. * */ namespace Friendica\Test\src\Model; use Friendica\Model\User; use Friendica\Test\MockedTest; use Friendica\Test\Util\DBAMockTrait; /** * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses * @preserveGlobalState disabled */ class UserTest extends MockedTest { use DBAMockTrait; private $parent; private $child; private $manage; protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->parent = [ 'uid' => 1, 'username' => 'maxmuster', 'nickname' => 'Max Muster' ]; $this->child = [ 'uid' => 2, 'username' => 'johndoe', 'nickname' => 'John Doe' ]; $this->manage = [ 'uid' => 3, 'username' => 'janesmith', 'nickname' => 'Jane Smith' ]; } public function testIdentitiesEmpty() { $this->mockSelectFirst('user', ['uid', 'nickname', 'username', 'parent-uid'], ['uid' => $this->parent['uid']], $this->parent, 1 ); $this->mockIsResult($this->parent, false, 1); $record = User::identities($this->parent['uid']); $this->assertEquals([], $record); } public function testIdentitiesAsParent() { $parentSelect = $this->parent; $parentSelect['parent-uid'] = 0; // Select the user itself (=parent) $this->mockSelectFirst('user', ['uid', 'nickname', 'username', 'parent-uid'], ['uid' => $this->parent['uid']], $parentSelect, 1 ); $this->mockIsResult($parentSelect, true, 1); // Select one child $this->mockSelect('user', ['uid', 'username', 'nickname'], [ 'parent-uid' => $this->parent['uid'], 'account_removed' => false ], 'objectReturn', 1 ); $this->mockIsResult('objectReturn', true, 1); $this->mockToArray('objectReturn', [ $this->child ], 1); // Select the manage $this->mockP(null, 'objectTwo', 1); $this->mockIsResult('objectTwo', true, 1); $this->mockToArray('objectTwo', [ $this->manage ], 1); $record = User::identities($this->parent['uid']); $this->assertEquals([ $this->parent, $this->child, $this->manage ], $record); } public function testIdentitiesAsChild() { $childSelect = $this->child; $childSelect['parent-uid'] = $this->parent['uid']; // Select the user itself (=child) $this->mockSelectFirst('user', ['uid', 'nickname', 'username', 'parent-uid'], ['uid' => $this->child['uid']], $childSelect, 1 ); $this->mockIsResult($childSelect, true, 1); // Select the parent $this->mockSelect('user', ['uid', 'username', 'nickname'], [ 'uid' => $this->parent['uid'], 'account_removed' => false ], 'objectReturn', 1 ); $this->mockIsResult('objectReturn', true, 1); $this->mockToArray('objectReturn', [ $this->parent ], 1); // Select the childs (user & manage) $this->mockSelect('user', ['uid', 'username', 'nickname'], [ 'parent-uid' => $this->parent['uid'], 'account_removed' => false ], 'objectReturn', 1 ); $this->mockIsResult('objectReturn', true, 1); $this->mockToArray('objectReturn', [ $this->child, $this->manage ], 1); // Select the manage $this->mockP(null, 'objectTwo', 1); $this->mockIsResult('objectTwo', false, 1); $record = User::identities($this->child['uid']); $this->assertEquals([ $this->parent, $this->child, $this->manage ], $record); } }