# How to maintain this repository The structure and usage of this repository is influenced by other, official docker repositories. # Version directories **This is important.** Never ever change a file/folder inside a directory without a `.` at the beginning (`2018.05-rc`, ...). This folder will get updated automatically based on the templates you want to change. All changes in such folders will get overwritten during an update. # Basic files and folders Most of the time you want to change one of the followed files. ## [`.bin`](https://github.com/friendica/docker/tree/master/.bin) This directory holds the binary/shell files for docker images. They get copied into the docker images at `/usr/local/bin`. ## [`.config`](https://github.com/friendica/docker/tree/master/.config) This directory holds the config files for docker images. They get copied into the docker images at `/usr/src/config`. ### `htconfig.php` This file is based on the sample [`htconfig.php`](https://github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/559250b8b3a7a5d0e524d3e3e2d347d18d6c3a2a/htconfig.php) in the Friendica repository. The differences: - Removed the `die()` at the beginning - Removed all hard-coded DB settings - Added environment variables for mailname, tz, language ## Templates & shell-scripts - If you want to update/upgrade Dockerfiles, use the right `*.template` file for it. - If you want to update/change the behavior of **every** start of Docker-image, change `docker-entrypoint.sh` - If you want to update/change the behavior how cronjobs will get started, change `docker-cron.sh` # Maintenance scripts There are two important scripts in this repository for maintenance. ## update.sh Creates a directory and the necessary files for each combination of version (2018.05-rc, 3.6, ...) and variant (apache, fpm, fpm-alpine): - Creating the right `Dockerfile` (from one of the two *.template files) - Creating the `docker-*.sh` files (copy as *.sh) - Coping `/.bin/*` to `bin/*` - Coping `/.config/*` to `config/*` - Recreating the version/variant environment in `.travis.yml` If you want to update the Docker-images to a newer version, just change the list in `update.sh` at ```shell versions=( 2018.05-rc ) ``` # generate-stackbrew-library.sh This file automatically creates a "manifest" for the docker-images. Like: ```console # This file is generated via https://github.com/friendica/docker/blob/b46fae917321394e1482df59dc4e39daffbe5c59/generate-stackbrew-library.sh Maintainers: Friendica (@friendica), Philipp Holzer (@[secure]) GitRepo: https://github.com/friendica/docker.git Tags: 2018.05-rc-apache, rc-apache, apache, stable-apache, production-apache, 2018.05-rc, rc, latest, stable, production Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x GitCommit: b46fae917321394e1482df59dc4e39daffbe5c59 Directory: 2018.05-rc/apache Tags: 2018.05-rc-fpm, rc-fpm, fpm, stable-fpm, production-fpm Architectures: amd64, arm32v5, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x GitCommit: b46fae917321394e1482df59dc4e39daffbe5c59 Directory: 2018.05-rc/fpm Tags: 2018.05-rc-fpm-alpine, rc-fpm-alpine, fpm-alpine, stable-fpm-alpine, production-fpm-alpine Architectures: amd64, arm32v6, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x GitCommit: b46fae917321394e1482df59dc4e39daffbe5c59 Directory: 2018.05-rc/fpm-alpine This is the input-file for the official-images in a later step :-) ```