new value', Cache::SOURCE_DATA); $newCache->set('new_category', 'test_23','added category', Cache::SOURCE_DATA); $mergedCache = $configCache->merge($newCache); self::assertEquals('with_data', $mergedCache->get('system', 'test_2')); self::assertEquals('override it again', $mergedCache->get('config', 'test_override')); self::assertEquals('new value', $mergedCache->get('system', 'test_3')); self::assertEquals('given category', $mergedCache->get('old_category', 'test_45')); self::assertEquals('added category', $mergedCache->get('new_category', 'test_23')); } public function dataTestCat() { return [ 'test_with_hashmap' => [ 'data' => [ 'test_with_hashmap' => [ 'notifyall' => [ 'last_update' => 1671051565, 'admin' => true, ], 'blockbot' => [ 'last_update' => 1658952852, 'admin' => true, ], ], 'config' => [ 'register_policy' => 2, 'register_text' => '', 'sitename' => 'Friendica Social Network23', 'hostname' => 'friendica.local', 'private_addons' => false, ], 'system' => [ 'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 90, ], ], 'cat' => 'test_with_hashmap', 'assertion' => [ 'notifyall' => [ 'last_update' => 1671051565, 'admin' => true, ], 'blockbot' => [ 'last_update' => 1658952852, 'admin' => true, ], ], ], 'test_with_keys' => [ 'data' => [ 'test_with_keys' => [ [ 'last_update' => 1671051565, 'admin' => true, ], [ 'last_update' => 1658952852, 'admin' => true, ], ], 'config' => [ 'register_policy' => 2, 'register_text' => '', 'sitename' => 'Friendica Social Network23', 'hostname' => 'friendica.local', 'private_addons' => false, ], 'system' => [ 'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 90, ], ], 'cat' => 'test_with_keys', 'assertion' => [ [ 'last_update' => 1671051565, 'admin' => true, ], [ 'last_update' => 1658952852, 'admin' => true, ], ], ], 'test_with_inner_array' => [ 'data' => [ 'test_with_inner_array' => [ 'notifyall' => [ 'last_update' => 1671051565, 'admin' => [ 'yes' => true, 'no' => 1.5, ], ], 'blogbot' => [ 'last_update' => 1658952852, 'admin' => true, ], ], 'config' => [ 'register_policy' => 2, 'register_text' => '', 'sitename' => 'Friendica Social Network23', 'hostname' => 'friendica.local', 'private_addons' => false, ], 'system' => [ 'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 90, ], ], 'cat' => 'test_with_inner_array', 'assertion' => [ 'notifyall' => [ 'last_update' => 1671051565, 'admin' => [ 'yes' => true, 'no' => 1.5, ], ], 'blogbot' => [ 'last_update' => 1658952852, 'admin' => true, ], ], ], /** @see https://github.com/friendica/friendica/issues/12486#issuecomment-1374609349 */ 'test_with_null' => [ 'data' => [ 'test_with_null' => null, 'config' => [ 'register_policy' => 2, 'register_text' => '', 'sitename' => 'Friendica Social Network23', 'hostname' => 'friendica.local', 'private_addons' => false, ], 'system' => [ 'dbclean_expire_conversation' => 90, ], ], 'cat' => 'test_with_null', 'assertion' => null, ], ]; } /** * Tests that the Cache can return a whole category at once * * @dataProvider dataTestCat */ public function testGetCategory($data, string $category, $assertion) { $cache = new Cache($data); self::assertEquals($assertion, $cache->get($category)); } /** * Test that the cache can get merged with different categories * * @dataProvider dataTestCat */ public function testCatMerge($data, string $category) { $cache = new Cache($data); $newCache = $cache->merge(new Cache([ $category => [ 'new_key' => 'new_value', ], ])); self::assertEquals('new_value', $newCache->get($category, 'new_key')); } /** * Test that keys are removed after a deletion * * @dataProvider dataTests * */ public function testDeleteRemovesKey($data) { $cache = new Cache(); $cache->load($data, Cache::SOURCE_FILE); $cache->set('system', 'test', 'overwrite!', Cache::SOURCE_DATA); self::assertEquals('overwrite!', $cache->get('system', 'test')); // array should now be removed $cache->delete('system', 'test'); self::assertArrayNotHasKey('test', $cache->getAll()['system']); self::assertArrayHasKey('config', $cache->getAll()); self::assertArrayHasKey('a', $cache->getAll()['config']); // category should now be removed $cache->delete('config', 'a'); self::assertArrayNotHasKey('config', $cache->getAll()); } /** * Test that deleted keys are working with merge * * @dataProvider dataTests */ public function testDeleteAndMergeWithDefault($data) { $cache = new Cache(); $cache->load($data, Cache::SOURCE_FILE); $cache2 = new Cache(); $cache2->set('system', 'test', 'overrride'); $cache2->delete('system', 'test'); self::assertEquals('it', $cache->get('system', 'test')); self::assertNull($cache2->get('system', 'test')); $mergedCache = $cache->merge($cache2); self::assertNull($mergedCache->get('system', 'test')); } }