-Var vänlig ägna en liten stund åt att fylla i något som du känner kan vara till hjälp för andra.
+Var vänlig spendera tid på att fylla i något här om du känner att det kan vara till någon hjälp för andra.
diff --git a/view/sv/cropbody.tpl b/view/sv/cropbody.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39395af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/cropbody.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
Crop Image
+Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing.
+Welcome home $username.
+Please confirm your introduction to $dfrn_url.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/directory_header.tpl b/view/sv/directory_header.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03eed62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/directory_header.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Site Directory
diff --git a/view/sv/follow_notify_eml.tpl b/view/sv/follow_notify_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae758c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/follow_notify_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Dear $myname,
+You have a new follower at $sitename - '$requestor'.
+You may visit their profile at $url.
+Please login to your site to approve or ignore/cancel the request.
+ $sitename administrator
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/friend_complete_eml.tpl b/view/sv/friend_complete_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab12fcb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/friend_complete_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Dear $username,
+ Great news... '$fn' at '$dfrn_url' has accepted
+your connection request at '$sitename'.
+You are now mutual friends and may exchange status updates, photos, and email
+without restriction.
+Please visit your 'Contacts' page at $sitename if you wish to make
+any changes to this relationship.
+[For instance, you may create a separate profile with information that is not
+available to the general public - and assign viewing rights to '$fn'].
+ $sitename Administrator
diff --git a/view/sv/group_edit.tpl b/view/sv/group_edit.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6c7afb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/group_edit.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/profile_tabs.tpl b/view/sv/profile_tabs.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c6c54a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/profile_tabs.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/pwdreset.tpl b/view/sv/pwdreset.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd609f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/pwdreset.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Your password may be changed from the 'Settings' page after successful login.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/register_open_eml.tpl b/view/sv/register_open_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a00f21e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/register_open_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Dear $username,
+ Thank you for registering at $sitename. Your account has been created.
+The login details are as follows:
+Site Location: $siteurl
+Login Name: $email
+Password: $password
+You may change your password from your account "Settings" page after logging
+Please take a few moments to review the other account settings on that page.
+Thank you and welcome to $sitename.
+ $sitename Administrator
diff --git a/view/sv/register_verify_eml.tpl b/view/sv/register_verify_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60c38d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/register_verify_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+A new user registration request was received at $sitename which requires
+your approval.
+The login details are as follows:
+Full Name: $username
+Site Location: $siteurl
+Login Name: $email
+To approve this request please visit the following link:
+To deny the request and remove the account, please visit:
+Thank you.
diff --git a/view/sv/registrations-top.tpl b/view/sv/registrations-top.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8faf343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/registrations-top.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/view/sv/request_notify_eml.tpl b/view/sv/request_notify_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9eef7a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/request_notify_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Dear $myname,
+You have just received a connection request at $sitename
+from '$requestor'.
+You may visit their profile at $url.
+Please login to your site to view the complete introduction
+and approve or ignore/cancel the request.
+ $sitename administrator
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/settings.tpl b/view/sv/settings.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea4e2e52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/settings.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
diff --git a/view/sv/settings_nick_subdir.tpl b/view/sv/settings_nick_subdir.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..303c24df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/settings_nick_subdir.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+It appears that your website is located in a subdirectory of the
+$hostname website, so this setting may not work reliably.
If you have any issues, you may have better results using the profile address '$baseurl/profile/$nickname'.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/settings_nick_unset.tpl b/view/sv/settings_nick_unset.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..903768b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/settings_nick_unset.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Your profile URL is currently '$baseurl/profile/$uid'.
+Setting a nickname will allow a friendly profile URL such as
+Once set, it can never be changed. The nickname must start with a letter; and only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores are allowed.
diff --git a/view/sv/strings.php b/view/sv/strings.php
index 2fe95bc9..6685130b 100644
--- a/view/sv/strings.php
+++ b/view/sv/strings.php
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ $a->strings['December'] = 'december';
$a->strings['Birthdays this week:'] = 'Födelsedagar denna vecka:';
$a->strings["\x28Adjusted for local time\x29"] = "\x28Justerad till lokal tid\x29";
$a->strings['[today]'] = '[today]';
-$a->strings['link to source'] = 'länk till källa';
+$a->strings['link to source'] = 'link to source';
$a->strings['No recipient selected.'] = 'Ingen mottagare vald.';
$a->strings['[no subject]'] = '[no subject]';
$a->strings['Unable to locate contact information.'] = 'Hittar inga kontaktuppgifter.';
@@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ $a->strings['Could not access contact record.'] = 'Could not access contact reco
$a->strings['Could not locate selected profile.'] = 'Hittade inte vald profil.';
$a->strings['Contact updated.'] = 'Kontakten har uppdaterats.';
$a->strings['Failed to update contact record.'] = 'Failed to update contact record.';
-$a->strings['Contact has been '] = 'Kontakten ';
+$a->strings['Contact has been '] = 'Kontakt ';
$a->strings['blocked'] = 'spärrad';
$a->strings['unblocked'] = 'inte längre spärrad';
$a->strings['ignored'] = 'ignoreras';
$a->strings['unignored'] = 'ignoreras inte längre';
-$a->strings['stopped following'] = 'följer inte längre';
+$a->strings['stopped following'] = 'stopped following';
$a->strings['Contact has been removed.'] = 'Kontakten har tagits bort.';
$a->strings['Contact not found.'] = 'Kontakten hittades inte.';
$a->strings['Mutual Friendship'] = 'Ömsesidig vänskap';
@@ -142,40 +142,40 @@ $a->strings['No user record found for '] = 'No user record found for ';
$a->strings['Our site encryption key is apparently messed up.'] = 'Det är något fel på webbplatsens krypteringsnyckel.';
$a->strings['Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us.'] = 'Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us.';
$a->strings['Contact record was not found for you on our site.'] = 'Contact record was not found for you on our site.';
-$a->strings['The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again.'] = 'Det ID som angavs av ditt system är samma som på vårt system. Det borde fungera om du provar igen.';
+$a->strings['The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again.'] = 'The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again.';
$a->strings['Unable to set your contact credentials on our system.'] = 'Unable to set your contact credentials on our system.';
$a->strings['Unable to update your contact profile details on our system'] = 'Unable to update your contact profile details on our system';
$a->strings["Connection accepted at "] = "Connection accepted at ";
$a->strings['Administrator'] = 'Administratör';
$a->strings['noreply'] = 'noreply';
-$a->strings[' commented on an item at '] = ' har kommenterat ';
-$a->strings[" commented on an item at "] = " har kommenterat ";
+$a->strings[' commented on an item at '] = ' skrev en kommentar på ';
+$a->strings[" commented on an item at "] = " skrev en kommentar på ";
$a->strings[' welcomes '] = ' välkomnar ';
-$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Den här förfrågan har redan accepterats.";
+$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "This introduction has already been accepted.";
$a->strings['Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information.'] = 'Profiladressen är ogiltig eller innehåller ingen profilinformation.';
$a->strings['Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name.'] = 'Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name.';
$a->strings['Warning: profile location has no profile photo.'] = 'Warning: profile location has no profile photo.';
$a->strings[' required parameter'] = ' obligatoriskt fält';
-$a->strings[" was "] = " var ";
-$a->strings["s were "] = " var ";
+$a->strings[" was "] = " was ";
+$a->strings["s were "] = "s were ";
$a->strings["not found at the given location."] = "finns inte på platsen som angavs.";
$a->strings["Introduction complete."] = "Presentationen klar.";
-$a->strings['Unrecoverable protocol error.'] = 'Irreparabelt protokollfel.';
+$a->strings['Unrecoverable protocol error.'] = 'Unrecoverable protocol error.';
$a->strings['Profile unavailable.'] = 'Profilen är inte tillgänglig.';
-$a->strings[' has received too many connection requests today.'] = ' har tagit emot för många förfrågningar idag.';
-$a->strings['Spam protection measures have been invoked.'] = 'Åtgärder för skydd mot spam har aktiverats.';
+$a->strings[' has received too many connection requests today.'] = ' has received too many connection requests today.';
+$a->strings['Spam protection measures have been invoked.'] = 'Spam protection measures have been invoked.';
$a->strings['Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours.'] = 'Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours.';
$a->strings["Invalid locator"] = "Invalid locator";
$a->strings["Unable to resolve your name at the provided location."] = "Unable to resolve your name at the provided location.";
$a->strings['You have already introduced yourself here.'] = 'Du har redan presenterat dig här.';
$a->strings['Apparently you are already friends with .'] = 'Du är tydligen redan vän med .';
$a->strings['Invalid profile URL.'] = 'Ogiltig profil-URL.';
-$a->strings['Disallowed profile URL.'] = 'Otillåten profil-URL.';
+$a->strings['Disallowed profile URL.'] = 'Disallowed profile URL.';
$a->strings['Your introduction has been sent.'] = 'Presentationen har skickats.';
-$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Logga in för att acceptera förfrågan.";
+$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Please login to confirm introduction.";
$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this profile."] = "Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to this profile.";
$a->strings['[Name Withheld]'] = '[Name Withheld]';
-$a->strings['Friend/Connection Request'] = 'Vän- eller kontaktförfrågan';
+$a->strings['Friend/Connection Request'] = 'Friend/Connection Request';
$a->strings['Please answer the following:'] = 'Besvara följande, tack:';
$a->strings['Does $name know you?'] = 'Känner $name dig?';
$a->strings['Yes'] = 'Ja';
@@ -272,16 +272,16 @@ $a->strings['Remote privacy information not available.'] = 'Remote privacy infor
$a->strings['Visible to:'] = 'Synlig för:';
$a->strings['Password reset requested at '] = 'Lösenordsåterställning begärd kl ';
$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "Välkommen tillbaka ";
-$a->strings['Manage Identities and/or Pages'] = 'Ändra identitet eller sidor';
+$a->strings['Manage Identities and/or Pages'] = 'Manage Identities and/or Pages';
$a->strings["\x28Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details.\x29"] = "\x28Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details.\x29";
-$a->strings['Select an identity to manage: '] = 'Välj vilken identitet du vill ändra: ';
+$a->strings['Select an identity to manage: '] = 'Select an identity to manage: ';
$a->strings['Normal View'] = 'Normal vy';
$a->strings['New Item View'] = 'New Item View';
$a->strings['Share'] = 'Dela';
$a->strings['Insert YouTube video'] = 'Infoga klipp från YouTube';
$a->strings['Set your location'] = 'Ange plats';
$a->strings['Clear browser location'] = 'Clear browser location';
-$a->strings['Permission settings'] = 'Åtkomstinställningar';
+$a->strings['Permission settings'] = 'Permission settings';
$a->strings['No such group'] = 'Gruppen finns inte';
$a->strings['Group is empty'] = 'Gruppen är tom';
$a->strings['Group: '] = 'Grupp: ';
@@ -291,10 +291,10 @@ $a->strings['Discard'] = 'Kasta bort';
$a->strings['Ignore'] = 'Ignorera';
$a->strings['Show Ignored Requests'] = 'Show Ignored Requests';
$a->strings['Hide Ignored Requests'] = 'Hide Ignored Requests';
-$a->strings['Claims to be known to you: '] = 'Hävdar att du vet vem han/hon är: ';
+$a->strings['Claims to be known to you: '] = 'Claims to be known to you: ';
$a->strings['yes'] = 'ja';
$a->strings['no'] = 'nej';
-$a->strings['Approve as: '] = 'Godkänn som: ';
+$a->strings['Approve as: '] = 'Approve as: ';
$a->strings['Friend'] = 'Vän';
$a->strings['Fan/Admirer'] = 'Fan/Beundrare';
$a->strings['Notification type: '] = 'Notification type: ';
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ $a->strings['Profile Photos'] = 'Profilbilder';
$a->strings['Album not found.'] = 'Albumet finns inte.';
$a->strings['Delete Album'] = 'Ta bort album';
$a->strings['Delete Photo'] = 'Ta bort foto';
-$a->strings['was tagged in a'] = 'har taggats i';
+$a->strings['was tagged in a'] = 'was tagged in a';
$a->strings['by'] = 'av';
$a->strings['Image exceeds size limit of '] = 'Bilden överskrider den tillåtna storleken ';
$a->strings['Unable to process image.'] = 'Bilden kunde inte bahandlas.';
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ $a->strings['No photos selected'] = 'Inga foton har valts';
$a->strings['Upload Photos'] = 'Ladda upp foton';
$a->strings['New album name: '] = 'Nytt album med namn: ';
$a->strings['or existing album name: '] = 'eller befintligt album med namn: ';
-$a->strings['Permissions'] = 'Åtkomst';
+$a->strings['Permissions'] = 'Permissions';
$a->strings['Edit Album'] = 'Redigera album';
$a->strings['View Photo'] = 'Visa foto';
$a->strings['Photo not available'] = 'Fotot är inte tillgängligt';
@@ -328,10 +328,10 @@ $a->strings['Edit photo'] = 'Redigera foto';
$a->strings['View Full Size'] = 'Visa fullstor';
$a->strings['Tags: '] = 'Taggar: ';
$a->strings['[Remove any tag]'] = '[Remove any tag]';
-$a->strings['New album name'] = 'Nytt album med namn';
+$a->strings['New album name'] = 'New album name';
$a->strings['Caption'] = 'Caption';
$a->strings['Add a Tag'] = 'Lägg till tagg';
-$a->strings['Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping'] = 'Exempel: @adam, @Anna_Andersson, @johan@exempel.com, #Stockholm, #camping';
+$a->strings['Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping'] = 'Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping';
$a->strings['Recent Photos'] = 'Nyligen tillagda foton';
$a->strings['Upload New Photos'] = 'Ladda upp foton';
$a->strings['View Album'] = 'Titta i album';
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ $a->strings['Image size reduction [48] failed.'] = 'Fel när bildstorlek skulle
$a->strings['Unable to process image'] = 'Det gick inte att behandla bilden';
$a->strings['Image uploaded successfully.'] = 'Bilden har laddats upp.';
$a->strings['Image size reduction [640] failed.'] = 'Fel när bildstorlek skulle minskas [640].';
-$a->strings['Profile Name is required.'] = 'Profilen måste ha ett namn.';
+$a->strings['Profile Name is required.'] = 'Profile Name is required.';
$a->strings['Profile updated.'] = 'Profilen har uppdaterats.';
$a->strings['Profile deleted.'] = 'Profilen har tagits bort.';
$a->strings['Profile-'] = 'Profil-';
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ $a->strings['Profile unavailable to clone.'] = 'Det gick inte att klona profilen
$a->strings['This is your public profile. It may be visible to anybody using the internet.'] = 'Det här är din offentliga profil. Den kan vara synlig för vem som helst på internet.';
$a->strings['Age: '] = 'Ålder: ';
$a->strings['Profile Image'] = 'Profilbild';
-$a->strings['Invalid OpenID url'] = 'Ogiltig OpenID-URL';
+$a->strings['Invalid OpenID url'] = 'Ogiltig OpenID-url';
$a->strings['Please enter the required information.'] = 'Fyll i alla obligatoriska fält.';
$a->strings['Please use a shorter name.'] = 'Välj ett kortare namn.';
$a->strings['Name too short.'] = 'Namnet är för kort.';
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ $a->strings['Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Y
$a->strings['Choose a nickname: '] = 'Välj ett användarnamn: ';
$a->strings['Please login.'] = 'Logga in.';
$a->strings['Registration revoked for '] = 'Registration revoked for ';
-$a->strings['Account approved.'] = 'Kontot har godkänts.';
+$a->strings['Account approved.'] = 'Account approved.';
$a->strings['Remove My Account'] = 'Ta bort mitt konto';
$a->strings['This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable.'] = 'Detta kommer att ta bort kontot helt och hållet. Efter att det är gjort går det inte att återställa.';
$a->strings['Please enter your password for verification:'] = 'Ange lösenordet igen för jämförelse:';
@@ -398,12 +398,12 @@ $a->strings['Plugin Settings'] = 'Plugin Settings';
$a->strings['Account Settings'] = 'Kontoinställningar';
$a->strings['No Plugin settings configured'] = 'No Plugin settings configured';
$a->strings['OpenID: '] = 'OpenID: ';
-$a->strings[" \x28Optional\x29 Allow this OpenID to login to this account."] = " \x28Valfritt\x29 Tillåt inloggning med detta OpenID på det här kontot.";
+$a->strings[" \x28Optional\x29 Allow this OpenID to login to this account."] = " \x28Optional\x29 Allow this OpenID to login to this account.";
$a->strings['Profile is not published.'] = 'Profilen är inte publicerad.';
$a->strings['Default Post Permissions'] = 'Default Post Permissions';
$a->strings['Tag removed'] = 'Taggen har tagits bort';
-$a->strings['Remove Item Tag'] = 'Ta bort tagg';
-$a->strings['Select a tag to remove: '] = 'Välj vilken tagg som ska tas bort: ';
+$a->strings['Remove Item Tag'] = 'Remove Item Tag';
+$a->strings['Select a tag to remove: '] = 'Välj tagg som ska tas bort: ';
$a->strings['Remove'] = 'Ta bort';
$a->strings['No contacts.'] = 'Inga kontakter.';
$a->strings['Visible To:'] = 'Synlig för:';
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ $a->strings['Divorced'] = 'Skiljd';
$a->strings['Widowed'] = 'Widowed';
$a->strings['Uncertain'] = 'Uncertain';
$a->strings['Complicated'] = 'Komplicerat';
-$a->strings['Don\'t care'] = 'Bryr mig inte';
+$a->strings['Don\'t care'] = 'Don\'t care';
$a->strings['Ask me'] = 'Fråga mig';
$a->strings['Facebook disabled'] = 'Facebook disabled';
$a->strings['Facebook API key is missing.'] = 'Facebook API key is missing.';
@@ -511,10 +511,10 @@ $a->strings['Install Facebook post connector'] = 'Install Facebook post connecto
$a->strings['Remove Facebook post connector'] = 'Remove Facebook post connector';
$a->strings['Facebook'] = 'Facebook';
$a->strings['Facebook Connector Settings'] = 'Facebook Connector Settings';
-$a->strings['Post to Facebook'] = 'Lägg in på Facebook';
+$a->strings['Post to Facebook'] = 'Post to Facebook';
$a->strings['Image: '] = 'Bild: ';
$a->strings['Select files to upload: '] = 'Välj filer att ladda upp: ';
-$a->strings['Use the following controls only if the Java uploader [above] fails to launch.'] = 'Använd följande bara om javauppladdaren ovanför inte startar.';
+$a->strings['Use the following controls only if the Java uploader [above] fails to launch.'] = 'Use the following controls only if the Java uploader [above] fails to launch.';
$a->strings['Upload a file'] = 'Ladda upp fil';
$a->strings['Drop files here to upload'] = 'Dra filer som ska laddas upp hit';
$a->strings['Failed'] = 'Misslyckades';
@@ -525,36 +525,36 @@ $a->strings['File has an invalid extension, it should be one of '] = 'Otillåten
$a->strings['Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered'] = 'Serverfel eller avbruten uppladdning';
$a->strings['Randplace Settings'] = 'Randplace Settings';
$a->strings['Enable Randplace Plugin'] = 'Enable Randplace Plugin';
-$a->strings['Post to StatusNet'] = 'Lägg in på StatusNet';
+$a->strings['Post to StatusNet'] = 'Post to StatusNet';
$a->strings['StatusNet Posting Settings'] = 'StatusNet Posting Settings';
$a->strings['No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendika Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root. Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendika installation at your favorited StatusNet installation.'] = 'No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendika Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root. Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendika installation at your favorited StatusNet installation.';
$a->strings['OAuth Consumer Key'] = 'OAuth Consumer Key';
$a->strings['OAuth Consumer Secret'] = 'OAuth Consumer Secret';
$a->strings["Base API Path \x28remember the trailing /\x29"] = "Base API Path \x28remember the trailing /\x29";
$a->strings['To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet.'] = 'To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to StatusNet.';
-$a->strings['Log in with StatusNet'] = 'Logga in med StatusNet';
+$a->strings['Log in with StatusNet'] = 'Log in with StatusNet';
$a->strings['Copy the security code from StatusNet here'] = 'Copy the security code from StatusNet here';
-$a->strings['Currently connected to: '] = 'Ansluten till: ';
+$a->strings['Currently connected to: '] = 'Currently connected to: ';
$a->strings['If enabled all your public postings will be posted to the associated StatusNet account as well.'] = 'If enabled all your public postings will be posted to the associated StatusNet account as well.';
$a->strings['Send public postings to StatusNet'] = 'Send public postings to StatusNet';
$a->strings['Clear OAuth configuration'] = 'Clear OAuth configuration';
$a->strings['Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe'] = 'Tredimensionellt luffarschack';
$a->strings['3D Tic-Tac-Toe'] = '3D-luffarschack';
-$a->strings['New game'] = 'Ny spelomgång';
-$a->strings['New game with handicap'] = 'Ny spelomgång med handikapp';
-$a->strings['Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. '] = 'Det tredimensionella luffarschacket är precis som vanligt luffarschack förutom att det spelas i flera nivåer samtidigt. ';
-$a->strings['In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels.'] = 'Här är det tre nivåer. Man vinner om man får tre i rad på vilken nivå som helst, eller uppåt, nedåt eller diagonalt på flera nivåer.';
-$a->strings['The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage.'] = 'Om man spelar med handikapp så stängs mittenpositionen på mittennivån av eftersom spelare som väljer den positionen ofta får övertaget.';
-$a->strings['You go first...'] = 'Du börjar...';
-$a->strings['I\'m going first this time...'] = 'Jag börjar den här gången...';
-$a->strings['You won!'] = 'Du vann!';
+$a->strings['New game'] = 'New game';
+$a->strings['New game with handicap'] = 'New game with handicap';
+$a->strings['Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. '] = 'Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. ';
+$a->strings['In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels.'] = 'In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels.';
+$a->strings['The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage.'] = 'The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage.';
+$a->strings['You go first...'] = 'You go first...';
+$a->strings['I\'m going first this time...'] = 'I\'m going first this time...';
+$a->strings['You won!'] = 'You won!';
$a->strings['"Cat" game!'] = '"Cat" game!';
-$a->strings['I won!'] = 'Jag vann!';
-$a->strings['Post to Twitter'] = 'Lägg in på Twitter';
+$a->strings['I won!'] = 'I won!';
+$a->strings['Post to Twitter'] = 'Post to Twitter';
$a->strings['Twitter Posting Settings'] = 'Twitter Posting Settings';
$a->strings['No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator.'] = 'No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator.';
$a->strings['At this Friendika instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter.'] = 'At this Friendika instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your public posts will be posted to Twitter.';
-$a->strings['Copy the PIN from Twitter here'] = 'Ange PIN-koden från Twitter här';
+$a->strings['Copy the PIN from Twitter here'] = 'Copy the PIN from Twitter here';
$a->strings['If enabled all your public postings will be posted to the associated Twitter account as well.'] = 'If enabled all your public postings will be posted to the associated Twitter account as well.';
$a->strings['Send public postings to Twitter'] = 'Send public postings to Twitter';
$a->strings['Africa/Abidjan'] = 'Afrika/Abidjan';
@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ $a->strings['Israel'] = 'Israel';
$a->strings['Jamaica'] = 'Jamaica';
$a->strings['Japan'] = 'Japan';
$a->strings['Kwajalein'] = 'Kwajalein';
-$a->strings['Libya'] = 'Libyen';
+$a->strings['Libya'] = 'Libya';
$a->strings['MET'] = 'MET';
$a->strings['Mexico/BajaNorte'] = 'Mexico/BajaNorte';
$a->strings['Mexico/BajaSur'] = 'Mexico/BajaSur';
@@ -1095,7 +1095,7 @@ $a->strings['Pacific/Truk'] = 'Pacific/Truk';
$a->strings['Pacific/Wake'] = 'Pacific/Wake';
$a->strings['Pacific/Wallis'] = 'Pacific/Wallis';
$a->strings['Pacific/Yap'] = 'Pacific/Yap';
-$a->strings['Poland'] = 'Polen';
+$a->strings['Poland'] = 'Poland';
$a->strings['Portugal'] = 'Portugal';
$a->strings['PRC'] = 'PRC';
$a->strings['PST8PDT'] = 'PST8PDT';
diff --git a/view/sv/wall_received_eml.tpl b/view/sv/wall_received_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c296de78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/wall_received_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Dear $username,
+ '$from' posted something to your profile wall.
+Please login at $siteurl to view or delete the item:
+Thank you,
+ $sitename administrator
diff --git a/view/theme/duepuntozero/style.css b/view/theme/duepuntozero/style.css
index ce75655f..5db45921 100644
--- a/view/theme/duepuntozero/style.css
+++ b/view/theme/duepuntozero/style.css
@@ -927,6 +927,10 @@ input#dfrn-url {
margin-left: 10px;
+.editpost {
+ margin-left: 15px;
.wall-item-links-wrapper {
float: left;
diff --git a/view/theme/loozah/style.css b/view/theme/loozah/style.css
index 1c378793..0284bdcf 100644
--- a/view/theme/loozah/style.css
+++ b/view/theme/loozah/style.css
@@ -999,6 +999,10 @@ input#dfrn-url {
margin-left: 5px;
+.editpost {
+ margin-left: 15px;
.wall-item-links-wrapper {
float: left;
diff --git a/view/wall_item.tpl b/view/wall_item.tpl
index 5cae6b14..4c2a3fbf 100644
--- a/view/wall_item.tpl
+++ b/view/wall_item.tpl
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@