assertEquals($assert['isBackend'], $module->isBackend()); $this->assertEquals($assert['name'], $module->getName()); $this->assertEquals($assert['class'], $module->getClassName()); } /** * Test the default module mode */ public function testDefault() { $module = new App\Module(); $this->assertModule([ 'isBackend' => false, 'name' => App\Module::DEFAULT, 'class' => App\Module::DEFAULT_CLASS, ], $module); } public function dataModuleName() { return [ 'default' => [ 'assert' => [ 'isBackend' => false, 'name' => 'network', 'class' => App\Module::DEFAULT_CLASS, ], 'args' => new App\Arguments('network/data/in', 'network/data/in', ['network', 'data', 'in'], 3), 'server' => [], ], 'withStrikeAndPoint' => [ 'assert' => [ 'isBackend' => false, 'name' => 'with_strike_and_point', 'class' => App\Module::DEFAULT_CLASS, ], 'args' => new App\Arguments('with-strike.and-point/data/in', 'with-strike.and-point/data/in', ['with-strike.and-point', 'data', 'in'], 3), 'server' => [], ], 'withNothing' => [ 'assert' => [ 'isBackend' => false, 'name' => App\Module::DEFAULT, 'class' => App\Module::DEFAULT_CLASS, ], 'args' => new App\Arguments(), 'server' => [] ], 'withIndex' => [ 'assert' => [ 'isBackend' => false, 'name' => App\Module::DEFAULT, 'class' => App\Module::DEFAULT_CLASS, ], 'args' => new App\Arguments(), 'server' => ['PHP_SELF' => 'index.php'] ], 'withIndexButBackendMod' => [ 'assert' => [ 'isBackend' => false, 'name' => App\Module::BACKEND_MODULES[0], 'class' => App\Module::DEFAULT_CLASS, ], 'args' => new App\Arguments(App\Module::BACKEND_MODULES[0] . '/data/in', App\Module::BACKEND_MODULES[0] . '/data/in', [App\Module::BACKEND_MODULES[0], 'data', 'in'], 3), 'server' => ['PHP_SELF' => 'index.php'] ], 'withNotIndexAndBackendMod' => [ 'assert' => [ 'isBackend' => true, 'name' => App\Module::BACKEND_MODULES[0], 'class' => App\Module::DEFAULT_CLASS, ], 'args' => new App\Arguments(App\Module::BACKEND_MODULES[0] . '/data/in', App\Module::BACKEND_MODULES[0] . '/data/in', [App\Module::BACKEND_MODULES[0], 'data', 'in'], 3), 'server' => ['PHP_SELF' => 'daemon.php'] ], 'withFirefoxApp' => [ 'assert' => [ 'isBackend' => false, 'name' => 'login', 'class' => App\Module::DEFAULT_CLASS, ], 'args' => new App\Arguments('users/sign_in', 'users/sign_in', ['users', 'sign_in'], 3), 'server' => ['PHP_SELF' => 'index.php'], ], ]; } /** * Test the module name and backend determination * * @dataProvider dataModuleName */ public function testModuleName(array $assert, App\Arguments $args, array $server) { $module = (new App\Module())->determineModule($args, $server); $this->assertModule($assert, $module); } public function dataModuleClass() { return [ 'default' => [ 'assert' => App\Module::DEFAULT_CLASS, 'name' => App\Module::DEFAULT, 'command' => App\Module::DEFAULT, 'privAdd' => false, ], 'legacy' => [ 'assert' => LegacyModule::class, // API is one of the last modules to switch from legacy to new BaseModule // so this should be a stable test case until we completely switch ;-) 'name' => 'api', 'command' => 'api/test/it', 'privAdd' => false, ], 'new' => [ 'assert' => HostMeta::class, 'not_required', 'command' => '.well-known/host-meta', 'privAdd' => false, ], '404' => [ 'assert' => PageNotFound::class, 'name' => 'invalid', 'command' => 'invalid', 'privAdd' => false, ] ]; } /** * Test the determination of the module class * * @dataProvider dataModuleClass */ public function testModuleClass($assert, string $name, string $command, bool $privAdd) { $config = \Mockery::mock(Configuration::class); $config->shouldReceive('get')->with('config', 'private_addons', false)->andReturn($privAdd)->atMost()->once(); $module = (new App\Module($name))->determineClass(new App\Arguments('', $command), new App\Router(), $config); $this->assertEquals($assert, $module->getClassName()); } /** * Test that modules are immutable */ public function testImmutable() { $module = new App\Module(); $moduleNew = $module->determineModule(new App\Arguments(), []); $this->assertNotSame($moduleNew, $module); } }