. * */ namespace Friendica\Console; use Friendica\App\BaseURL; use Friendica\Contact\Avatar; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Model\Contact; use Friendica\Model\Photo; use Friendica\Util\Images; use Friendica\Object\Image; use Friendica\Core\Config\Capability\IManageConfigValues; use Friendica\Core\Protocol; /** * tool to move cached avatars to the avatar file cache. */ class MoveToAvatarCache extends \Asika\SimpleConsole\Console { protected $helpOptions = ['h', 'help', '?']; /** * @var $dba Friendica\Database\Database */ private $dba; /** * @var $baseurl Friendica\App\BaseURL */ private $baseurl; /** * @var L10n */ private $l10n; /** * @var IManageConfigValues */ private $config; protected function getHelp() { $help = <<dba = $dba; $this->baseurl = $baseurl; $this->l10n = $l10n; $this->config = $config; } protected function doExecute(): int { if (!$this->config->get('system', 'avatar_cache')) { $this->err($this->l10n->t('The avatar cache needs to be enabled to use this command.')); return 2; } $fields = ['id', 'avatar', 'photo', 'thumb', 'micro', 'uri-id', 'url', 'avatar', 'network']; $condition = ["NOT `self` AND `avatar` != ? AND `photo` LIKE ? AND `uid` = ? AND `uri-id` != ? AND NOT `uri-id` IS NULL AND NOT `network` IN (?, ?)", '', $this->baseurl->get() . '/photo/%', 0, 0, Protocol::MAIL, Protocol::FEED]; $count = 0; $total = $this->dba->count('contact', $condition); $contacts = $this->dba->select('contact', $fields, $condition, ['order' => ['id']]); while ($contact = $this->dba->fetch($contacts)) { if (Contact::isLocal($contact['url'])) { continue; } $this->out(++$count . '/' . $total . "\t" . $contact['id'] . "\t" . $contact['url'] . "\t", false); $resourceid = Photo::ridFromURI($contact['photo']); if (empty($resourceid)) { $this->out($this->l10n->t('no resource in photo %s', $contact['photo']) . ' ', false); } $this->storeAvatar($resourceid, $contact, false); } $count = 0; $totals = $this->dba->p("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`resource-id`)) AS `total` FROM `photo` WHERE `contact-id` != ? AND `photo-type` = ?;", 0, Photo::CONTACT_AVATAR); $total = $this->dba->fetch($totals)['total'] ?? 0; $photos = $this->dba->p("SELECT `resource-id`, MAX(`contact-id`) AS `contact-id` FROM `photo` WHERE `contact-id` != ? AND `photo-type` = ? GROUP BY `resource-id`;", 0, Photo::CONTACT_AVATAR); while ($photo = $this->dba->fetch($photos)) { $contact = Contact::getById($photo['contact-id'], $fields); if (empty($contact) || in_array($contact['network'], [Protocol::MAIL, Protocol::FEED]) || Contact::isLocal($contact['url'])) { continue; } $this->out(++$count . '/' . $total . "\t" . $contact['id'] . "\t" . $contact['url'] . "\t", false); $this->storeAvatar($photo['resource-id'], $contact, true); } return 0; } private function storeAvatar(string $resourceid, array $contact, bool $quit_on_invalid) { $valid = !empty($resourceid); if ($valid) { $this->out('1', false); $photo = Photo::selectFirst([], ['resource-id' => $resourceid], ['order' => ['scale']]); if (empty($photo)) { $this->out(' ' . $this->l10n->t('no photo with id %s', $resourceid) . ' ', false); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { $this->out('2', false); $imgdata = Photo::getImageDataForPhoto($photo); if (empty($imgdata)) { $this->out(' ' . $this->l10n->t('no image data for photo with id %s', $resourceid) . ' ', false); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { $this->out('3', false); $image = new Image($imgdata, Images::getMimeTypeByData($imgdata)); if (!$image->isValid()) { $this->out(' ' . $this->l10n->t('invalid image for id %s', $resourceid) . ' ', false); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { $this->out('4', false); $fields = Avatar::storeAvatarByImage($contact, $image); } else { $fields = ['photo' => '', 'thumb' => '', 'micro' => '']; } if ($quit_on_invalid && $fields['photo'] == '') { $this->out(' ' . $this->l10n->t('Quit on invalid photo %s', $contact['avatar'])); Photo::delete(['resource-id' => $resourceid]); return; } $this->out('5', false); Contact::update($fields, ['uri-id' => $contact['uri-id']]); $this->out('6', false); Photo::delete(['resource-id' => $resourceid]); $this->out(' ' . $fields['photo']); } }