l10n = $l10n; $this->config = $config; $this->accessKey = new HiddenString($this->config->get('s3', 'access_key', '')); $this->secretKey = new HiddenString($this->config->get('s3', 'secret_key', '')); $this->signatureMethod = $this->config->get('s3', 'signature_method', self::DEFAULT_SIGMETHOD); $this->bucket = $this->config->get('s3', 'bucket', self::DEFAULT_BUCKET); $this->legacy = !empty($this->config->get('s3', 'legacy')); $this->dualStack = !empty($this->config->get('s3', 'dual_stack')); $this->region = $this->config->get('s3', 'region'); $this->endpoint = $this->config->get('s3', 'endpoint'); } /** * Returns the whole configuration as a Akeeba compatible configuration instance * * @return Configuration */ public function getConfig(): Configuration { $config = new Configuration($this->accessKey, $this->secretKey); $config->setUseLegacyPathStyle($this->legacy ?? false); $config->setUseDualstackUrl($this->dualStack ?? false); if (!empty($this->region)) { $config->setRegion($this->region); } if (!empty($this->endpoint)) { $config->setEndpoint($this->endpoint); } if (!empty($this->signatureMethod) && empty($this->endpoint)) { $config->setSignatureMethod($this->signatureMethod); } return $config; } public function getBucket(): string { return $this->bucket; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getOptions(): array { $sigMethods = [ 'v2' => 'v2', 'v4' => 'v4', ]; return [ 'access_key' => [ 'password', $this->l10n->t('Access Key'), $this->accessKey, $this->l10n->t('Set the Access Key of the S3 storage'), true, ], 'secret_key' => [ 'password', $this->l10n->t('Secret Key'), $this->secretKey, $this->l10n->t('Set the Secret Key of the S3 storage'), true, ], 'bucket' => [ 'input', $this->l10n->t('Bucket'), $this->bucket, $this->l10n->t('The S3 Bucket (name), you want to use with Friendica'), true, ], 'signature_method' => [ 'select', $this->l10n->t('Signature Method'), $this->signatureMethod, $this->l10n->t('Set the signature method to use (BEWARE: v4 will be automatically set to v2 in case the endpoint isn\'t amazon)'), $sigMethods, ], 'endpoint' => [ 'input', $this->l10n->t("Amazon S3 compatible endpoint (leave empty for '%s')", self::DEFAULT_ENDPOINT), $this->endpoint, $this->l10n->t('Set the S3 endpoint. Do NOT use a protocol (You can use a custom endpoint with v2 signatures to access third party services which offer S3 compatibility, e.g. OwnCloud, Google Storage etc.)'), ], 'region' => [ 'input', $this->l10n->t("AWS region (leave empty for '%s')", self::DEFAULT_REGION), $this->region, $this->l10n->t('The AWS region is mandatory for v4 signatures'), ], 'dualstack_url' => [ 'checkbox', $this->l10n->t('Use the dualstack URL (which will ship traffic over ipv6 in most cases)'), $this->dualStack, $this->l10n->t('For more information on these endpoints please read https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/dual-stack-endpoints.html'), ], 'legacy' => [ 'checkbox', $this->l10n->t('Use legacy, path-style access to the bucket'), $this->legacy, $this->l10n->t('When it\'s turned off (default) we use virtual hosting stylepaths which are RECOMMENDED BY AMAZON per http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/APIRest.html'), ], ]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function saveOptions(array $data): array { $feedback = []; if (empty($data['access_key']) || empty($data['secret_key']) || empty($data['bucket'])) { return [ 'access_key' => $this->l10n->t('Invalid input') ]; } $s3Config = new Configuration( $data['access_key'], $data['secret_key'] ); $bucket = $data['bucket']; if (!empty($data['endpoint'])) { try { $s3Config->setEndpoint($data['endpoint']); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $feedback['endpoint'] = $exception->getMessage(); } } if (!empty($data['region'])) { try { $s3Config->setRegion($data['region']); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $feedback['region'] = $exception->getMessage(); } } try { $s3Config->setUseLegacyPathStyle((bool)$data['legacy'] ?? false); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $feedback['legacy'] = $exception->getMessage(); } try { $s3Config->setUseDualstackUrl((bool)$data['dualstack_url'] ?? false); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $feedback['dualstack_url'] = $exception->getMessage(); } try { $s3Config->setSignatureMethod($data['signature_method'] ?? self::DEFAULT_SIGMETHOD); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $feedback['signature_method'] = $this->l10n->t("error '%s', message '%s'", $exception->getCode(), $exception->getMessage()); } try { $connector = new Connector($s3Config); $buckets = $connector->listBuckets(); if (!in_array($bucket, $buckets)) { return [ 'bucket' => $this->l10n->t('Bucket %s cannot be not found, possible buckets: %s', $bucket, implode(', ', $buckets)) ]; } $connector->getBucket($bucket); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return [ 'bucket' => $exception->getMessage() ]; } $this->config->set('s3', 'access_key', ($this->accessKey = new HiddenString($data['access_key']))->getString(), false); $this->config->set('s3', 'secret_key', ($this->secretKey = new HiddenString($data['secret_key']))->getString(), false); $this->config->set('s3', 'bucket', ($this->bucket = $bucket), false); if ($s3Config->getUseLegacyPathStyle()) { $this->config->set('s3', 'legacy', '1', false); } else { $this->config->delete('s3', 'legacy', false); } if ($s3Config->getDualstackUrl()) { $this->config->set('s3', 'dual_stack', '1', false); } else { $this->config->delete('s3', 'dual_stack', false); } $this->config->set('s3','signature_method', $s3Config->getSignatureMethod(), false); if (!empty($data['endpoint'])) { $this->config->set('s3', 'endpoint', $s3Config->getEndpoint(), false); } else { $this->config->delete('s3', 'endpoint', false); } if (!empty($data['region'])) { $this->config->set('s3', 'region', $s3Config->getRegion(), false); } else { $this->config->delete('s3', 'region', false); } $this->config->save(); return $feedback; } }