/* Jappix - An open social platform These are the smileys JS scripts for Jappix ------------------------------------------------- License: AGPL Author: Vanaryon Last revision: 21/03/11 */ // Generates the correct HTML code for an emoticon insertion tool function emoteLink(smiley, image, hash) { return ''; } // Emoticon links arrays function smileyLinks(hash) { var links = ''; var sArray = new Array( ':-D', ']:->', '8-)', ':-P', ':-)', ';-)', ':-$', ':-|', ':-/', '=-O', ':-(', ':\'-(', ':-@', ':-!', '({)', '(})', ':3', '(@)', ':-[', ':-{}', '<3', '--', '(W)', '(Y)', '(N)', '(I)', '(C)', '(D)', '(B)', '(Z)', '(X)', '(P)', '(T)', '(8)', '(%)', '(E)', '(R)', '(*)', '(S)' ); var cArray = new Array( 'biggrin', 'devil', 'coolglasses', 'tongue', 'smile', 'wink', 'blush', 'stare', 'frowning', 'oh', 'unhappy', 'cry', 'angry', 'puke', 'hugright', 'hugleft', 'lion', 'pussy', 'bat', 'kiss', 'heart', 'brheart', 'flower', 'brflower', 'thumbup', 'thumbdown', 'lamp', 'coffee', 'drink', 'beer', 'boy', 'girl', 'photo', 'phone', 'music', 'cuffs', 'mail', 'rainbow', 'star', 'moon' ); for(i in sArray) links += emoteLink(sArray[i], cArray[i], hash); return links; }