get_baseurl()); } //Get 100 flagged entries. $r = q("SELECT `flag`.*, `profile`.`name`, `profile`.`homepage` FROM `flag` JOIN `profile` ON `flag`.`pid`=`profile`.`id` ORDER BY `total` DESC LIMIT 100" ); if(count($r)) { $flagged = ''; foreach($r as $rr) { if($rr['reason'] == 1) $str = 'Adult'; if($rr['reason'] == 2) $str = 'Dead'; $flagged .= ''. "{$rr['total']}x $str - [#{$rr['pid']}] {$rr['name']} ({$rr['homepage']})
"; } } else { $flagged = 'No entries.'; } //Get the backlog size. $res = q("SELECT count(*) as `count` FROM `profile` WHERE `updated` < '%s'", dbesc(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()-$a->config['maintenance']['min_scrape_delay']))); $backlog = 'unknown'; if(count($res)){ $backlog = $res[0]['count'].' entries'; } $tpl = file_get_contents('view/admin.tpl'); return replace_macros($tpl, array( '$present' => is_file('.htimport') ? ' (present)' : '', '$flagged' => $flagged, '$backlog' => $backlog, '$maintenance_size' => $a->config['maintenance']['max_scrapes'].' items per maintenance call.' )); } function admin_post(&$a) { //Submit a profile URL. if($_POST['submit_url']){ goaway($a->get_baseurl().'/submit?url='.bin2hex($_POST['submit_url'])); } //Get our input. $url = $_POST['dir_import_url']; $page = intval($_POST['dir_page']); $batch = $_POST['batch_submit']; //Directory $file = realpath(__DIR__.'/..').'/.htimport'; //Per batch setting. $perPage = 200; $perBatch = 2; if($batch){ require_once('include/submit.php'); require_once('include/site-health.php'); //First get all data from file. $data = file_get_contents($file); $list = explode("\r\n", $data); //Fresh batch? if(!isset($_SESSION['import_progress'])){ $_SESSION['import_progress'] = true; $_SESSION['import_success'] = 0; $_SESSION['import_failed'] = 0; $_SESSION['import_total'] = 0; notice("Started new batch. "); } //Make sure we can use try catch for all sorts of errors. set_error_handler(function($errno, $errstr='', $errfile='', $errline='', $context=array()){ if((error_reporting() & $errno) == 0){ return; } throw new \Exception($errstr, $errno); }); for($i=0; $i<$perBatch; $i++){ if($url = array_shift($list)){ set_time_limit(15); $_SESSION['import_total']++; $_SESSION['import_failed']++; try{ //A site may well turn 'sour' during the import. //Check the health again for this reason. $site = parse_site_from_url($url); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `site-health` WHERE `base_url`= '%s' ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1", $site); if(count($r) && intval($r[0]['health_score']) < $a->config['site-health']['skip_import_threshold']){ continue; } //Do the submit if health is ok. if(run_submit($url)){ $_SESSION['import_failed']--; $_SESSION['import_success']++; } }catch(\Exception $ex){/* We tried... */} } else break; } $left = count($list); $success = $_SESSION['import_success']; $skipped = $_SESSION['import_skipped']; $total = $_SESSION['import_total']; $errors = $_SESSION['import_failed']; if($left > 0){ notice("$left items left in batch...
$success updated profiles.
$errors import errors."); file_put_contents($file, implode("\r\n", $list)); $fid = uniqid('autosubmit_'); echo '
'. ''; } else { notice("Completed batch! $success updated. $errors errors."); unlink($file); unset($_SESSION['import_progress']); } return; } //Doing a poll from the directory? elseif($url){ require_once('include/site-health.php'); $result = fetch_url($url."/lsearch?p=$page&n=$perPage&search=.*"); if($result) $data = json_decode($result); else $data = false; if($data){ $rows = ''; foreach($data->results as $profile){ //Skip known profiles. $purl = $profile->url; $nurl = str_replace(array('https:','//www.'), array('http:','//'), $purl); $r = q("SELECT count(*) as `matched` FROM `profile` WHERE (`homepage` = '%s' OR `nurl` = '%s') LIMIT 1", dbesc($purl), dbesc($nurl) ); if(count($r) && $r[0]['matched']){ continue; } //Find out site health. else{ $site = parse_site_from_url($purl); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `site-health` WHERE `base_url`= '%s' ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1", $site); if(count($r) && intval($r[0]['health_score']) < $a->config['site-health']['skip_import_threshold']){ continue; } } $rows .= $profile->url."\r\n"; } file_put_contents($file, $rows, $page > 0 ? FILE_APPEND : 0); $progress = min((($page+1) * $perPage), $data->total); notice("Imported ".$progress."/".$data->total." URLs."); if($progress !== $data->total){ $fid = uniqid('autosubmit_'); echo '
'. ''. ''. '
'. ''; } else { goaway($a->get_baseurl().'/admin'); } } } }