/* Jappix - An open social platform These are the autocompletion tools JS script for Jappix ------------------------------------------------- License: AGPL Author: Vanaryon Last revision: 12/11/10 */ // Sort an array with insensitivity to the case function caseInsensitiveSort(a, b) { // Put the two strings into lower case a = a.toLowerCase(); b = b.toLowerCase(); // Process the sort if(a > b) return 1; if(a < b) return -1; } // Creates an array with the autocompletion results function processAutocompletion(query, id) { // Replace forbidden characters in regex query = escapeRegex(query); // Create an empty array var results = new Array(); // Search in the roster $('#' + id + ' .user').each(function() { var nick = $(this).find('.name').text(); var regex = new RegExp('(^)' + query, 'gi'); if(nick.match(regex)) results.push(nick); }); // Sort the array results = results.sort(caseInsensitiveSort); // Return the results array return results; } // Resets the autocompletion tools function resetAutocompletion(hash) { $('#' + hash + ' .message-area').removeAttr('data-autocompletion-pointer').removeAttr('data-autocompletion-query'); } // Autocompletes the chat input nick function createAutocompletion(hash) { // Initialize var vSelector = $('#' + hash + ' .message-area'); var value = vSelector.val(); if(!value) resetAutocompletion(hash); var query = vSelector.attr('data-autocompletion-query'); // The autocompletion has not been yet launched if(query == undefined) { query = value; vSelector.attr('data-autocompletion-query', query); } // Get the pointer var pointer = vSelector.attr('data-autocompletion-pointer'); var i = 0; if(pointer) i = parseInt(pointer); // We get the nickname var nick = processAutocompletion(query, hash)[i]; // Shit, this is my nick! if((nick != undefined) && (nick.toLowerCase() == getMUCNick(hash).toLowerCase())) { // Increment i++; // Get the next nick nick = processAutocompletion(query, hash)[i]; } // We quote the nick if(nick != undefined) { // Increment i++; quoteMyNick(hash, nick); // Put a pointer vSelector.attr('data-autocompletion-pointer', i); } }