*/ class AccountTypeTabs { /** * @var \Atlas\Pdo\Connection */ private $connection; /** * @var \Friendica\Directory\Views\PhpRenderer */ private $renderer; /** * @var \Slim\Router */ private $router; public function __construct(\Atlas\Pdo\Connection $connection, \Friendica\Directory\Views\PhpRenderer $renderer, \Slim\Router $router) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->renderer = $renderer; $this->router = $router; } public function render(string $route_name, string $current_type = '', $condition = '', $values = [], array $queryParams = []): string { if ($condition) { $condition = 'AND ' . $condition; } $stmt = 'SELECT `account_type`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `profile` p JOIN `server` s ON s.`id` = p.`server_id` AND s.`available` AND NOT s.`hidden` WHERE p.`available` AND NOT p.`hidden` ' . $condition . ' GROUP BY p.`account_type` ORDER BY `count` DESC'; $account_types = $this->connection->fetchAll($stmt, $values); $tabs = [ [ 'title' => $this->renderer->p__('account-type', 'All'), 'link' => $this->router->pathFor($route_name, [], $queryParams), 'active' => empty($current_type) ] ]; foreach ($account_types as $account_type) { switch ($account_type['account_type']) { case 'People' : $title = $this->renderer->np__('account-type', 'People (%d)' , 'People (%d)' , $account_type['count']); break; case 'News' : $title = $this->renderer->np__('account-type', 'News (%d)' , 'News (%d)' , $account_type['count']); break; case 'Organization': $title = $this->renderer->np__('account-type', 'Organization (%d)', 'Organizations (%d)', $account_type['count']); break; case 'Forum' : $title = $this->renderer->np__('account-type', 'Forum (%d)' , 'Forums (%d)' , $account_type['count']); break; default: $title = $this->renderer->np__('account-type', $account_type['account_type']. ' (%d)', $account_type['account_type']. ' (%d)', $account_type['count']); } $tabs[] = [ 'title' => $title, 'link' => $this->router->pathFor($route_name, ['account_type' => strtolower($account_type['account_type'])], $queryParams), 'active' => strtolower($account_type['account_type']) == strtolower($current_type), 'disabled' => $account_type['count'] == 0 ]; } $vars = [ 'tabs' => $tabs, ]; return $this->renderer->fetch('widget/accounttypetabs.phtml', $vars); } }