strings["The end-date is prior to the start-date of the blackout, you should fix this"] = "结束日期早于开始日期,您应该修复此问题"; $a->strings["Please double check that the current settings for the blackout. Begin will be %s and it will end %s."] = "请仔细检查一下当前的维护设置。将从%s开始结束于%s。"; $a->strings["Save Settings"] = "保存设置"; $a->strings["Redirect URL"] = "重定向URL"; $a->strings["all your visitors from the web will be redirected to this URL"] = "所有来自web的访问者都将重定向到此URL"; $a->strings["Begin of the Blackout"] = "开始维护"; $a->strings["Format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm; YYYY year, MM month, DD day, hh hour and mm minute."] = "格式为YYYY-MM-DD HH:MMYYYY年MM月DD日HH小时和MM分钟"; $a->strings["End of the Blackout"] = "结束维护"; $a->strings["Note: The redirect will be active from the moment you press the submit button. Users currently logged in will not be thrown out but can't login again after logging out should the blackout is still in place."] = "注意:从您按下提交按钮的那一刻起,重定向将处于活动状态。当前登录的用户不会被驱逐,但如果仍处于维护状态,则在注销后不能再次登录。";