VarExporter Component ===================== The VarExporter component allows exporting any serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code. While doing so, it preserves all the semantics associated with the serialization mechanism of PHP (`__wakeup`, `__sleep`, `Serializable`, `__serialize`, `__unserialize`). It also provides an instantiator that allows creating and populating objects without calling their constructor nor any other methods. The reason to use this component *vs* `serialize()` or [igbinary]( is performance: thanks to OPcache, the resulting code is significantly faster and more memory efficient than using `unserialize()` or `igbinary_unserialize()`. Unlike `var_export()`, this works on any serializable PHP value. It also provides a few improvements over `var_export()`/`serialize()`: * the output is PSR-2 compatible; * the output can be re-indented without messing up with `\r` or `\n` in the data * missing classes throw a `ClassNotFoundException` instead of being unserialized to `PHP_Incomplete_Class` objects; * references involving `SplObjectStorage`, `ArrayObject` or `ArrayIterator` instances are preserved; * `Reflection*`, `IteratorIterator` and `RecursiveIteratorIterator` classes throw an exception when being serialized (their unserialized version is broken anyway, see Resources --------- * [Documentation]( * [Contributing]( * [Report issues]( and [send Pull Requests]( in the [main Symfony repository](