Merge pull request #8128 from nupplaphil/task/di_static_methods

Refactor DI annotations to static methods
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Hypolite Petovan 2020-01-18 08:22:29 -05:00 commit de GitHub
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7 arquivos alterados com 319 adições e 103 exclusões

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@ -8,83 +8,10 @@ use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
* This class is capable of getting all dynamic created classes
* There has to be a "method" phpDoc for each new class, containing result class for a proper matching
* @method static App app()
* @method static App\Authentication auth()
* @method static App\Arguments args()
* @method static App\BaseURL baseUrl()
* @method static App\Mode mode()
* @method static App\Module module()
* @method static App\Page page()
* @method static App\Router router()
* @method static Content\Item contentItem()
* @method static Content\Text\BBCode\Video bbCodeVideo()
* @method static Core\Cache\ICache cache()
* @method static Core\Config\IConfiguration config()
* @method static Core\Config\IPConfiguration pConfig()
* @method static Core\Lock\ILock lock()
* @method static Core\L10n\L10n l10n()
* @method static Core\Process process()
* @method static Core\Session\ISession session()
* @method static Core\StorageManager storageManager()
* @method static Database\Database dba()
* @method static Factory\Mastodon\Account mstdnAccount()
* @method static Factory\Mastodon\FollowRequest mstdnFollowRequest()
* @method static Factory\Mastodon\Relationship mstdnRelationship()
* @method static Model\User\Cookie cookie()
* @method static Model\Notify notify()
* @method static Repository\Introduction intro()
* @method static Model\Storage\IStorage storage()
* @method static Protocol\Activity activity()
* @method static Util\ACLFormatter aclFormatter()
* @method static Util\DateTimeFormat dtFormat()
* @method static Util\FileSystem fs()
* @method static Util\Profiler profiler()
* @method static LoggerInterface logger()
* @method static LoggerInterface devLogger()
* @method static LoggerInterface workerLogger()
* @see
abstract class DI
'app' => App::class,
'auth' => App\Authentication::class,
'args' => App\Arguments::class,
'baseUrl' => App\BaseURL::class,
'mode' => App\Mode::class,
'module' => App\Module::class,
'page' => App\Page::class,
'router' => App\Router::class,
'contentItem' => Content\Item::class,
'bbCodeVideo' => Content\Text\BBCode\Video::class,
'cache' => Core\Cache\ICache::class,
'config' => Core\Config\IConfiguration::class,
'pConfig' => Core\Config\IPConfiguration::class,
'l10n' => Core\L10n\L10n::class,
'lock' => Core\Lock\ILock::class,
'process' => Core\Process::class,
'session' => Core\Session\ISession::class,
'storageManager' => Core\StorageManager::class,
'dba' => Database\Database::class,
'mstdnAccount' => Factory\Mastodon\Account::class,
'mstdnFollowRequest' => Factory\Mastodon\FollowRequest::class,
'mstdnRelationship' => Factory\Mastodon\Relationship::class,
'cookie' => Model\User\Cookie::class,
'notify' => Model\Notify::class,
'storage' => Model\Storage\IStorage::class,
'intro' => Repository\Introduction::class,
'activity' => Protocol\Activity::class,
'aclFormatter' => Util\ACLFormatter::class,
'dtFormat' => Util\DateTimeFormat::class,
'fs' => Util\FileSystem::class,
'workerLogger' => Util\Logger\WorkerLogger::class,
'profiler' => Util\Profiler::class,
'logger' => LoggerInterface::class,
'devLogger' => '$devLogger',
/** @var Dice */
private static $dice;
@ -93,8 +20,312 @@ abstract class DI
self::$dice = $dice;
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
// common instances
* @return App
public static function app()
return self::$dice->create(self::CLASS_MAPPING[$name], $arguments);
return self::$dice->create(App::class);
* @return Database\Database
public static function dba()
return self::$dice->create(Database\Database::class);
// "App" namespace instances
* @return App\Authentication
public static function auth()
return self::$dice->create(App\Authentication::class);
* @return App\Arguments
public static function args()
return self::$dice->create(App\Arguments::class);
* @return App\BaseURL
public static function baseUrl()
return self::$dice->create(App\BaseURL::class);
* @return App\Mode
public static function mode()
return self::$dice->create(App\Mode::class);
* @return App\Module
public static function module()
return self::$dice->create(App\Module::class);
* @return App\Page
public static function page()
return self::$dice->create(App\Page::class);
* @return App\Router
public static function router()
return self::$dice->create(App\Router::class);
// "Content" namespace instances
* @return Content\Item
public static function contentItem()
return self::$dice->create(Content\Item::class);
* @return Content\Text\BBCode\Video
public static function bbCodeVideo()
return self::$dice->create(Content\Text\BBCode\Video::class);
// "Core" namespace instances
* @return Core\Cache\ICache
public static function cache()
return self::$dice->create(Core\Cache\ICache::class);
* @return Core\Config\IConfiguration
public static function config()
return self::$dice->create(Core\Config\IConfiguration::class);
* @return Core\Config\IPConfiguration
public static function pConfig()
return self::$dice->create(Core\Config\IPConfiguration::class);
* @return Core\Lock\ILock
public static function lock()
return self::$dice->create(Core\Lock\ILock::class);
public static function l10n()
return self::$dice->create(Core\L10n\L10n::class);
* @return Core\Process
public static function process()
return self::$dice->create(Core\Process::class);
* @return Core\Session\ISession
public static function session()
return self::$dice->create(Core\Session\ISession::class);
* @return Core\StorageManager
public static function storageManager()
return self::$dice->create(Core\StorageManager::class);
// "LoggerInterface" instances
* @return LoggerInterface
public static function logger()
return self::$dice->create(LoggerInterface::class);
* @return LoggerInterface
public static function devLogger()
return self::$dice->create('$devLogger');
* @return LoggerInterface
public static function workerLogger()
return self::$dice->create(Util\Logger\WorkerLogger::class);
// "Factory" namespace instances
* @return Factory\Mastodon\Account
public static function mstdnAccount()
return self::$dice->create(Factory\Mastodon\Account::class);
* @return Factory\Mastodon\FollowRequest
public static function mstdnFollowRequest()
return self::$dice->create(Factory\Mastodon\FollowRequest::class);
* @return Factory\Mastodon\Relationship
public static function mstdnRelationship()
return self::$dice->create(Factory\Mastodon\Relationship::class);
// "Model" namespace instances
* @return Model\User\Cookie
public static function cookie()
return self::$dice->create(Model\User\Cookie::class);
* @return Model\Notify
public static function notify()
return self::$dice->create(Model\Notify::class);
* @return Model\Storage\IStorage
public static function storage()
return self::$dice->create(Model\Storage\IStorage::class);
// "Repository" namespace
* @return Repository\Introduction
public static function intro()
return self::$dice->create(Repository\Introduction::class);
// "Protocol" namespace instances
* @return Protocol\Activity
public static function activity()
return self::$dice->create(Protocol\Activity::class);
// "Util" namespace instances
* @return Util\ACLFormatter
public static function aclFormatter()
return self::$dice->create(Util\ACLFormatter::class);
* @return Util\DateTimeFormat
public static function dtFormat()
return self::$dice->create(Util\DateTimeFormat::class);
* @return Util\FileSystem
public static function fs()
return self::$dice->create(Util\FileSystem::class);
* @return Util\Profiler
public static function profiler()
return self::$dice->create(Util\Profiler::class);

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@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ trait AppMockTrait
$this->configMock = \Mockery::mock(Config\Cache\ConfigCache::class);
->with(Config\Cache\ConfigCache::class, [])
$this->mode = \Mockery::mock(App\Mode::class);
->with(App\Mode::class, [])
$configModel= \Mockery::mock(\Friendica\Model\Config\Config::class);
// Disable the adapter
@ -66,48 +66,33 @@ trait AppMockTrait
$config = new Config\JitConfiguration($this->configMock, $configModel);
->with(Config\IConfiguration::class, [])
// Mocking App and most used functions
$this->app = \Mockery::mock(App::class);
->with(App::class, [])
$this->profilerMock = \Mockery::mock(Profiler::class);
->with(Profiler::class, [])
->andReturn(new FriendicaSmartyEngine());
->andReturnUsing(function () {
return $this->configMock->get('system', 'url');

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@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ class BBCodeTest extends MockedTest
$l10nMock = \Mockery::mock(L10n::class);
$l10nMock->shouldReceive('t')->withAnyArgs()->andReturnUsing(function ($args) { return $args; });
->with(L10n::class, [])
$baseUrlMock = \Mockery::mock(BaseURL::class);
->with(BaseURL::class, [])

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class InstallerTest extends MockedTest
$dice = $dice->addRules(include __DIR__ . '/../../../static/dependencies.config.php');
->with(\Friendica\Core\L10n\L10n::class, [])

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@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ class SemaphoreLockTest extends LockTest
$app = \Mockery::mock(App::class);
$dice->shouldReceive('create')->with(App::class, [])->andReturn($app);
$configMock = \Mockery::mock(JitConfiguration::class);
->with('system', 'temppath', NULL, false)
$dice->shouldReceive('create')->with(IConfiguration::class, [])->andReturn($configMock);
// @todo Because "get_temppath()" is using static methods, we have to initialize the BaseObject

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class SystemTest extends TestCase
$baseUrl = \Mockery::mock(BaseURL::class);
$dice = \Mockery::mock(Dice::class);
$dice->shouldReceive('create')->with(BaseURL::class, [])->andReturn($baseUrl);

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class CurlResultTest extends TestCase
$logger = new NullLogger();
->with(LoggerInterface::class, [])