
1443 lines
93 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* Main database structure configuration file.
* Here are described all the tables, fields and indexes Friendica needs to work.
* Syntax (braces indicate optionale values):
* "<table name>" => [
* "comment" => "Description of the table",
* "fields" => [
* "<field name>" => [
* "type" => "<field type>{(<field size>)} <unsigned>",
* "not null" => 0|1,
* {"extra" => "auto_increment",}
* {"default" => "<default value>",}
* {"default" => NULL_DATE,} (for datetime fields)
* {"primary" => "1",}
* {"relation" => ["<foreign key table name>" => "<foreign key field name>"],}
* "comment" => "Description of the fields"
* ],
* ...
* ],
* "indexes" => [
* "PRIMARY" => ["<primary key field name>", ...],
* "<index name>" => [{"UNIQUE",} "<field name>{(<key size>)}", ...]
* ...
* ],
* ],
* If you need to make any change, make sure to increment the DB_UPDATE_VERSION constant value below.
use Friendica\Database\DBA;
if (!defined('DB_UPDATE_VERSION')) {
define('DB_UPDATE_VERSION', 1327);
return [
"2fa_app_specific_password" => [
"comment" => "Two-factor app-specific _password",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "Password ID for revocation"],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "User ID"],
"description" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Description of the usage of the password"],
2019-08-21 08:18:32 +02:00
"hashed_password" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "comment" => "Hashed password"],
"generated" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "comment" => "Datetime the password was generated"],
"last_used" => ["type" => "datetime", "comment" => "Datetime the password was last used"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
2019-08-21 08:18:32 +02:00
"uid_description" => ["uid", "description(190)"],
"2fa_recovery_codes" => [
"comment" => "Two-factor authentication recovery codes",
"fields" => [
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "User ID"],
"code" => ["type" => "varchar(50)", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "Recovery code string"],
"generated" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "comment" => "Datetime the code was generated"],
"used" => ["type" => "datetime", "comment" => "Datetime the code was used"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["uid", "code"]
"addon" => [
"comment" => "registered addons",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => ""],
"name" => ["type" => "varchar(50)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "addon base (file)name"],
"version" => ["type" => "varchar(50)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "currently unused"],
"installed" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "currently always 1"],
"hidden" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "currently unused"],
"timestamp" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "file timestamp to check for reloads"],
"plugin_admin" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "1 = has admin config, 0 = has no admin config"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"name" => ["UNIQUE", "name"],
"apcontact" => [
"comment" => "ActivityPub compatible contacts - used in the ActivityPub implementation",
"fields" => [
"url" => ["type" => "varbinary(255)", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "URL of the contact"],
"uuid" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"type" => ["type" => "varchar(20)", "not null" => "1", "comment" => ""],
"following" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"followers" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"inbox" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "comment" => ""],
"outbox" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"sharedinbox" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"manually-approve" => ["type" => "boolean", "comment" => ""],
"nick" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"name" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"about" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"photo" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"addr" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"alias" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"pubkey" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"baseurl" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "baseurl of the ap contact"],
"generator" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Name of the contact's system"],
"following_count" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "default" => 0, "comment" => "Number of following contacts"],
"followers_count" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "default" => 0, "comment" => "Number of followers"],
"statuses_count" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "default" => 0, "comment" => "Number of posts"],
"updated" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""]
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["url"],
"addr" => ["addr(32)"],
"alias" => ["alias(190)"],
"url" => ["followers(190)"]
"attach" => [
"comment" => "file attachments",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "generated index"],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "Owner User id"],
"hash" => ["type" => "varchar(64)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "hash"],
"filename" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "filename of original"],
"filetype" => ["type" => "varchar(64)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "mimetype"],
"filesize" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "size in bytes"],
"data" => ["type" => "longblob", "not null" => "1", "comment" => "file data"],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "creation time"],
"edited" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "last edit time"],
"allow_cid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Access Control - list of allowed '<19><78>"],
"allow_gid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Access Control - list of allowed groups"],
"deny_cid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Access Control - list of denied"],
"deny_gid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Access Control - list of denied groups"],
"backend-class" => ["type" => "tinytext", "comment" => "Storage backend class"],
"backend-ref" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "Storage backend data reference"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"auth_codes" => [
"comment" => "OAuth usage",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "varchar(40)", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "comment" => ""],
"client_id" => ["type" => "varchar(20)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "relation" => ["clients" => "client_id"],
"comment" => ""],
"redirect_uri" => ["type" => "varchar(200)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"expires" => ["type" => "int", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"scope" => ["type" => "varchar(250)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"cache" => [
"comment" => "Stores temporary data",
"fields" => [
"k" => ["type" => "varbinary(255)", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "cache key"],
"v" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "cached serialized value"],
"expires" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "datetime of cache expiration"],
"updated" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "datetime of cache insertion"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["k"],
"k_expires" => ["k", "expires"],
"challenge" => [
"comment" => "",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"challenge" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"dfrn-id" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"expire" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"type" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"last_update" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"clients" => [
"comment" => "OAuth usage",
"fields" => [
"client_id" => ["type" => "varchar(20)", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "comment" => ""],
"pw" => ["type" => "varchar(20)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"redirect_uri" => ["type" => "varchar(200)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"name" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"icon" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "User id"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["client_id"],
"config" => [
"comment" => "main configuration storage",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => ""],
"cat" => ["type" => "varbinary(50)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"k" => ["type" => "varbinary(50)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"v" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => ""],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"cat_k" => ["UNIQUE", "cat", "k"],
"contact" => [
"comment" => "contact table",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "Owner User id"],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"updated" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of last contact update"],
"self" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "1 if the contact is the user him/her self"],
"remote_self" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"rel" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "The kind of the relation between the user and the contact"],
"duplex" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"network" => ["type" => "char(4)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Network of the contact"],
"protocol" => ["type" => "char(4)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Protocol of the contact"],
"name" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Name that this contact is known by"],
"nick" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Nick- and user name of the contact"],
2019-04-09 07:50:51 +02:00
"location" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"about" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"keywords" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "public keywords (interests) of the contact"],
"gender" => ["type" => "varchar(32)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"xmpp" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"attag" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"avatar" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"photo" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "default" => "", "comment" => "Link to the profile photo of the contact"],
"thumb" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "default" => "", "comment" => "Link to the profile photo (thumb size)"],
"micro" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "default" => "", "comment" => "Link to the profile photo (micro size)"],
"site-pubkey" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"issued-id" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"dfrn-id" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"url" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"nurl" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"addr" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"alias" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"pubkey" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "RSA public key 4096 bit"],
"prvkey" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "RSA private key 4096 bit"],
"batch" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"request" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"notify" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"poll" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"confirm" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"poco" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"aes_allow" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"ret-aes" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"usehub" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"subhub" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"hub-verify" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"last-update" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of the last try to update the contact info"],
"success_update" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of the last successful contact update"],
"failure_update" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of the last failed update"],
"name-date" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"uri-date" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"avatar-date" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"term-date" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"last-item" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "date of the last post"],
"priority" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
2019-05-16 01:27:36 +02:00
"blocked" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "1", "comment" => "Node-wide block status"],
"block_reason" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "Node-wide block reason"],
"readonly" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "posts of the contact are readonly"],
"writable" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"forum" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "contact is a forum"],
"prv" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "contact is a private group"],
"contact-type" => ["type" => "tinyint", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"hidden" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"archive" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"pending" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "1", "comment" => ""],
"deleted" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "Contact has been deleted"],
"rating" => ["type" => "tinyint", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"unsearchable" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "Contact prefers to not be searchable"],
"sensitive" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "Contact posts sensitive content"],
"baseurl" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "default" => "", "comment" => "baseurl of the contact"],
"reason" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"closeness" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "99", "comment" => ""],
"info" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => ""],
"profile-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"bdyear" => ["type" => "varchar(4)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"bd" => ["type" => "date", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATE, "comment" => ""],
"notify_new_posts" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"fetch_further_information" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"ffi_keyword_blacklist" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"uid_name" => ["uid", "name(190)"],
"self_uid" => ["self", "uid"],
"alias_uid" => ["alias(32)", "uid"],
"pending_uid" => ["pending", "uid"],
"blocked_uid" => ["blocked", "uid"],
"uid_rel_network_poll" => ["uid", "rel", "network", "poll(64)", "archive"],
"uid_network_batch" => ["uid", "network", "batch(64)"],
"addr_uid" => ["addr(32)", "uid"],
"nurl_uid" => ["nurl(32)", "uid"],
"nick_uid" => ["nick(32)", "uid"],
"dfrn-id" => ["dfrn-id(64)"],
"issued-id" => ["issued-id(64)"],
"conv" => [
"comment" => "private messages",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"guid" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "A unique identifier for this conversation"],
"recips" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "sender_handle;recipient_handle"],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "Owner User id"],
"creator" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "handle of creator"],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "creation timestamp"],
"updated" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "edited timestamp"],
"subject" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "subject of initial message"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"uid" => ["uid"],
"conversation" => [
"comment" => "Raw data and structure information for messages",
"fields" => [
"item-uri" => ["type" => "varbinary(255)", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "Original URI of the item - unrelated to the table with the same name"],
"reply-to-uri" => ["type" => "varbinary(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "URI to which this item is a reply"],
"conversation-uri" => ["type" => "varbinary(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "GNU Social conversation URI"],
"conversation-href" => ["type" => "varbinary(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "GNU Social conversation link"],
"protocol" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "255", "comment" => "The protocol of the item"],
"source" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Original source"],
"received" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Receiving date"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["item-uri"],
"conversation-uri" => ["conversation-uri"],
"received" => ["received"],
"diaspora-interaction" => [
"comment" => "Signed Diaspora Interaction",
"fields" => [
"uri-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "relation" => ["item-uri" => "id"], "comment" => "Id of the item-uri table entry that contains the item uri"],
"interaction" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "The Diaspora interaction"]
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["uri-id"]
"event" => [
"comment" => "Events",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"guid" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "Owner User id"],
"cid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => "contact_id (ID of the contact in contact table)"],
"uri" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "creation time"],
"edited" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "last edit time"],
"start" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "event start time"],
"finish" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "event end time"],
"summary" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "short description or title of the event"],
"desc" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "event description"],
"location" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "event location"],
"type" => ["type" => "varchar(20)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "event or birthday"],
"nofinish" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "if event does have no end this is 1"],
"adjust" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "1", "comment" => "adjust to timezone of the recipient (0 or 1)"],
"ignore" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "0 or 1"],
"allow_cid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Access Control - list of allowed '<19><78>'"],
"allow_gid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Access Control - list of allowed groups"],
"deny_cid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Access Control - list of denied"],
"deny_gid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Access Control - list of denied groups"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"uid_start" => ["uid", "start"],
"fcontact" => [
"comment" => "Diaspora compatible contacts - used in the Diaspora implementation",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"guid" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "unique id"],
"url" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"name" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"photo" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"request" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"nick" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"addr" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"batch" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"notify" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"poll" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"confirm" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"priority" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"network" => ["type" => "char(4)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"alias" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"pubkey" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"updated" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"addr" => ["addr(32)"],
"url" => ["UNIQUE", "url(190)"],
"fsuggest" => [
"comment" => "friend suggestion stuff",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => ""],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "User id"],
"cid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => ""],
"name" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"url" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"request" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"photo" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"note" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"gcign" => [
"comment" => "contacts ignored by friend suggestions",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "Local User id"],
"gcid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["gcontact" => "id"], "comment" => " of ignored contact"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"uid" => ["uid"],
"gcid" => ["gcid"],
"gcontact" => [
"comment" => "global contacts",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"name" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Name that this contact is known by"],
"nick" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Nick- and user name of the contact"],
"url" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Link to the contacts profile page"],
"nurl" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"photo" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Link to the profile photo"],
"connect" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"updated" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"last_contact" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"last_failure" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"archive_date" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"archived" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"location" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"about" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"keywords" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "puplic keywords (interests)"],
"gender" => ["type" => "varchar(32)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"birthday" => ["type" => "varchar(32)", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATE, "comment" => ""],
"community" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "1 if contact is forum account"],
"contact-type" => ["type" => "tinyint", "not null" => "1", "default" => "-1", "comment" => ""],
"hide" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "1 = should be hidden from search"],
"nsfw" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "1 = contact posts nsfw content"],
"network" => ["type" => "char(4)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "social network protocol"],
"addr" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"notify" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"alias" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"generation" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"server_url" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "baseurl of the contacts server"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"nurl" => ["UNIQUE", "nurl(190)"],
"name" => ["name(64)"],
"nick" => ["nick(32)"],
"addr" => ["addr(64)"],
"hide_network_updated" => ["hide", "network", "updated"],
"updated" => ["updated"],
"glink" => [
"comment" => "'friends of friends' linkages derived from poco",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"cid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => ""],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "User id"],
"gcid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["gcontact" => "id"], "comment" => ""],
"zcid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["gcontact" => "id"], "comment" => ""],
"updated" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"cid_uid_gcid_zcid" => ["UNIQUE", "cid", "uid", "gcid", "zcid"],
"gcid" => ["gcid"],
"group" => [
"comment" => "privacy groups, group info",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "Owner User id"],
"visible" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "1 indicates the member list is not private"],
"deleted" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "1 indicates the group has been deleted"],
"name" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "human readable name of group"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"uid" => ["uid"],
"group_member" => [
"comment" => "privacy groups, member info",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"gid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["group" => "id"], "comment" => " of the associated group"],
"contact-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => " of the member assigned to the associated group"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"contactid" => ["contact-id"],
"gid_contactid" => ["UNIQUE", "gid", "contact-id"],
"gserver" => [
"comment" => "Global servers",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"url" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"nurl" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"version" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"site_name" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"info" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"register_policy" => ["type" => "tinyint", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"registered-users" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "Number of registered users"],
"poco" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"noscrape" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"network" => ["type" => "char(4)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"platform" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"relay-subscribe" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "Has the server subscribed to the relay system"],
"relay-scope" => ["type" => "varchar(10)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "The scope of messages that the server wants to get"],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"last_poco_query" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"last_contact" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"last_failure" => ["type" => "datetime", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"nurl" => ["UNIQUE", "nurl(190)"],
"gserver-tag" => [
"comment" => "Tags that the server has subscribed",
"fields" => [
"gserver-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["gserver" => "id"], "primary" => "1",
"comment" => "The id of the gserver"],
"tag" => ["type" => "varchar(100)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "Tag that the server has subscribed"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["gserver-id", "tag"],
"tag" => ["tag"],
"hook" => [
"comment" => "addon hook registry",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"hook" => ["type" => "varbinary(100)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "name of hook"],
"file" => ["type" => "varbinary(200)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "relative filename of hook handler"],
"function" => ["type" => "varbinary(200)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "function name of hook handler"],
"priority" => ["type" => "smallint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "not yet implemented - can be used to sort conflicts in hook handling by calling handlers in priority order"],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"hook_file_function" => ["UNIQUE", "hook", "file", "function"],
"inbox-status" => [
"comment" => "Status of ActivityPub inboxes",
"fields" => [
"url" => ["type" => "varbinary(255)", "not null" => "1", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "URL of the inbox"],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Creation date of this entry"],
"success" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of the last successful delivery"],
"failure" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of the last failed delivery"],
"previous" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Previous delivery date"],
2019-03-26 06:14:47 +01:00
"archive" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "Is the inbox archived?"],
"shared" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "Is it a shared inbox?"]
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["url"]
"intro" => [
"comment" => "",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "comment" => "sequential ID"],
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "User id"],
"fid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["fcontact" => "id"], "comment" => ""],
"contact-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => ""],
"knowyou" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"duplex" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"note" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => ""],
"hash" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"datetime" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => ""],
"blocked" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "1", "comment" => ""],
"ignore" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"indexes" => [
"PRIMARY" => ["id"],
"item" => [
"comment" => "Structure for all posts",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "relation" => ["thread" => "iid"]],
"guid" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "A unique identifier for this item"],
"uri" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"uri-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "relation" => ["item-uri" => "id"], "comment" => "Id of the item-uri table entry that contains the item uri"],
"uri-hash" => ["type" => "varchar(80)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "RIPEMD-128 hash from uri"],
"parent" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["item" => "id"], "comment" => " of the parent to this item if it is a reply of some form; otherwise this must be set to the id of this item"],
"parent-uri" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "uri of the parent to this item"],
"parent-uri-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "relation" => ["item-uri" => "id"], "comment" => "Id of the item-uri table that contains the parent uri"],
"thr-parent" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "If the parent of this item is not the top-level item in the conversation, the uri of the immediate parent; otherwise set to parent-uri"],
"thr-parent-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "relation" => ["item-uri" => "id"], "comment" => "Id of the item-uri table that contains the thread parent uri"],
"created" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Creation timestamp."],
"edited" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of last edit (default is created)"],
"commented" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date of last comment/reply to this item"],
"received" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "datetime"],
"changed" => ["type" => "datetime", "not null" => "1", "default" => DBA::NULL_DATETIME, "comment" => "Date that something in the conversation changed, indicating clients should fetch the conversation again"],
"gravity" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"network" => ["type" => "char(4)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Network from where the item comes from"],
"owner-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => "Link to the contact table with uid=0 of the owner of this item"],
"author-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => "Link to the contact table with uid=0 of the author of this item"],
"icid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "relation" => ["item-content" => "id"], "comment" => "Id of the item-content table entry that contains the whole item content"],
"iaid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "relation" => ["item-activity" => "id"], "comment" => "Id of the item-activity table entry that contains the activity data"],
"extid" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => ""],
"post-type" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "Post type (personal note, bookmark, ...)"],
"global" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"private" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "distribution is restricted"],
"visible" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"moderated" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"deleted" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "item has been deleted"],
// User specific fields. Eventually they will move to user-item
"uid" => ["type" => "mediumint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["user" => "uid"], "comment" => "Owner id which owns this copy of the item"],
"contact-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["contact" => "id"], "comment" => ""],
"wall" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "This item was posted to the wall of uid"],
"origin" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "item originated at this site"],
"pubmail" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"starred" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "item has been favourited"],
"unseen" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "1", "comment" => "item has not been seen"],
"mention" => ["type" => "boolean", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => "The owner of this item was mentioned in it"],
"forum_mode" => ["type" => "tinyint unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "comment" => ""],
"psid" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "relation" => ["permissionset" => "id"], "comment" => "ID of the permission set of this post"],
// It has to be decided whether these fields belong to the user or the structure
"resource-id" => ["type" => "varchar(32)", "not null" => "1", "default" => "", "comment" => "Used to link other tables to items, it identifies the linked resource (e.g. photo) and if set must also set resource_type"],
"event-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "default" => "0", "relation" => ["event" => "id"], "comment" => "Used to link to the"],
// Could possibly be replaced by the "attach" table?
"attach" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "JSON structure representing attachments to this item"],
// Deprecated fields. Will be removed in upcoming versions
"allow_cid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"allow_gid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"deny_cid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"deny_gid" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"postopts" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"inform" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"type" => ["type" => "varchar(20)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"bookmark" => ["type" => "boolean", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"file" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"location" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"coord" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"tag" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"plink" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"title" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"content-warning" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"body" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"app" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"verb" => ["type" => "varchar(100)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"object-type" => ["type" => "varchar(100)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"object" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"target-type" => ["type" => "varchar(100)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"target" => ["type" => "text", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"author-name" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"author-link" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"author-avatar" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"owner-name" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"owner-link" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"owner-avatar" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"rendered-hash" => ["type" => "varchar(32)", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"rendered-html" => ["type" => "mediumtext", "comment" => "Deprecated"],
"indexes" => [
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"parent-uri" => ["parent-uri(191)"],
"extid" => ["extid(191)"],
"uid_id" => ["uid", "id"],
"uid_contactid_id" => ["uid", "contact-id", "id"],
"uid_received" => ["uid", "received"],
"uid_commented" => ["uid", "commented"],
"uid_unseen_contactid" => ["uid", "unseen", "contact-id"],
"uid_network_received" => ["uid", "network", "received"],
"uid_network_commented" => ["uid", "network", "commented"],
"uid_thrparent" => ["uid", "thr-parent(190)"],
"uid_parenturi" => ["uid", "parent-uri(190)"],
"uid_contactid_received" => ["uid", "contact-id", "received"],
"authorid_received" => ["author-id", "received"],
"ownerid" => ["owner-id"],
"contact-id" => ["contact-id"],
"uid_uri" => ["uid", "uri(190)"],
"resource-id" => ["resource-id"],
"deleted_changed" => ["deleted", "changed"],
"uid_wall_changed" => ["uid", "wall", "changed"],
"mention_uid_id" => ["mention", "uid", "id"],
"uid_eventid" => ["uid", "event-id"],
"icid" => ["icid"],
"iaid" => ["iaid"],
"psid_wall" => ["psid", "wall"],
"item-activity" => [
"comment" => "Activities for items",
"fields" => [
"id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "not null" => "1", "extra" => "auto_increment", "primary" => "1", "relation" => ["thread" => "iid"]],
"uri" => ["type" => "varchar(255)", "comment" => ""],
"uri-id" => ["type" => "int unsigned", "relation" => ["item-uri" => "id"