<?php use Friendica\Directory\Rendering\View; require_once 'include/site-health.php'; function servers_content(&$a) { $sites = array(); //Find the user count per site. $r = q("SELECT `homepage` FROM `profile`"); if (count($r)) { foreach ($r as $rr) { $site = parse_site_from_url($rr['homepage']); if ($site) { if (!isset($sites[$site])) { $sites[$site] = 0; } $sites[$site] ++; } } } //See if we have a health for them AND they provide SSL. $sites_with_health = array(); $site_healths = array(); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `site-health` WHERE `reg_policy`='REGISTER_OPEN' AND `ssl_state` = 1"); if (count($r)) { foreach ($r as $rr) { if (isset($sites[$rr['base_url']])) { $sites_with_health[$rr['base_url']] = (($sites[$rr['base_url']] / 100) + 10) * intval($rr['health_score']); $site_healths[$rr['base_url']] = $rr; } } } arsort($sites_with_health); $total = 0; $public_sites = array(); foreach ($sites_with_health as $k => $v) { //Stop at unhealthy sites. $site = $site_healths[$k]; if ($site['health_score'] <= 20) { break; } //Skip small sites. $users = $sites[$k]; if ($users < 5) { continue; } //Add health score name and user count. $site['health_score_name'] = health_score_to_name($site['health_score']); $site['users'] = $users; //Figure out what this server supports. $addons = explode("\r\n", $site['addons']); $site['addons'] = $addons; $hasAddon = function (array $input) use ($addons) { return !!count(array_intersect($input, $addons)); }; $site['supports'] = array( 'HTTPS' => $site['ssl_state'] == 1, 'Twitter' => $hasAddon(array('buffer', 'twitter')), 'Facebook' => $hasAddon(array('buffer')), 'Google+' => $hasAddon(array('buffer', 'fromgplus')), 'RSS/Atom' => true, //Built-in. 'Diaspora*' => $hasAddon(array('diaspora')), 'pump.io' => $hasAddon(array('pumpio')), 'StatusNet' => $hasAddon(array('statusnet')), 'Tumblr' => $hasAddon(array('tumblr')), 'Blogger' => $hasAddon(array('blogger')), 'Dreamwidth' => $hasAddon(array('dwpost')), 'Wordpress' => $hasAddon(array('wppost')), 'LiveJournal' => $hasAddon(array('ljpost')), 'Insanejournal' => $hasAddon(array('ijpost')), 'Libertree' => $hasAddon(array('libertree')) ); //Subset of the full support list, to show popular items. $site['popular_supports'] = array( 'HTTPS' => $site['supports']['HTTPS'], 'Twitter' => $site['supports']['Twitter'], 'Google+' => $site['supports']['Google+'], 'Wordpress' => $site['supports']['Wordpress'] ); //For practical usage. $site['less_popular_supports'] = array_diff_assoc($site['supports'], $site['popular_supports']); //Get the difference. $site['supports_more'] = 0; foreach ($site['supports'] as $key => $value) { if ($value && !array_key_exists($key, $site['popular_supports'])) { $site['supports_more'] ++; } } //Push to results. $public_sites[] = $site; //Count the result. $total ++; } //In case we asked for a surprise, pick a random one from the top 10! :D if ($a->argc > 1 && $a->argv[1] == 'surprise') { $max = min(count($public_sites), 10); $i = mt_rand(0, $max - 1); $surpriseSite = $public_sites[$i]; header('Location:' . $surpriseSite['base_url'] . '/register'); exit; } //Show results. $view = new View('servers'); $view->output(array( 'total' => number_format($total), 'sites' => $public_sites )); killme(); }