diff --git a/.examples/kubernetes b/.examples/kubernetes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d618265 --- /dev/null +++ b/.examples/kubernetes @@ -0,0 +1,417 @@ +apiVersion: v1 +items: + +- apiVersion: v1 (created by using "Create an application" in portainer) + kind: Pod + metadata: + creationTimestamp: "2022-01-09T17:56:08Z" + generateName: friendica-7f886799f9- + labels: + app: friendica + io.portainer.kubernetes.application.name: friendica + pod-template-hash: 7f886799f9 + name: friendica-7f886799f9-rf6x5 + namespace: friendica-base + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: apps/v1 + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: true + kind: ReplicaSet + name: friendica-7f886799f9 + uid: 43d1dc0f-6932-4268-bec0-7df1050e467e + resourceVersion: "11351056" + uid: 95537b80-fa4d-4623-b8ad-cd9c5097de38 + spec: + containers: + - env: + - name: FRIENDICA_TZ + value: America/Chicago + - name: MYSQL_DATABASE + value: MYSQL_DATABASE + - name: MYSQL_HOST + value: MYSQL_HOST + - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD + value: MYSQL_PASSWORD + - name: MYSQL_USER + value: MYSQL_USER + - name: SMTP + value: smtp.gmail.com + - name: SMTP_AUTH + value: "on" + - name: SMTP_AUTH_PASS + value: SMTP_AUTH_PASS + - name: SMTP_AUTH_USER + value: SMTP@AUTH.USER + - name: SMTP_DOMAIN + value: SMTP.DOMAIN + - name: SMTP_FROM + value: SMTP_FROM + - name: SMTP_PORT + value: "587" + - name: SMTP_STARTTLS + value: "on" + - name: SMTP_TLS + value: "on" + image: friendica:stable + imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent + name: friendica + resources: {} + terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log + terminationMessagePolicy: File + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: /var/www/html + name: friendica-f8400c86-d7cd-4a13-a8c0-1c57a74a3885 + - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount + name: kube-api-access-k7vt2 + readOnly: true + dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst + enableServiceLinks: true + nodeName: node1 + preemptionPolicy: PreemptLowerPriority + priority: 0 + restartPolicy: Always + schedulerName: default-scheduler + securityContext: {} + serviceAccount: default + serviceAccountName: default + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 + tolerations: + - effect: NoExecute + key: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready + operator: Exists + tolerationSeconds: 300 + - effect: NoExecute + key: node.kubernetes.io/unreachable + operator: Exists + tolerationSeconds: 300 + volumes: + - name: friendica-f8400c86-d7cd-4a13-a8c0-1c57a74a3885 + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: friendica-f8400c86-d7cd-4a13-a8c0-1c57a74a3885 + - name: kube-api-access-k7vt2 + projected: + defaultMode: 420 + sources: + - serviceAccountToken: + expirationSeconds: 3607 + path: token + - configMap: + items: + - key: ca.crt + path: ca.crt + name: kube-root-ca.crt + - downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: v1 + fieldPath: metadata.namespace + path: namespace + status: + conditions: + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-09T17:56:08Z" + status: "True" + type: Initialized + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-10T00:17:26Z" + status: "True" + type: Ready + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-10T00:17:26Z" + status: "True" + type: ContainersReady + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-09T17:56:08Z" + status: "True" + type: PodScheduled + containerStatuses: + - containerID: containerd://caed84194b8f612bd7a690ed4fd655e9da4821bcc072f20c327e3a127909c4fa + image: docker.io/library/friendica:stable + imageID: docker.io/library/friendica@sha256:cbc1daaf680eb26b169dbf1b712b32b2893c923322b77fe56e70db82a573dd10 + lastState: + terminated: + containerID: containerd://8aef259cb03be99056e22d48925c3aa88bf6384c3bda2a02e682ecae87036ded + exitCode: 255 + finishedAt: "2022-01-10T00:17:00Z" + reason: Unknown + startedAt: "2022-01-09T17:56:10Z" + name: friendica + ready: true + restartCount: 1 + started: true + state: + running: + startedAt: "2022-01-10T00:17:26Z" + hostIP: hostIP + phase: Running + podIP: podip + podIPs: + - ip: ip + qosClass: BestEffort + startTime: "2022-01-09T17:56:08Z" + +- apiVersion: v1 (created using "Create from manifest" with "Web editor" with kubernetes selected) + kind: Pod + metadata: + creationTimestamp: "2022-01-09T20:22:39Z" + generateName: cron-6bfbffbfb7- + labels: + name: cron + octopusexport: OctopusExport + pod-template-hash: 6bfbffbfb7 + name: cron-6bfbffbfb7-qm4mr + namespace: friendica-base + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: apps/v1 + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: true + kind: ReplicaSet + name: cron-6bfbffbfb7 + uid: feefc9e9-a39e-4514-91a9-1d778c7f5d0f + resourceVersion: "11351066" + uid: 067b9e66-ef5f-4ddd-a2c7-e10d8aae362b + spec: + containers: + - args: + - /cron.sh + command: + - /bin/sh + env: + - name: MYSQL_USER + value: MYSQL_USER + - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD + value: MYSQL_PASSWORD + - name: MYSQL_HOST + value: MYSQL_HOST + - name: MYSQL_DATABASE + value: MYSQL_DATABASE + image: friendica:stable + imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent + name: cron + resources: {} + terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log + terminationMessagePolicy: File + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: /var/www/html + name: friendica + - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount + name: kube-api-access-2km6k + readOnly: true + dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst + enableServiceLinks: true + nodeName: node1 + preemptionPolicy: PreemptLowerPriority + priority: 0 + restartPolicy: Always + schedulerName: default-scheduler + securityContext: {} + serviceAccount: default + serviceAccountName: default + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 + tolerations: + - effect: NoExecute + key: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready + operator: Exists + tolerationSeconds: 300 + - effect: NoExecute + key: node.kubernetes.io/unreachable + operator: Exists + tolerationSeconds: 300 + volumes: + - name: friendica + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: friendica-f8400c86-d7cd-4a13-a8c0-1c57a74a3885 + - name: kube-api-access-2km6k + projected: + defaultMode: 420 + sources: + - serviceAccountToken: + expirationSeconds: 3607 + path: token + - configMap: + items: + - key: ca.crt + path: ca.crt + name: kube-root-ca.crt + - downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: v1 + fieldPath: metadata.namespace + path: namespace + status: + conditions: + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-09T20:22:39Z" + status: "True" + type: Initialized + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-10T00:17:26Z" + status: "True" + type: Ready + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-10T00:17:26Z" + status: "True" + type: ContainersReady + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-09T20:22:39Z" + status: "True" + type: PodScheduled + containerStatuses: + - containerID: containerd://817309d667b767ef4f30065da29a7149562875faf72419cf9f333fab57e10563 + image: docker.io/library/friendica:stable + imageID: docker.io/library/friendica@sha256:cbc1daaf680eb26b169dbf1b712b32b2893c923322b77fe56e70db82a573dd10 + lastState: + terminated: + containerID: containerd://87ac21ca1a926259b4d3fde90f424c5a7a2dfdecaaa38c8388ef6b58e6ddf144 + exitCode: 255 + finishedAt: "2022-01-10T00:17:00Z" + reason: Unknown + startedAt: "2022-01-09T20:22:41Z" + name: cron + ready: true + restartCount: 1 + started: true + state: + running: + startedAt: "2022-01-10T00:17:26Z" + hostIP: hostIP + phase: Running + podIP: podIP + podIPs: + - ip: ip + qosClass: BestEffort + startTime: "2022-01-09T20:22:39Z" + +- apiVersion: v1 (created by using "Create an application" in portainer) + kind: Pod + metadata: + creationTimestamp: "2021-10-21T20:14:13Z" + generateName: mariadb-6dcc7f5545- + labels: + app: mariadb + io.portainer.kubernetes.application.name: mariadb + pod-template-hash: 6dcc7f5545 + name: mariadb-6dcc7f5545-8wt7p + namespace: friendica-base + ownerReferences: + - apiVersion: apps/v1 + blockOwnerDeletion: true + controller: true + kind: ReplicaSet + name: mariadb-6dcc7f5545 + uid: c8d4773b-07fd-42c7-8186-d5f7cfd21955 + resourceVersion: "11351337" + uid: 43c599df-d52a-4b19-9b4f-7839d5b3c645 + spec: + containers: + - env: + - name: MYSQL_DATABASE + value: MYSQL_DATABASE + - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD + value: MYSQL_PASSWORD + - name: MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD + value: "yes" + - name: MYSQL_USER + value: MYSQL_USER + image: mariadb + imagePullPolicy: Always + name: mariadb + resources: {} + terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log + terminationMessagePolicy: File + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: /var/lib/mysql + name: mariadb-cedac3ef-94a4-433a-a7ff-2f329a46ec98 + - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount + name: kube-api-access-fb74g + readOnly: true + dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst + enableServiceLinks: true + nodeName: node2 + preemptionPolicy: PreemptLowerPriority + priority: 0 + restartPolicy: Always + schedulerName: default-scheduler + securityContext: {} + serviceAccount: default + serviceAccountName: default + terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 + tolerations: + - effect: NoExecute + key: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready + operator: Exists + tolerationSeconds: 300 + - effect: NoExecute + key: node.kubernetes.io/unreachable + operator: Exists + tolerationSeconds: 300 + volumes: + - name: mariadb-cedac3ef-94a4-433a-a7ff-2f329a46ec98 + persistentVolumeClaim: + claimName: mariadb-cedac3ef-94a4-433a-a7ff-2f329a46ec98 + - name: kube-api-access-fb74g + projected: + defaultMode: 420 + sources: + - serviceAccountToken: + expirationSeconds: 3607 + path: token + - configMap: + items: + - key: ca.crt + path: ca.crt + name: kube-root-ca.crt + - downwardAPI: + items: + - fieldRef: + apiVersion: v1 + fieldPath: metadata.namespace + path: namespace + status: + conditions: + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2021-10-22T01:45:50Z" + status: "True" + type: Initialized + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-10T00:20:27Z" + status: "True" + type: Ready + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2022-01-10T00:20:27Z" + status: "True" + type: ContainersReady + - lastProbeTime: null + lastTransitionTime: "2021-10-22T01:45:50Z" + status: "True" + type: PodScheduled + containerStatuses: + - containerID: containerd://ec883758b8673faa53574145c30ed84ce695b7e6678b176953b0df0e565520bb + image: docker.io/library/mariadb:latest + imageID: docker.io/library/mariadb@sha256:5a37e65a6414d78f60d523c4ddcf93d715854337beb46f8beeb1a23d83262184 + lastState: + terminated: + containerID: containerd://55a6481bca697efcf39813d8367a7333d67df0f929b32333a99ae1069708118b + exitCode: 255 + finishedAt: "2022-01-10T00:18:40Z" + reason: Unknown + startedAt: "2022-01-06T04:36:44Z" + name: mariadb + ready: true + restartCount: 12 + started: true + state: + running: + startedAt: "2022-01-10T00:20:26Z" + hostIP: hostIP + phase: Running + podIP: podIP + podIPs: + - ip: ip + qosClass: BestEffort + startTime: "2021-10-22T01:45:50Z" +kind: List +metadata: + resourceVersion: "" + selfLink: ""