* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use Monolog\Level; use Monolog\LogRecord; /** * Serializes a log message according to RFC 5424 * * @author Dalibor Karlović * @author Renat Gabdullin */ class SyslogFormatter extends LineFormatter { private const SYSLOG_FACILITY_USER = 1; private const FORMAT = "<%extra.priority%>1 %datetime% %extra.hostname% %extra.app-name% %extra.procid% %channel% %extra.structured-data% %level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%\n"; private const NILVALUE = '-'; private string $hostname; private int $procid; public function __construct(private string $applicationName = self::NILVALUE) { parent::__construct(self::FORMAT, 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP', true, true); $this->hostname = (string) gethostname(); $this->procid = (int) getmypid(); } public function format(LogRecord $record): string { $record->extra = $this->formatExtra($record); return parent::format($record); } /** * @param LogRecord $record * @return array */ private function formatExtra(LogRecord $record): array { $extra = $record->extra; $extra['app-name'] = $this->applicationName; $extra['hostname'] = $this->hostname; $extra['procid'] = $this->procid; $extra['priority'] = self::calculatePriority($record->level); $extra['structured-data'] = self::NILVALUE; return $extra; } private static function calculatePriority(Level $level): int { return (self::SYSLOG_FACILITY_USER * 8) + $level->toRFC5424Level(); } }