<?php function sanitise_acl(&$item) { $item = '<' . intval(notags(trim($item))) . '>'; } function item_post(&$a) { if((! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) return; require_once('include/security.php'); $uid = $_SESSION['uid']; $parent = ((x($_POST,'parent')) ? intval($_POST['parent']) : 0); $parent_item = null; if($parent) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parent) ); if(! count($r)) { notice("Unable to locate original post." . EOL); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/profile/$profile_uid"); } $parent_item = $r[0]; } $profile_uid = ((x($_POST,'profile_uid')) ? intval($_POST['profile_uid']) : 0); if(! can_write_wall($a,$profile_uid)) { notice("Permission denied." . EOL) ; return; } $str_group_allow = ''; $group_allow = $_POST['group_allow']; if(is_array($group_allow)) { array_walk($group_allow,'sanitise_acl'); $str_group_allow = implode('',$group_allow); } $str_contact_allow = ''; $contact_allow = $_POST['contact_allow']; if(is_array($contact_allow)) { array_walk($contact_allow,'sanitise_acl'); $str_contact_allow = implode('',$contact_allow); } $str_group_deny = ''; $group_deny = $_POST['group_deny']; if(is_array($group_deny)) { array_walk($group_deny,'sanitise_acl'); $str_group_deny = implode('',$group_deny); } $str_contact_deny = ''; $contact_deny = $_POST['contact_deny']; if(is_array($contact_deny)) { array_walk($contact_deny,'sanitise_acl'); $str_contact_deny = implode('',$contact_deny); } $body = escape_tags(trim($_POST['body'])); if(! strlen($body)) { notice("Empty post discarded." . EOL ); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/profile/$profile_uid"); } if((x($_SESSION,'visitor_id')) && (intval($_SESSION['visitor_id']))) $contact_id = $_SESSION['visitor_id']; else { $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval($_SESSION['uid'])); if(count($r)) $contact_id = $r[0]['id']; } $notify_type = (($parent) ? 'comment-new' : 'wall-new' ); if($_POST['type'] == 'jot') { do { $dups = false; $hash = random_string(); $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `hash` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($hash)); if(count($r)) $dups = true; } while($dups == true); $r = q("INSERT INTO `item` (`uid`,`type`,`contact-id`,`created`,`edited`,`hash`,`body`, `allow_cid`, `allow_gid`, `deny_cid`, `deny_gid`) VALUES( %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", intval($profile_uid), "jot", intval($contact_id), datetime_convert(), datetime_convert(), dbesc($hash), dbesc(escape_tags(trim($_POST['body']))), dbesc($str_contact_allow), dbesc($str_group_allow), dbesc($str_contact_deny), dbesc($str_group_deny) ); $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `hash` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($hash)); if(count($r)) { $post_id = $r[0]['id']; if($parent) { // This item is the last leaf and gets the comment box, clear any ancestors $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = 0 WHERE `parent` = %d ", intval($parent) ); // Inherit ACL's from the parent item. // TODO merge with subsequent UPDATE operation and save a db write $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($parent_item['allow_cid']), dbesc($parent_item['allow_gid']), dbesc($parent_item['deny_cid']), dbesc($parent_item['deny_gid']), intval($post_id) ); } else { $parent = $post_id; } $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `parent` = %d, `last-child` = 1, `visible` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parent), intval($post_id)); } $url = bin2hex($a->get_baseurl()); proc_close(proc_open("php include/notifier.php $url $notify_type $post_id > notify.log &", array(),$foo)); } goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/profile/$profile_uid"); }