Use local search

This commit is contained in:
Michael Vogel 2015-07-19 13:23:01 +02:00
parent 93e93f58bd
commit 0bede65a6b
3 changed files with 54 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ function dirfind_init(&$a) {
function dirfind_content(&$a) {
$local = true;
$search = notags(trim($_REQUEST['search']));
if(strpos($search,'@') === 0)
$search = substr($search,1);
$o = '';
$o .= replace_macros(get_markup_template("section_title.tpl"),array(
@ -29,16 +31,53 @@ function dirfind_content(&$a) {
if($search) {
$p = (($a->pager['page'] != 1) ? '&p=' . $a->pager['page'] : '');
$x = fetch_url('' . $p . '&search=' . urlencode($search));
if ($local) {
//TODO fallback local search if global dir not available.
// else
// $x = post_url($a->get_baseurl() . '/lsearch', $params);
$perpage = 80;
$startrec = (($a->pager['page']) * $perpage) - $perpage;
$j = json_decode($x);
$count = q("SELECT count(*) AS `total` FROM `gcontact` WHERE `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s') AND
(`url` REGEXP '%s' OR `name` REGEXP '%s' OR `location` REGEXP '%s' OR
`about` REGEXP '%s' OR `keywords` REGEXP '%s')",
dbesc(escape_tags($search)), dbesc(escape_tags($search)), dbesc(escape_tags($search)),
dbesc(escape_tags($search)), dbesc(escape_tags($search)));
$results = q("SELECT `url`, `name`, `photo`, `keywords` FROM `gcontact`WHERE `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s') AND
(`url` REGEXP '%s' OR `name` REGEXP '%s' OR `location` REGEXP '%s' OR `about` REGEXP '%s' OR
`keywords` REGEXP '%s') ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT %d, %d",
dbesc(escape_tags($search)), dbesc(escape_tags($search)), dbesc(escape_tags($search)),
dbesc(escape_tags($search)), dbesc(escape_tags($search)),
intval($startrec), intval($perpage));
$j = new stdClass();
$j->total = $count[0]["total"];
$j->items_page = $perpage;
$j->page = $a->pager['page'];
foreach ($results AS $result) {
if ($result["name"] == "") {
$urlparts = parse_url($result["url"]);
$result["name"] = end(explode("/", $urlparts["path"]));
$objresult = new stdClass();
$objresult->name = $result["name"];
$objresult->url = $result["url"];
$objresult->photo = $result["photo"];
$objresult->tags = $result["keywords"];
$j->results[] = $objresult;
} else {
$p = (($a->pager['page'] != 1) ? '&p=' . $a->pager['page'] : '');
$x = fetch_url('' . $p . '&search=' . urlencode($search));
$j = json_decode($x);
if($j->total) {
@ -46,21 +85,21 @@ function dirfind_content(&$a) {
if(count($j->results)) {
$tpl = get_markup_template('match.tpl');
foreach($j->results as $jj) {
$o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$url' => zrl($jj->url),
'$name' => $jj->name,
'$photo' => $jj->photo,
'$photo' => proxy_url($jj->photo),
'$tags' => $jj->tags
else {
info( t('No matches') . EOL);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<div class="profile-match-wrapper">
<div class="profile-match-photo">
<a href="{{$url}}">
<img src="{{$photo}}" alt="{{$name}}" title="{{$name}}[{{$tags}}]" />
<img width="80" height="80" src="{{$photo}}" alt="{{$name}}" title="{{$name}}[{{$tags}}]" />
<div class="profile-match-break"></div>

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<div id="peoplefind-sidebar" class="widget">
<div id="peoplefind-desc">{{$desc}}</div>
<form action="dirfind" method="post" />
<form action="dirfind" method="get" />
<input id="side-peoplefind-url" type="text" name="search" size="24" title="{{$hint|escape:'html'}}" /><input id="side-peoplefind-submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="{{$findthem|escape:'html'}}" />
<div class="side-link" id="side-match-link"><a href="match" >{{$similar}}</a></div>