/* Jappix - An open social platform These are the Jappix Me tool functions for Jappix ------------------------------------------------- License: AGPL Author: Vanaryon Last revision: 16/01/12 */ // Opens the Me tools function openMe() { // Popup HTML content var html = '
' + _e("Public profile") + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '

' + _e("Your profile anywhere on the Web.") + '

' + '

' + printf(_e("%s is a Jappix.com service which makes your XMPP profile public. It is easier to share it. No XMPP account is required to view your social channel, your current position and your contact details."), 'Jappix Me') + '

' + '

' + _e("Furthermore, every picture you post in your social channel is added to a beautiful picture timeline. You can now view the pictures you shared year by year.") + '

' + '

' + _e("You can also use your XMPP avatar as a single avatar for every website, blog and forum you use. When you change it on XMPP, the new avatar appears everywhere. What a genious improvement!") + '

' + '
' + '' + _e("Yay, let's create my public profile!") + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + _e("Close") + '' + '
'; // Create the popup createPopup('me', html); // Associate the events launchMe(); logThis('Public profile tool opened.'); } // Closes the Me tools function closeMe() { // Destroy the popup destroyPopup('me'); return false; } // Plugin launcher function launchMe() { // Click events $('#me .content a.go').click(function() { closeMe(); }); $('#me .bottom .finish').click(closeMe); }