. * */ namespace Friendica\Network\Factory; use Friendica\BaseFactory; use Friendica\Network\Entity; /** * Implementation of the Content-Type header value from the MIME type RFC * * @see https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2045#section-5 */ class MimeType extends BaseFactory { public function createFromContentType(?string $contentType): Entity\MimeType { if ($contentType) { $parameterStrings = explode(';', $contentType); $mimetype = array_shift($parameterStrings); $types = explode('/', $mimetype); if (count($types) >= 2) { $filetype = strtolower($types[0]); $subtype = strtolower($types[1]); } else { $this->logger->notice('Unknown MimeType', ['type' => $contentType]); } $parameters = []; foreach ($parameterStrings as $parameterString) { $parameterString = trim($parameterString); $parameterParts = explode('=', $parameterString, 2); if (count($parameterParts) < 2) { continue; } $attribute = trim($parameterParts[0]); $valueString = trim($parameterParts[1]); if ($valueString[0] == '"' && $valueString[strlen($valueString) - 1] == '"') { $valueString = substr(str_replace(['\\"', '\\\\', "\\\r"], ['"', '\\', "\r"], $valueString), 1, -1); } $value = preg_replace('#\s*\([^()]*?\)#', '', $valueString); $parameters[$attribute] = $value; } } return new Entity\MimeType( $filetype ?? 'unkn', $subtype ?? 'unkn', $parameters ?? [], ); } }