* */ //use DOMDocument; //use DOMXPath; use Friendica\App; use Friendica\Core\Hook; use Friendica\Core\L10n; use Friendica\Core\Logger; use Friendica\Core\PConfig; use Friendica\Util\XML; use Friendica\Content\Text\Markdown; use Friendica\Util\Network; Use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat; function discourse_install() { Hook::register('email_getmessage', __FILE__, 'discourse_email_getmessage'); Hook::register('email_getmessage_end', __FILE__, 'discourse_email_getmessage_end'); Hook::register('addon_settings', __FILE__, 'discourse_addon_settings'); Hook::register('addon_settings_post', __FILE__, 'discourse_addon_settings_post'); } function discourse_uninstall() { Hook::unregister('email_getmessage', __FILE__, 'discourse_email_getmessage'); Hook::unregister('email_getmessage_end', __FILE__, 'discourse_email_getmessage_end'); Hook::unregister('addon_settings', __FILE__, 'discourse_addon_settings'); Hook::unregister('addon_settings_post', __FILE__, 'discourse_addon_settings_post'); } function discourse_addon_settings(App $a, &$s) { } function discourse_addon_settings_post(App $a) { } function discourse_email_getmessage(App $a, &$message) { // Logger::info('Got raw message', $message); // Remove the title on comments, they don't serve any purpose there if ($message['item']['parent-uri'] != $message['item']['uri']) { unset($message['item']['title']); } if (preg_match('=topic/(.*)/(.*)@(.*)=', $message['item']['uri'], $matches)) { Logger::info('Got post data', ['topic' => $matches[1], 'post' => $matches[2], 'host' => $matches[3]]); if (discourse_fetch_post_from_api($message, $matches[2], $matches[3])) { return; } } // Search in the text part for the link to the discourse entry and the text body // The text body is used as alternative, if the fetched HTML isn't working if (!empty($message['text'])) { discourse_get_text($message); } if (!empty($message['item']['plink'])) { if (preg_match('=(http.*)/t/.*/(.*\d)/(.*\d)=', $message['item']['plink'], $matches)) { if (discourse_fetch_topic_from_api($message, $matches[1], $matches[1], $matches[1])) { return; } } } // Search in the HTML part for the discourse entry and the author profile if (!empty($message['html'])) { discourse_get_html($message); } } function discourse_fetch_topic_from_api(&$message, $host, $topic, $pid) { $url = $host . '/t/' . $topic . '/posts.json?posts_ids[]=' . $pid; $curlResult = Network::curl($url); if (!$curlResult->isSuccess()) { return false; } $raw = $curlResult->getBody(); $data = json_decode($raw, true); $posts = $data['post_stream']['posts']; foreach($posts as $post) { if ($post['post_number'] != $pid) { continue; } Logger::info('Got post data from topic', $post); discourse_process_post($message, $post); return true; } return false; } function discourse_fetch_post_from_api(&$message, $post, $host) { $url = "https://" . $host . '/posts/' . $post . '.json'; $curlResult = Network::curl($url); if (!$curlResult->isSuccess()) { return false; } $raw = $curlResult->getBody(); $data = json_decode($raw, true); if (empty($data)) { return false; } discourse_process_post($message, $data); Logger::info('Got API data', $message); return true; } function discourse_process_post(&$message, $post) { if ($post['post_number'] == 1) { // Thread information } $nick = $post['username']; $name = $post['name']; // User information $message['html'] = $post['cooked']; $message['text'] = $post['raw']; $message['item']['created'] = DateTimeFormat::utc($post['created_at']); } function discourse_get_html(&$message) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc2 = new DOMDocument(); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $html = mb_convert_encoding($message['html'], 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"); @$doc->loadHTML($html, LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD); $xpath = new DomXPath($doc); // Fetch the first 'div' before the 'hr' -hopefully this fits for all systems $result = $xpath->query("//hr//preceding::div[1]"); $div = $doc2->importNode($result->item(0), true); $doc2->appendChild($div); $message['html'] = $doc2->saveHTML(); Logger::info('Found html body', ['html' => $message['html']]); $profile = discourse_get_profile($xpath); if (!empty($profile)) { Logger::info('Found profile', $profile); /* $message['item']['author-avatar'] = $contact['avatar']; $message['item']['author-link'] = $profile['link']; $message['item']['author-name'] = $profile['name']; */ } } function discourse_get_text(&$message) { $text = $message['text']; $text = str_replace("\r", '', $text); $pos = strpos($text, "\n---\n"); if ($pos > 0) { $message['text'] = trim(substr($text, 0, $pos)); Logger::info('Found text body', ['text' => $message['text']]); $message['text'] = Markdown::toBBCode($message['text']); $text = substr($text, $pos); if (preg_match('=\((http.*?)\)=', $text, $link)) { $message['item']['plink'] = $link[1]; Logger::info('Found plink', ['plink' => $message['item']['plink']]); } } else { Logger::info('No separator found', ['text' => $text]); } } function discourse_get_profile($xpath) { $profile = []; $list = $xpath->query("//td//following::img"); foreach ($list as $node) { $attr = []; foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) { $attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value; } if (!empty($attr['src']) && !empty($attr['title']) && !empty($attr['width']) && !empty($attr['height']) && ($attr['width'] == $attr['height'])) { $profile = ['avatar' => $attr['src'], 'name' => $attr['title']]; break; } } $list = $xpath->query("//td//following::a"); foreach ($list as $node) { if (!empty(trim($node->textContent)) && $node->attributes->length) { $attr = []; foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) { $attr[$attribute->name] = $attribute->value; } if (!empty($attr['href']) && (strpos($attr['href'], '/' . $profile['name']))) { $profile['link'] = $attr['href']; break; } } } return $profile; } function discourse_email_getmessage_end(App $a, &$message) { // Logger::info('Got converted message', $message); }