strings['Filtered by rule: %s'] = '通过规则过滤:%s'; $a->strings['Advanced Content Filter'] = '高级内容过滤'; $a->strings['Back to Addon Settings'] = '返回扩展设置'; $a->strings['Add a Rule'] = '添加规则'; $a->strings['Help'] = '帮助'; $a->strings['Add and manage your personal content filter rules in this screen. Rules have a name and an arbitrary expression that will be matched against post data. For a complete reference of the available operations and variables, check the help page.'] = '在此界面上添加和管理你的个人内容过滤规则。规则要有名称和能匹配帖子内容的任意表达式。完整可用的运算符和变量,请查看帮助页面。'; $a->strings['Your rules'] = '你的规则'; $a->strings['You have no rules yet! Start adding one by clicking on the button above next to the title.'] = '你还没有规则!点击标题上方的按钮开始新增规则。'; $a->strings['Disabled'] = '禁用'; $a->strings['Enabled'] = '启用'; $a->strings['Disable this rule'] = '禁用此规则'; $a->strings['Enable this rule'] = '启用此规则'; $a->strings['Edit this rule'] = '编辑此规则'; $a->strings['Edit the rule'] = '编辑规则'; $a->strings['Save this rule'] = '保存规则'; $a->strings['Delete this rule'] = '删除此规则'; $a->strings['Rule'] = '规则'; $a->strings['Close'] = '关闭'; $a->strings['Add new rule'] = '新增规则'; $a->strings['Rule Name'] = '规则名'; $a->strings['Rule Expression'] = '规则表达式'; $a->strings['


'] = '


'; $a->strings['Cancel'] = '取消'; $a->strings['You must be logged in to use this method'] = '使用此模式您必须先登录。'; $a->strings['Invalid form security token, please refresh the page.'] = '无效的安全令牌,请刷新页面。'; $a->strings['The rule name and expression are required.'] = '规则名和表达式必填。'; $a->strings['Rule successfully added'] = '规则添加成功。'; $a->strings['Rule doesn\'t exist or doesn\'t belong to you.'] = '规则不存在或不属于你。'; $a->strings['Rule successfully updated'] = '规则更新成功'; $a->strings['Rule successfully deleted'] = '规则删除成功'; $a->strings['Missing argument: guid.'] = '缺少参数:guid。'; $a->strings['Unknown post with guid: %s'] = '未知帖子 guid:%s'; $a->strings['Method not found'] = '未找到模式';