appMode = $mode; } /** * Load the configuration files * * First loads the default value for all the configuration keys, then the legacy configuration files, then the * expected local.config.php * * @param IConfigCache The config cache to load to * * @throws \Exception */ public function loadConfigFiles(IConfigCache $config) { $config->load($this->loadCoreConfig('defaults')); $config->load($this->loadCoreConfig('settings')); $config->load($this->loadLegacyConfig('htpreconfig'), true); $config->load($this->loadLegacyConfig('htconfig'), true); $config->load($this->loadCoreConfig('local'), true); // In case of install mode, add the found basepath (because there isn't a basepath set yet if ($this->appMode->isInstall()) { // Setting at least the basepath we know $config->set('system', 'basepath', $this->baseDir); } } /** * Tries to load the specified core-configuration and returns the config array. * * @param string $name The name of the configuration (default is empty, which means 'local') * * @return array The config array (empty if no config found) * * @throws \Exception if the configuration file isn't readable */ public function loadCoreConfig($name = '') { if (!empty($this->getConfigFullName($name))) { return $this->loadConfigFile($this->getConfigFullName($name)); } elseif (!empty($this->getIniFullName($name))) { return $this->loadINIConfigFile($this->getIniFullName($name)); } else { return []; } } /** * Tries to load the specified addon-configuration and returns the config array. * * @param string $name The name of the configuration * * @return array The config array (empty if no config found) * * @throws \Exception if the configuration file isn't readable */ public function loadAddonConfig($name) { $filepath = $this->baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . // /var/www/html/ Addon::DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . // addon/ $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . // openstreetmap/ self::SUBDIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . // config/ $name . ".config.php"; // openstreetmap.config.php if (file_exists($filepath)) { return $this->loadConfigFile($filepath); } else { return []; } } /** * Tries to load the legacy config files (.htconfig.php, .htpreconfig.php) and returns the config array. * * @param string $name The name of the config file (default is empty, which means .htconfig.php) * * @return array The configuration array (empty if no config found) * * @deprecated since version 2018.09 */ private function loadLegacyConfig($name = '') { $config = []; if (!empty($this->getHtConfigFullName($name))) { $a = new \stdClass(); $a->config = []; include $this->getHtConfigFullName($name); $htConfigCategories = array_keys($a->config); // map the legacy configuration structure to the current structure foreach ($htConfigCategories as $htConfigCategory) { if (is_array($a->config[$htConfigCategory])) { $keys = array_keys($a->config[$htConfigCategory]); foreach ($keys as $key) { $config[$htConfigCategory][$key] = $a->config[$htConfigCategory][$key]; } } else { $config['config'][$htConfigCategory] = $a->config[$htConfigCategory]; } } unset($a); if (isset($db_host)) { $config['database']['hostname'] = $db_host; unset($db_host); } if (isset($db_user)) { $config['database']['username'] = $db_user; unset($db_user); } if (isset($db_pass)) { $config['database']['password'] = $db_pass; unset($db_pass); } if (isset($db_data)) { $config['database']['database'] = $db_data; unset($db_data); } if (isset($config['system']['db_charset'])) { $config['database']['charset'] = $config['system']['db_charset']; } if (isset($pidfile)) { $config['system']['pidfile'] = $pidfile; unset($pidfile); } if (isset($default_timezone)) { $config['system']['default_timezone'] = $default_timezone; unset($default_timezone); } if (isset($lang)) { $config['system']['language'] = $lang; unset($lang); } } return $config; } /** * Tries to load the specified legacy configuration file and returns the config array. * * @deprecated since version 2018.12 * @param string $filepath * * @return array The configuration array * @throws \Exception */ private function loadINIConfigFile($filepath) { $contents = include($filepath); $config = parse_ini_string($contents, true, INI_SCANNER_TYPED); if ($config === false) { throw new \Exception('Error parsing INI config file ' . $filepath); } return $config; } /** * Tries to load the specified configuration file and returns the config array. * * The config format is PHP array and the template for configuration files is the following: * * [ * 'key' => 'value', * ], * ]; * * @param string $filepath The filepath of the * @return array The config array0 * * @throws \Exception if the config cannot get loaded. */ private function loadConfigFile($filepath) { $config = include($filepath); if (!is_array($config)) { throw new \Exception('Error loading config file ' . $filepath); } return $config; } }