page['aside'] .= group_side(); if($a->config['register_policy'] != REGISTER_CLOSED) $a->page['aside'] .= ''; } function contacts_post(&$a) { if(! local_user()) return; $contact_id = intval($a->argv[1]); if(! $contact_id) return; $orig_record = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($contact_id), intval(get_uid()) ); if(! count($orig_record)) { notice( t('Could not access contact record.') . EOL); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/contacts'); return; // NOTREACHED } $profile_id = intval($_POST['profile-assign']); if($profile_id) { $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `profile` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_id), intval(get_uid()) ); if(! count($r)) { notice( t('Could not locate selected profile.') . EOL); return; } } $priority = intval($_POST['priority']); if($priority > 5 || $priority < 0) $priority = 0; $rating = intval($_POST['reputation']); if($rating > 5 || $rating < 0) $rating = 0; $reason = notags(trim($_POST['reason'])); $r = q("UPDATE `contact` SET `profile-id` = %d, `priority` = %d , `rating` = %d, `reason` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_id), intval($priority), intval($rating), dbesc($reason), intval($contact_id), intval(get_uid()) ); if($r) notice( t('Contact updated.') . EOL); else notice( t('Failed to update contact record.') . EOL); return; } function contacts_content(&$a) { $o .= ''; if(! local_user()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } if($a->argc == 3) { $contact_id = intval($a->argv[1]); if(! $contact_id) return; $cmd = $a->argv[2]; $orig_record = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($contact_id), intval(get_uid()) ); if(! count($orig_record)) { notice( t('Could not access contact record.') . EOL); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/contacts'); return; // NOTREACHED } if($cmd == 'block') { $blocked = (($orig_record[0]['blocked']) ? 0 : 1); $r = q("UPDATE `contact` SET `blocked` = %d WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($blocked), intval($contact_id), intval(get_uid()) ); if($r) { notice( t('Contact has been ') . (($blocked) ? t('blocked') : t('unblocked')) . EOL ); } goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/contacts/' . $contact_id); return; // NOTREACHED } if($cmd == 'ignore') { $readonly = (($orig_record[0]['readonly']) ? 0 : 1); $r = q("UPDATE `contact` SET `readonly` = %d WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($readonly), intval($contact_id), intval(get_uid()) ); if($r) { notice( t('Contact has been ') . (($readonly) ? t('ignored') : t('unignored')) . EOL ); } goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/contacts/' . $contact_id); return; // NOTREACHED } if($cmd == 'drop') { contact_remove($contact_id); notice( t('Contact has been removed.') . EOL ); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/contacts'); return; // NOTREACHED } } if(($a->argc == 2) && intval($a->argv[1])) { $contact_id = intval($a->argv[1]); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d and `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval(get_uid()), intval($contact_id) ); if(! count($r)) { notice( t('Contact not found.') . EOL); return; } require_once('view/contact_selectors.php'); $tpl = file_get_contents("view/contact_edit.tpl"); switch($r[0]['rel']) { case REL_BUD: $dir_icon = 'images/lrarrow.gif'; $alt_text = t('Mutual Friendship'); break; case REL_VIP; $dir_icon = 'images/larrow.gif'; $alt_text = t('is a fan of yours'); break; case REL_FAN; $dir_icon = 'images/rarrow.gif'; $alt_text = t('you are a fan of'); break; default: break; } $o .= replace_macros($tpl,array( '$poll_interval' => contact_poll_interval($r[0]['priority']), '$last_update' => (($r[0]['last-update'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ? t('Never') : datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$r[0]['last-update'],'D, j M Y, g:i A')), '$profile_select' => contact_profile_assign($r[0]['profile-id']), '$contact_id' => $r[0]['id'], '$block_text' => (($r[0]['blocked']) ? t('Unblock this contact') : t('Block this contact') ), '$ignore_text' => (($r[0]['readonly']) ? t('Unignore this contact') : t('Ignore this contact') ), '$blocked' => (($r[0]['blocked']) ? '
' . t('Currently blocked') . '
' : ''), '$ignored' => (($r[0]['readonly']) ? '
' . t('Currently ignored') . '
' : ''), '$rating' => contact_reputation($r[0]['rating']), '$reason' => $r[0]['reason'], '$groups' => '', // group_selector(), '$photo' => $r[0]['photo'], '$name' => $r[0]['name'], '$dir_icon' => $dir_icon, '$alt_text' => $alt_text, '$url' => (($r[0]['rel'] != REL_FAN) ? "redir/{$r[0]['id']}" : $r[0]['url'] ) )); return $o; } if(($a->argc == 2) && ($a->argv[1] == 'all')) $sql_extra = ''; else $sql_extra = " AND `blocked` = 0 "; $search = ((x($_GET,'search')) ? notags(trim($_GET['search'])) : ''); $tpl = file_get_contents("view/contacts-top.tpl"); $o .= replace_macros($tpl,array( '$hide_url' => ((strlen($sql_extra)) ? 'contacts/all' : 'contacts' ), '$hide_text' => ((strlen($sql_extra)) ? t('Show Blocked Connections') : t('Hide Blocked Connections')), '$search' => $search, '$finding' => (strlen($search) ? '

' . t('Finding: ') . "'" . $search . "'" . '

' : ""), '$submit' => t('Find'), '$cmd' => $a->cmd )); if($search) $search = dbesc($search.'*'); $sql_extra .= ((strlen($search)) ? " AND MATCH `name` AGAINST ('$search' IN BOOLEAN MODE) " : ""); $sql_extra2 = ((($sort_type > 0) && ($sort_type <= REL_BUD)) ? sprintf(" AND `rel` = %d ",intval($sort_type)) : ''); $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `pending` = 0 $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ", intval($_SESSION['uid'])); if(count($r)) $a->set_pager_total($r[0]['total']); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `pending` = 0 $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT %d , %d ", intval($_SESSION['uid']), intval($a->pager['start']), intval($a->pager['itemspage']) ); if(count($r)) { $tpl = file_get_contents("view/contact_template.tpl"); foreach($r as $rr) { if($rr['self']) continue; switch($rr['rel']) { case REL_BUD: $dir_icon = 'images/lrarrow.gif'; $alt_text = t('Mutual Friendship'); break; case REL_VIP; $dir_icon = 'images/larrow.gif'; $alt_text = t('is a fan of yours'); break; case REL_FAN; $dir_icon = 'images/rarrow.gif'; $alt_text = t('you are a fan of'); break; default: break; } $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array( '$img_hover' => t('Visit ') . $rr['name'] . t('\'s profile'), '$edit_hover' => t('Edit contact'), '$id' => $rr['id'], '$alt_text' => $alt_text, '$dir_icon' => $dir_icon, '$thumb' => $rr['thumb'], '$name' => $rr['name'], '$url' => (($rr['rel'] != REL_FAN) ? "redir/{$rr['id']}" : $rr['url'] ) )); } $o .= '
'; } $o .= paginate($a); return $o; }